PLEASE HELP!!! Is a Cane Corso X Presa Canario classed as a 'dangerous dog' in UK??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Presa Canario' started by Traceyxxx, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Rhubarb! I have had 2 mongrels whats wrong with that? its when people put "oodles" and "poos" on the end of dogs breeds that dont exist we have all the problems! This wasnt the welcome thread either! Im sorry if you think crossbreeding all these different dogs is ok, I dont, if people bought a dog in the first place that suited them there wouldnt be the problems we have in rescue at present would there, and also whats wrong with asking the breeder of these dogs what they are like? why ask strangers on a public forum, and why would a responsible breeder consider selling to a person that feels the need to do so!
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  3. Amie

    Amie New Member

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    I think everyone has a right to say, that it may be better to get a Dog that is health tested etc. I'm sure most Dogs crossed with Different breeds are not tested maybe wrong;-) but Im sure they are still charged a huge amount:?

    The OP does not need to listen to a word of our advice:grin:

    If someone is put off buying a deliberately crossed breed than great IMHO.

    If the OP still decides to go down this route, I'm sure everybody on this broad will welcome her and offer all the help needed when she gets her pup:grin
  4. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    If the OP wants a cross then go for it I'm genuinely intrigued why she feels a cross of these two is more suitable than either of the parent breeds, a perfectly genuine question, no hidden agenda.
  5. Colin


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    The problem is because none of that is relevant to her question.

    Now if she had asked "What's everyone's opinion of buying a Cane Corso X Presa Canario then your response would of been fine, but that wasn't the question.

    The way your original response to her question reads is that you are undermining her decision to buy this particular dog, and whether we personally agree with her decision or not (i.e.: pedigrees verses crossbreeds), it is not our place to say so. That her decision.

    As you have just said you have got 2 mongrels yourself, so I really don't understand what difference it makes to anyone what the dog is breed wise, so long as its loved.

    Plus something you have not taken into consideration is the fact that as you don't know this person personally how do you know that she is not suited to them. For all we know she could of been on the net and talking to this breeder doing loads of research before hand, but just want clarification concerning any changes in the dangerous dog act.

    All I am trying to say that it is wrong of any of us to jump to conclusion about someone else's reasons for wanting to do or have something without knowing all the circumstances.
  6. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    We have no idea as to her experience and there is no way I'd recommend anyone getting either of these breeds nor a cross of them unless they were very dog savvy otherwise that's anther one going to end up in rescue.
  7. Colin


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    Now that's a much better way of asking the queston.

    Well done Becky!
  8. mishflynn


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    I just Presumed she had seen a advert/been offered a pup of this x, not that she had been seeking out a "pup" of this x? Maybe whilst looking for a pup of a bull breed.:?:
  9. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    Welcome to Dogsey:grin:

    Neither of these breeds are on the dangerous dogs list:grin:

    I wish you lots of luck in your search for a puppy, whatever it's breed;-)

    I am the proud owner of a crossbreed/mongrel, and have always have had them aswell as pedigrees. All of my dogs have/did have fantastic natures and stunning looks, and good health:mrgreen:

    Have a go at the person who purposely bred the pups, not a person who is offering to give one a home.
  10. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    and therein lies the problem, if no-one bought them then no-one would breed them but whilst there are people willing to buy deliberately produced crosses then it will never go away.
  11. Amie

    Amie New Member

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    I have cross breeds too I don't think that's the issue really:grin:

    If people stopped buying off breeders that purposely breed crosses than there would be no point in them being bred.
  12. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    But no one knows these were deliberately cross bred do they???? Perhaps it was anaccident? They do happen...
  13. Moonstone

    Moonstone New Member

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    I agree too, but the puppies are now here. what else should be done with them? I don't know all the answers, I just felt for the OP on her first post asking a simple question, and it has caused this debate. Sometimes it takes someone a lot to ask a question on a forum when you are new:grin: Several threads by new members have had the poor OP probally feeling like poo.

    Perhaps another thread should be started about the cross breed breeders?
  14. Amie

    Amie New Member

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    Yes true accidents do happen, if you look though the paper nearly every other litter was a accidental Mating.

    Agree tho that it does not state whether it was bred accidentally or not, so will apologise for just assuming its from a irresponsible breeder.

    When I read this back it sounds a bit sarcastic it not meant tooxx
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2007
  15. Amie

    Amie New Member

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    I hope nobody ever feels like poo;-) But I have to, if I read a thread about someone wanting/breeding crosses to try and advice against it especially if its from a breeder.

    I have nothing at all against cross breeds at all:grin: have two and love them as much as my Leos.
    I read of the 1000's of Dog being PTS yearly so can not condone breeding of this nature.
    I hope that does not upset anyone but that's how I feel.
  16. IJF

    IJF New Member

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    Neither of these breeds are restricted in the UK by the dangerous dogs act.
  17. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    I think the OP was not just asking, if they are on the DDA, but also asking opinions on these X breeds, and as far as I can see thats what people are an opinion. that is what happens on public forums.
  18. Colin


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    A question is one thing, but a criticism is something else.
  19. Petticoat

    Petticoat New Member

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    I have nothing against X breeds at all, though do have a major problems with the amount of money that changes hands for the 'designer' type:evil: As far as I know they are not a DD, but who knows when the law will change, again:roll: What I would say is, I would only consider one if I had the time, patience and commitment to handle a strong, self willed dog...:grin: Good luck with whatever you decide
  20. Tee

    Tee New Member

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    Tee lol
    I don't understand why people are making an issue of the fact that the OP is asking about this particular cross in a CROSSBREED SECTION. Hello! Threads in this particular section are bound to mention mixedbreeds and mongrels, are they not?

    I agree totally with Colin. It's got nothing to do with anyone else whether the OP wants a crossbreed as opposed to a KC reg, purebreed.
  21. Amie

    Amie New Member

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    Nobody said it has to be KC reg purebreed;-)

    And everyone is entitled to have a opinion If the OP listens is up to her:grin:.

    Would be a boring forum if we all agreed and sometimes other people opinions are worth hearing even if you don't agree.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2007

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