PLEASE HELP!!! Is a Cane Corso X Presa Canario classed as a 'dangerous dog' in UK??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Presa Canario' started by Traceyxxx, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Malady


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    I've had crossbreeds in the past and at the time, I thought that purebreds were unhealthier, more prone to temperament problems, and only for snobby show people who wanted to show off !!

    Why ?? Because that's what a lot of the general public think, after years of myths of the dog world !

    Some people genuinely don't know any different and these thoughts are still prevalent today, I hear it all the time, so I for one personally, was questoning the OP, as they too may not know any difference in health, temperament etc, and may be under the impression that the old myths are still true.

    I dont see where anyone critisised, they just gave opinions on the dogs in question and brought up queries about the cross breeding of them.

    To anyone who's new to the dog world, this thread could have proved very valuable for the information given regarding the ethics, health, temperament of dogs re breeding etc.

    I wish someone had taught me all of this important stuff years ago, and I still wish people would teach it now so that the general public were more aware of buying a dog.
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  3. bajaluna


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    well I like my mongrels I have alot less trouble healthwise,all of my vet bills stem from my purebreds
    I will never get another purebred
  4. Stormey

    Stormey New Member

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    No maybe not, but they were given an opinion on something that the op did not ask for. I have opinions on lots of things dogs or otherwise that I keep to my self until a thread is opened covering that or I choose to open one my self.
  5. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Well say all you will, its NOT difficult to find out what breeds are on the DDA, just google it, it doesnt need asking on a public forum where ethical and responsible is persued! To me, well, speaks of the OP NOT understanding the FIRST thing about EITHER of the breeds they are looking at!
  6. Stormey

    Stormey New Member

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    So from now on new users should not ask a question incase it may upset users already on the board?
  7. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    How about a novice owners section, where such questions can be percieved in a way in which they are SUPPOSEDLY meant?
  8. Stormey

    Stormey New Member

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    And how long do they stay a novice? Until they agree with everything they are told by some despite them being wrong?
  9. Malady


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    Stormey people stay Novices, until they are educated otherwise.

    How on earth are people supposed to ask questions about something when they aren't aware that there is a problem in the first place.

    Years ago I was totally unaware that ethical breeding existed.

    How would I have gone on to a forum and asked about something I'm not aware of exists ?

    THAT is why people, including myself, offer MORE than just a response to the question ! Because if people seem niave or uneducated, we are here to help.

    there is nothing wrong with that, and the OP doesn't seem to have a problem with it either, only you !
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Now who's being awkward? :smt002 You asked a question, I answered it.
  11. Stormey

    Stormey New Member

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    First off I know what a novice is, I was using sarcasam.

    Dont get me wrong, If someone asks a question It is sometimes good to give a more informed answer but only if the the question they asked was answered, in this case it wasnt.

    And also a new users comes on and is made to feel welcomed they are more likely to stay and learn about all the ins and outs of the dog world, I dont think ignoring the question being asked and wanting to know why she wants a mongrel(like they are a lesser sort of dog) is not making someone welcome imo.
  12. Malady


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    Stormey, the question was answered, before any questions about crossbreeding, so I don't see the problem !

    People just added on their queries that's all !
  13. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    There you go again Stormey, what is wrong with mongrels? is it just the name you dont like? I had no problems with my mongrels, one was a bit of everything, the other was a Border Collie cross Jack Russell, you must forgive me for calling him a mongrel, perhaps I should of said "Borderussell" I call my dogs mongrels or mutts every day, dont know what your problem is.
  14. Stormey

    Stormey New Member

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    What are you on about, you were the one who asked why they were getting a mongrel instead of a pedigree, so why did you ask this question? It had nothing to do with the question asked, in fact it has nothing to do with anything if they are choosing a mongrel over a pedigree, as they are both dogs.

    Maybe you should read over my posts on this subject in the past, I have made clear I love mongrels, crossbreeds, mutts or dare I say it doodles and feel they are given a rough time by alot of doggy people, just for not being pure.

    I agree there is a lot of breeders of crosses who are discusting who breed for money, but that can be said about some breeders of pedigrees.
  15. Malady


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    BUT.....ALL breeders who breed DDs and Oodles, breed for money, whereas Ethical breeders of pedigrees breed for he betterment of their breed.

    It's lining the pockets of the scum that people don't like, and there is nothing moral about wanting to purposely buy a crossbreed, which will be bred without health, conformation, temperament etc taking into consideration, just for the money, because the demand is there !

    It's wrong on so many levels, and will never be accepted by people who genuinely care for the future of dogs.
  16. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    But its you that seems to have the "issue" with mongrels, its only you that keeps on about it! My feelings stand, if a person doesnt know anything about the breeds they are supposed to be buying, even whether they are legal or not, IMO they shouldnt have one, CROSSBREED or not! A public dog forum shouldnt be their first port of call, you would of thought (or at least I do) that the breeder wouold of been a good starting point!
  17. Amie

    Amie New Member

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    I don't really care what the breeding of any Dog is.
    I love them all, but I have a real problem with breeders churning out Dogs calling them something stupid and charging top Dollar for them.

    We are all, I hope Dog Lovers and should be pointing people into going to responsible Breeders for pedigrees or Rescues if they want a cross breed .

    Nobody that cares about Dogs would deliberately add to the already massive problem of Rescues full to bursting with X breeds and them being pts daily!! surely?.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2007
  18. Stormey

    Stormey New Member

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    Yeah I do have an issue with them, the bad time they get.

    A breeder would be a good port of call, but you know as well as me some breeders are a bit "suspect" so a friendly board maybe a good place to go. The best way imo would have been to say, what dogs are on the list. and point them in way of more about the both breeds and like I said if they have other questions just ask. Wanting to know why they want a mongrel instead of a pedigree is not helpful or freindly IMO.

    I think we should draw a line under this now as 1, we are going in circles and I am getting dizzy and 2, we will never agree, its rare as rocking horse poo we do.
  19. lisak

    lisak New Member

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    HI Hun - as u will have gathered by now they r not on the dd list. The big issue is proving they are what u say as eg a lot of the dd dogs are being past of as presa's i went onto defras site -government site on d/dogs there laws 2 follow eg registering / chipping/ & more might be worth a look up! good luck with your new addition - lisa (mummy 2 a presa)
  20. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Thats where my search for this pup would of ended, when that wasnt an option!

    Im dizzy too! :smt001
  21. Stormey

    Stormey New Member

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    I wouldnt say all breeders, many are I admit but not all. There are Ethical breeders of doodles(you would have to look hard) like there is pedigrees, Just like there are scummy breeders of both.

    I genuinely care for the future of dogs, but I would rarther weedle out the scummy breeders of both types than just say one type of cross is wrong whatever.

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