Holly and Vinnie hips and elbows Health

Discussion in 'Rottweiler' started by Shona, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Shona


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    Holly and Vinnie hips and elbows

    :grin: Hi, just to let everyone know Holly and Vinnie have been in the vets today to have there hip and elbow xrays done,

    I had a bit of a wobble this morning as my vet mentioned that whilst he would do his best to do it under sedation, depending on how the dogs reacted he may still have to anaesthetise them :shock: :-(

    He does not like to anaesthetise dogs where avoidable

    So I left having signed the concent forms for annasthetic :neutral: just in case they needed it,
    not sure one way or the other what would happen,.
    its bad enough when one dog is in but when two go in its double the worrie,
    after leaving popped into see Dennis aka Nero and dish out the whupping :smt075 in person that I had promised him on another thread,
    After that I nipped up to Falkirk and bought a new key board,
    by the time I got home a whole 140 min after leaving them at the vet I got the call saying all was fine and I could pick them up, :grin:
    wow gota be the quickest ever
    he had managed to do them under sedation so they were home and huddled up happily just after lunch time

    Holly is a bit dopey looking and has a bit of a whobble when she walks.
    Vinnie is just his normal self, Dopey looking so it would be hard to see owt diff anyway,,, :smt104

    will let you know when the scores come in, keeping my fingers crossed
    It cost in total, £478.75 so all in all a good day
    x shona x
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2007
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  3. lovezois

    lovezois Fondly remembered

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    Hi Shona So pleased to hear your vet managed to do it without the Anaesthetic. Hope the reults are good. Thinking of you and Vinnie and Holly.
  4. boobah

    boobah New Member

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    Don't worry about it too, you are as bad as me.I hate going to the vets. Good luck though and fingers are crossed xxx
  5. Nelson's Mum

    Nelson's Mum New Member

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    Hi Shona, Don't worry ,I'm sure all will be OK.I know it's a bit of a wait for the results but glad to know they are both fine and stop calling Vinnie dopey:roll: :roll: :roll:
  6. Anne-Marie

    Anne-Marie New Member

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    Good luck - you won't need it though, I've always thought they have lovely legs lol:lol:

    Poor Vinnie, I bet he's a genius really, just a slow developer :smt002
  7. leo


    Likes Received:
    Glad they are ok.
    Just the wait for the results now......... i know how that feels.
    I hope you get great scores!!!!
  8. Shona


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    :lol: But the call from the practice nurse confirmed it :lol:
    O.K she is new and younger than the other nurses, but still
    when she called I said omg that was quick, I assume they were done under sedation?
    she said yes thats right, I went on to explain I would be over as soon as poss but would need to contact Dennis as I thought they wouldnt be able to jump into the car as they would still be a bit off balance or wooosy,,,,
    she went on to say
    "Holly is totaly fine, but Vinnie still has to find his head" what ever that means,
    When I got there we went through to the bit where the dogs are caged, I had a quick look at the xrays, dunno why cos I aint got a clue, but I always get to see them,
    she then went and got Holly who came out of the cage like a strung out junkie,,,, she stood there head hung low, over streatched stance wobbling,,, I thought omfg if this is totaly normal vinnie must be in some state
    as I had gone without Dennis I thought no way will I get him in the car alone.
    She then produced vinnie who was totaly normal happy go lucky self,,,

    It says it all

    I did say, he looks fine she looks awful, then I laughed and said that was his normal expression and attitude,:shock:
    dosey and gormless
  9. nero

    nero New Member

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    glad to here everything went well,:grin: :grin:

    "dished out a whuppin" ha, it's you that got violated, my dogs got a good workout,:lol: :lol:
    they slept most of the day after you left.;-) ;-)
  10. Shona


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    Ha ya mean the tidal wave of rotty that hits you when you go in, ah but they are only dishing out some damn good rotty lovin,,,, not a whuppin
  11. nero

    nero New Member

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    what about the BIG smile from nelson ?:grin:
  12. zoeybeau1


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    hoping you get the scoring you want/or require,glad they came through there sedation ok xx zb

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