How many dogsey members have got jack russells or parson russell Photos

Discussion in 'Jack Russell Terrier' started by sjpurt, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Gemma27

    Gemma27 New Member

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    Macman: Squirrel is absolutely beautiful! As is Tonto BeckyC. Russell Terriers are just the most gorgeous aren't they!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2008
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  3. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    oh my Squirrel is a sweety and so is tonto, love our russells :)
  4. JacekPacek

    JacekPacek New Member

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    add my two




    dont mean to offend anyone, really. just want to ask. do you really believe those dogs are jack russells?
  5. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    no offece take hun jrtsdo comein all shapes and sizes, the little choc coloured is a jrt as she has come form the breeder as m carlsberg she is more a broken then smooth coat. love your 2 PRTS hun what sweeties you have.
  6. JacekPacek

    JacekPacek New Member

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    White should predominate (i.e., must be more than 51% white) with tan, black, or brown markings.

    this is taken from the standard.
    i show parsons, and nowhere i have seen jack nor parson that is coloured more than allowed. i have seen heavily coloured or coated jacks.of course i know there are non-show dogs also. but chocolate colour is not even jack russell colour.

    white colour is breed's specific. and it can not happen that "chocolate" gene bursts up after generations of breeding. because they dont have it.

    if that breeder wanted to go in another trend and mixed another breed in, to colour his jacks, that is fine.
    but they can not be called Jack russells and sold as such.

    its ok, i just wanted to know if they knew they bought russell mix, or were they tricked.

    i had newfoundland mix dog. i was madly proud of im an he was the greatest for me.
    it is my oppinion that people should know what they have, i know i would.

    all coloured jack or parson is like boxer with long nose or great dane with long hair and 30cms height.
    and no, jack russells dont come in all shape and sizes. they are: between 10" and 15" at the withers. The body length must be in proportion to the height, and it should present a compact, balanced image, always being in solid, hard condition.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2008
  7. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    yes that would be true hun but the choc girl is not a stadard jrt she is a pocket, so much smaller an yes to get the pocket jrt there was a lot of mixed breeds to start with. but she is a jrt just not a standard one.
  8. JacekPacek

    JacekPacek New Member

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    ok i will settle with that and be quiet now :lol:
    thx for the patience :smt001
  9. jackpat

    jackpat New Member

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    Awww I want one does that count?
  10. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    no probs hun thanks for pointing it out hun :)
  11. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    might just let
  12. MissE


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    JacekPacek, I had never heard of pocket jacks either until I came on here.
    It seems they were bred by one particular kennel and have their own standard, which allows for "classic" colours and "other" colours.

    from their website I quote
    A pocket or poacher's pocket is not recognised by any kennel club, terrier association or other official body. the definition of the term is a small breed of terrier dog bred by....(kennel name)

    Had me confused seeing chocolate jacks and ginger jacks, as I too always believed standard was 51% white.

    Anyways, the ones we've seen are certainly cute little terriers :grin:
  13. macman

    macman New Member

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    Not wanting to teach my granny to suck eggs ;) but from what I've seen there are LOADS of different coloured little terrier type and terrier mix dogs that are classed as JRT's by their owners/breeders. Here in the UK (not sure about other countries) the JRT is not an officially recognised breed so there isn't really a breed standard or register of pedigrees etc...they are all, I guess, terrier type cross breeds.

    The PRT on the other hand is an official breed, with a breed standard and full KC registration, so there is much more consistency in type and this harps back to the original type of dog as sought by John (Jack) Russell when the breed was first established, his aim was for a tenacious terrier that could go to ground but could also run with the foxhounds and horses on a hunt...i.e...they had to have legs! :)

    Either way, they are all super little characters that bring a lot of joy to people :) We are really enjoying Squirrel and I'm hoping she will make a useful little flyball and show dog when she grows up too.
  14. Gemma27

    Gemma27 New Member

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    My thanks to SJPurt for backing our corner and answering jacetpacets concerns about our chocolate Jack Russell and we might have been somehow 'tricked'.

    She was sold to us as a pocket JRT. She was one of a litter of 5, 3 were predomiately white and 2 were predomiately chocolate.
    She is now 18 months old and a strapping 11.5 inches tall and perfectly proportioned.
    She may not be 'standard' because of her chocolate colour body and nose but having owned many JRTs over the years, she is a JRT in every sense that matters.
    To reassure jacketpacket, she was perfect the moment we saw her and she has got better every day since.
    Thanks for your concern though.
  15. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    you are welcome hun no worrys.:)
  16. JacekPacek

    JacekPacek New Member

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    i didnt know about that the JRT is not an officially recognised breed in the UK.

    just how can she be pocket JRT at 11.5 inches when normal JRT standard says : measuring between 10" and 15" at the withers.

    sorry i just hate pocketing breeds and intentionally mixing breeds so much i just cant stay quiet seeing multi breed being called JRT

    Gama72, i have no doubt in that:
    she was perfect the moment we saw her and she has got better every day since.
    Thanks for your concern though.
  17. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    hi hun, ifound this for you to have a look at it the breed standrd for the pocket/poachers jack russell maybe this will help with any questions.

    this tells you every thing from how they came about there own breed standard ect.

    hope this helps.

    but yes a pocket is no bigger than 10inch. 11inch is a minature jrt. but this can happen even if the parents are pockets.
  18. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    i would also like to say the kennels namedis where i got Carlsberg from. well get some up to date pics tom ad post for you to see.
  19. eilidhsmum

    eilidhsmum New Member

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    i have one jack russell (my 2nd) and a scottie. my jack is called eilidh
  20. sjpurt

    sjpurt New Member

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    hi there hun love the name could you post a pic for us to see please. :)
  21. macman

    macman New Member

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    I'm with you I have to say....I'm not too comfortable with these mini and toy Aussies that seem to be cropping up everywhere. Since Aussies are a relatively 'new' breed it's understandable that there will still be quite a variation in size...breeders SHOULD be trying to breed to the standard though to improve breed type not each trying to achieve their own type! defeats the object of having a standard in the first place!

    The point I was trying to make though is that because the JRT is not a registered breed here in the UK they are, for all intents and purposes, ALL cross or multibreeds because the JRT isn't actually a KC recognised breed (if you know what I mean)

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