Hi all! Just wondered what was the difference between Utes & NIs? Also why did you choose a Ute over a NI or Vice versa? Whic Are more popular? Im just being nosey,not trying to start WW3, just want to learn!
here are a few threads that have already covered the subject.. http://www.dogsey.com/showthread.php?t=59958 http://www.dogsey.com/showthread.php?t=56614 http://www.dogsey.com/showthread.php?t=38556 The reason i personally chose the NI is i thought they looked more wolfy looking on the whole... but both very beautiful breeds.
So it seems! Its a shame id really like to learn, im very interested in lines, breed type , colour etc etc (in all breeds) & as there are so many Passionate owners on here id love to learn more about their dogs,Why ,how etc
Mish, it is a question I have often wondered. I was not sure what sort of answers there would be though so I had held back. Ok, so for us Dogsey people who would like more FACTS and PICS fire away.;-)
Invariably, this question almost always turns into WW3. Suffice it to say, I was hooked on N.I from the first time I saw em, who knows what would have happened If I'd seen the Ute first
OK, perhaps it should be looked at from a 'Standard' point of view, maybe that would help a little. They must each have different standards, and I don't know either, but maybe someone who owns them could just state the standard differences. For example people always ask me whats the difference between Malamutes and Sibes (Huskies), so I just explain the physical standard differences, and then some of the character breed trait differences. It would help if someone here knew both breeds therefore looking at it objectively.