Hello everyone, havent been on here for a while but i need some help regarding a client of mine english bull terrier. I started going to initially walk this dog as he was losing his sight due to retinal disorder, he has now completely lost his sight, he is 3! I am a qualified behaviourist with a long history of working with many breeds but the ebt isnt one of them. The problem i face with him that he is becoming increasingly grumpy as though he is mad with himself for his loss of sight and that he cannot do the things a normal dog can do. When he is at home with his owner he will get the hump big time and goes off into his crate and sulks. Some of you might think ive got the wrong end of the stick but i can assure you he is like a grumpy old man bearing in mind he isnt old! He always knows when im going to take him out and loves it when i arrive, walk him or even if he is going to the vets in the van but initiall yi thought that the changes at home were affecting him but since trying other methods he still displays this behaviour. he has been checked by the vet and has a clean bill of health so it isnt a medical problem, he is walking on the lead to heal will wait at curbs and listens when instructed to be steady ie wheelie bins out, obstructions etc so his obiedience is fine now but i am worried about him being at home as his owner loves him so much and i dont want to give up on him. If anyone can help please private message me an email or number as i feel that unless he pulls himself together (and i know they can be stubborn) a difficult decision may have to be made.
ahhhhh bless, i cant offer any advice,but i hope someone can and you get him sorted.he sounds lovely.
It sounds like he needs more stimulation. Maybe training to follow a scent, hunt the treat games etc. Put a bell on you so he can be let off lead in a safe area and he then knows where you are? Becky
Hi Akna firstly I don't think the breed is that important in this instance, this problem could occur with a dog of any breed. I am not sure what you mean by sulking, it sound to me as if this little dog could be bored/depressed/or as Mahoolie says under stimulated. Dogs can manage very well without sight because their sense of smell and hearing is very acute . However without things to watch they may require a little extra stimulation. They can still play hide and seek games by following your voice/hand clap and can locate a squeaky toy and play with it. A treat dispensing ball like the buster cube below and a well filled kong (which can actually replace a meal) may provide extra stimulation .... This one is called Sound bites and makes a noise as well as dispensing treats , great for a little BT... all from here, (click below) ... click here... You could tie something that smells interesting on a rope and drag it along for the dog then give the dog the object when it finally 'catches it' I think blind dogs can lead a perfectly happy life (we had a blind cocker) it just takes little more thought and imagination to provide them with mental stimulation .
As the proud mom of a mini EBT I can fully understand and agree that this lad will be sulking. They can sulk for Britain!!! The bullies I've had have been sight rather than smell orientated (ie if you throw a toy unless they see where its fallen or can see where it is, they run around like headless chicken LOOKING for it), so his loss of sight will be a big thing for him. If his owners can take him out in the car even just popping to the shops it will be stimulation for him, as will the toys that make noises. As much inclusion in things as possible because bullies love their interaction and cuddles, so the more the better. Talk to him constantly, so he knows that you are there and not ingnoring him (thats where the sulking comes into play). Hope this helps a little - and good luck with the little man.
I agree with Alfiemoon EBT are very stubborn and do REALLY REALLY sulk, we had one before our Staff and if he decided he didn't want to go home from the park he'd plant himself on the floor and wouldn't move for anything we'd end up carrying him and then he'd sulk for hours, so its definatley to do with the breed, they really do need lots of cuddles and attention. Lots more attention and playtime and he should come out of it but it'll be hard work as they really do need lots of stimulation and cuddles goodluck
very well said Minihaha this is also a exellent post, having two bullies as part of our family I know only to well how much they love being included in anything we do, they are clowns and are most happy making us laugh, yes they can sulk big time just like any child and some adults! a friend has a cocker who is blind and they have little bells on their shoes so the dog knows where they are at all times,he has chew toys that squeak, give this bullie the extra stimulation he needs and in time he will be his happy bouncey loving self. please keep us update on his progress