Terrier characteristics General Chat

Discussion in 'Terrier Forum' started by Tori, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. Tori

    Tori New Member

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    Terrier characteristics

    what is your dogs typical instincts of a terrier?
    Harvey's takes guarding his territory very seriously lol barks at anyone passing, any piece of paper that blows down the path, and any unusual noise also if anything is out of place he gets quite angry once had a coat hanger hanging on the living room door and because it not ususally thier he was growling it. Also vey typical terrier chasing any small things birds, cats he hasn't seen any squirrels yet but saw a few about.
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  3. duboing

    duboing New Member

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    Good one!

    Chasing anything that moves!
    Shredding things - you should see what she does to her raggers!
    The kill-the-rat manoeuver (shaking her toys side-to-side)
    Digging - my poor garden! Fortunately takes a lot of it out on the beach at the end of the road :)
  4. Tori

    Tori New Member

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    yeah just thought of that one too shaking his prey (stuffed toys) violently to death lol. Does dig but not much.
  5. zero

    zero New Member

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    Except for the guarding mentioned in the first post...I think my dogs are terriers!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2007
  6. elmac13

    elmac13 New Member

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    I think my spaniels must think they are terriers too!
  7. amandas-jacks


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    Right where to start:

    Likes to shred paper-chases rabbits up on the tops-chases my cats{only playing}-Terriers are known to be very protceted if they live with another dog and mine does he lives with his daughter and if he doesnt know the dog he will go mad growling barking just trying to get at the other dog i have to put him on a lead when dogs are about and keep my eyes opened all the time:grin:
  8. amethystbelle

    amethystbelle New Member

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    Great topic, i was discussing this with my mum the other day :D

    Lily definately is a typical terrier and shes only 7 months old so still has a lot of learning to do. Lily loves nothing more then to be out of doors which i think is a typical terrier characteristic as all the terriers i've ever known love the great outdoors. And she loves to bark, even a leaf falling to the ground warrents a bark and she patrols the garden making sure everything is in place. I've caught her stalking birds and frogs in the past and she will give chase to one of my cats if she gets the chance (she is best friends with the other so doesn't chase him) but shes gradually learning the cat is faster as she can jump higher :roll: She is also very protective of me which is a characteristic of the Skye and often barks if people come towards me she doesn't know especially on her ground (garden). She loves to dig but its usually indoors on the carpet or on the duvet and she buries her toys after shaking them to death. She also shreds toys even the indestructable type have been mauled :lol:
  9. Tori

    Tori New Member

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    lol i know about the digging in the carpet thing, we moved the coffee table the other day and there was big scatch marks all over the rug, he loves to go mad under there digging. Shaking the toys "to death" i find hiliarious it just worries me what he'd do if he caught that stray cat he chases and if any really small dogs come near im a bit wary how he will react with them if he'll think they are small prey.
  10. amandas-jacks


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    This sounds so much like my two jacks i have a male 2years and a female puppy 9months.They make me laugh something bad,mine love being outside esp in the woods near me their insinitcts kick in and there sniffing and running round like loons.:lol:

    My two have a thing give them a treat they will eat it give them another one they will take to their bed or my bed and try and cover it {stash it}useing their noses its so funny
  11. amethystbelle

    amethystbelle New Member

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    Lily goes mad with her toys she sometimes starts shaking the toy whilst i've still got hold of it and its surprising how much strength she has :shock: We take her to the pet store once a month to choose a new toy (i know we spoil her :blush: ) and she always chooses the biggest toy she can find, at the moment she is killing her toy pheasant that is as big as her :lol:

    I don't tend to worry about Lily catching a cat as i think at times she thinks she is one as her best friend is my male cat. They spend hours together stalking around the garden together, sharing food and sitting together, if she sees him rolling she rolls too :lol:

    Lily buries her treats too, usually her bones. Find them hidden in all the corners, in the duvet or behind the chinchilla cage (she knows they are safe there as they won't touch them ;-) ). My other halfs parents dog (shes a terrier cross) is the best she buried a whole potato waffle behind their tv and they couldn't put their finger on the smell till they pulled the tv out to find a rotting furry waffle :lol:

    Lily runs around like a loon full stop, she charges around the garden like a mad hatter at great speeds its really fun to watch :mrgreen:
  12. hayleybella

    hayleybella New Member

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    My terrier is not a digger, both the terriers i've had have loved getting right down under the duvet!
  13. amandas-jacks


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    I just bought my dogs a soild hard ball and tyson has just got into and ripped it apart and then we bought kia is a puppy toy she throws it in the air and catches it shakes her head and then does it again when she throws it in the air she jumps up and catches again.The thing with terriers they are so funny to watch i can watch my two for ages and they always make me laugh.Something new with tyson we have some footballs in the backgarden if you kick the ball around dogs are barking at the ball we kick it they chase after it and kia will try biting it whille tyson gets on his back legs and with his front legs he sorta walks/dribbles the ball its very funny i have him on video so i will be sending him on youve been framed i will let you all know when i do.I think terriers are the best they are so loyal and funny i count be without my dogs THERE MY BEST FRIENDS:p --my dogs are very spoilt who dogs are spoilt rotten
  14. Demonica88

    Demonica88 New Member

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    hmmm where to start I know!
    The kill-the-rat manoeuver: I can't keep buying Toys!
    Shreades paper : like the phone book 4months ago!
    Digs: My couch, snow, back/front yard.
    Barks: at anything that moves, strangers, strange noises.
    Plays with: The Husky, and barks/whines at the squarel outside that runs up the front tree.
    Growls playfully: My grandfather, me, and family.
    she loves to drag her food EVERYWHERE lol and is very greaty when it comes to Ice, and her toys.
    She loves to play in the snow too. :)
  15. MistyBlue


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    Archie is def more a terrier than a bichon, he LOVES squeaky toys, and he loves shaking his 'catch' to death!! :smt075

    he always puts his paws over his 'catch' as if to say 'its mine i caught it!!'

    he loves digging to........around his doughnut basket-i hide treats in it! and the sofa.........which i have stopped!! and the carpet........which i stopped to!!

    i would say he is a alert watch dog, whether he would guard or not..i got my answer the other day, my partner knocked on the door and his moved so fast he feel on his back and was trying to get away and hide!! whilest barking! it was so funny my partner actually cried laughing! :smt005
    if a noise is outside he bolts up right and growls a warning to me! then he either waits it out....or runs over to me behind my legs! :mrgreen:

    he loves to hide his 'finds' around the place, i keep finding bones and things everyhere its so funny!

    he loves playing and just wants to be with me all the time, funny and outgoing and can be a proper little sod and 'back chat' me!!! his funny! :D
  16. Gemma27

    Gemma27 New Member

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    My Jack Russell Terrier characteristics……..

    Shaking things till their dead, then usually killing them again just for good measure.
    Anything that moves, she has to chase though when it’s the cat it’s only to lick him all over and persuade him into a game. To date this has never worked but she never gives up trying.

    Taking as many treats as she can blag with that face and those eyes, then eating one and burying the rest. None of my dogs before have done this and it’s so cute. She spends ages digging the hole so it’s just right, and then once the treat is positioned exactly as she wants it, she carefully covers it back over with her nose, again making sure everything is just right or the whole process has to begin again. She comes trotting back into the house as if nothing has happened (filthy beard and moustache a dead giveaway) then cleans up on the carpet!

    Will jump off anything, climb anything, dig anything to get what she wants, particularly if there’s something moving or smelly on the other side.

    Picking on the biggest dog she can to (play) fight and wrestle with in the park. Barking at anything she doesn’t understand. Never giving up, even if she’s been out running for hours with the bigger dogs (lurchers and BC) and their tired and had enough, she will still give you more.

    Generally 10 times bigger on the inside than she is on the outside as are all small terriers.
  17. flowisp

    flowisp New Member

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    My goodnes...you have just described my westie to a tea....:lol: xxxx
  18. Tori

    Tori New Member

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    lol i know what are they like, he's seen squirrels now and the other day he nearly caught one my heart was in my mouth, i dont know what i would've done:shock:
  19. ticketyboo

    ticketyboo New Member

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    Both my cairns are territorial -They bark like mad if anyone comes to the door, but as soon as the visitor speaks to them they go all soft and submissive. They sound as if they could be nasty, but they're two of the softest dogs you'll find...they'll tolerate a cat as long as it stands still, but as soon as it moves they'd chase it, and I have to keep them both on a lead when I walk through my local woods because they'd chase the squirrels...my last cairn even used to run up the trees after them and then turn round and look down at me waiting for me to catch her when she jumped down!
    My youngest dog also loves to rip up any paper tissue which I've accidently dropped, but never bothers with any other paper, thank goodness. They're not diggers either, which I'm thankful for as my garden is my pride and joy.
  20. Tori

    Tori New Member

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    That sounds exactly like my cairn too!:)
  21. catrinsparkles

    catrinsparkles New Member

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    Tonks is bull terrier but doens't seem to be showing much of a terrier side to her. She doens't seem to have much chase instinct at all!

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