Boxers with tails - speed and manouverability? Questions

Discussion in 'Boxer' started by IsoChick, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    Boxers with tails - speed and manouverability?

    Whilst we were on holiday, Max came across a couple of lurchers and a greyhound on the beach who we let him play with. He managed to outrun all 3 of them, in a straight line and on a curve :shock:

    We noticed that he uses his tail in the same way they do, which of course a docked Boxer can't.

    The other dogs owners were really shocked that he could run that fast... :lol:

    Is there a possibility that having a full tail helps with speed/balance/manoeverability? Or is it just that Max happens to be particularly fast?
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  3. Carole

    Carole Global Moderator

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    Probably a bit of both. Star can run a lot faster than Finn, he struggles to keep up with her :? Some boxers are really fast. Remember the boxer that did really well in the dog racing?
  4. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    I think it's also because he's super skinny, and the weight he does have is muscle!

    The owner of the other dogs asked me if he was a Greyhound/Boxer cross - just imagine :shock:
  5. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    Harvey was docked but he nearly caught a cyclist :blush: :roll:
  6. zoeybeau1


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    zoeybeau is like a greyhound and catches rabbits,shes docked xx
  7. dollyknockers


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    my skye and beau are exceptionally fast and they are both docked though lady is quite slow at running always has been and she is also docked , zoeybeau is like lightning sis never mind a greyhound lol xxdk
  8. Boxacrazy

    Boxacrazy New Member

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    My old Boxer (RIP) was the fastest racing veteran Boxer in the UK only beaten by a female 7 1/2 yrs her junior for the British Boxer Club's Working day Boxer racing final, she was 9yo. She also in her time had beaten a lurcher that was owned by a horse whisperer. She had a docked tail.

    My middle bitch who is docked was only .1 of a sec slower than my friends whippet on a short straight. She's a large girl.

    I've got friends who have docked Boxers working in agility and their Boxers are really fast and are regularly placed in top competition.

    So don't think the length of tail has anything to do with speed ;-) It's just the dogs natural ability:mrgreen:
  9. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    It won`t make a difference for speed so much, though movement is often more fluid, but for balance, maneuverability, and more flexibility of the lower back and hind legs certainly.
    That is something I am acutely aware of agilitywise, its something I`ve specifically studied at every opportunity for movement of docked and undocked in and out of agility for many years.
    There are marked differences when you know what to look for, especially lower back and hind leg movement.
  10. Nippy

    Nippy New Member

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    :lol: :lol:
    That really tickled me!
  11. fluffybunnyfeet

    fluffybunnyfeet New Member

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    Chillie our 17 month old Doberman has a tail, so does mum and Hash his brother, we were up the park today with and met a couple with a 16 month old Boxer bitch with a tail.

    Chillie left her in his wake as he (and so too would mum and Hash) can really turn on some speed when they want.

    Does a tail help? Maybe helps marginally with balance and turning and as a counterbalance when sprinting but possibly makes little or no difference.

    One thing I firmly believe is that a Doberman with a tail is a much happier, expressive and well balanced (lol) dog, I don't believe docking is bad, but really, what is the point?

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