Tracing Takoda.......

Discussion in 'Northern Inuit Dog' started by dixiechick, Apr 30, 2007.

  1. dixiechick

    dixiechick New Member

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    Tracing Takoda.......

    Hi everyone

    I used to have a ute but with deep regret I had to have him re-homed.
    He name was Takoda and he would be 2 years and 4 months now. I wish I hadn't let him go. I keep punishing myself and blaming myself for what happened. It was my fault he developed separation anxiety and I was at a loss to how to deal with it. I had become a virtual prisoner in my own home and if I did go out I was sick with worry as to what I would find on my return home. He even managed to turn on the kitchen tap once and I came home to a flooded kitchen! I tried a cage but he broke out of it and cut up all his nose. I tried a muzzle to stop him chewing but he pulled it off, I even tried putting boots on him to stop him clawing up the walls etc but nothing worked. I even read all the Amichien bonding stuff but I just didn't have the time or health to devote to him. My husband isn't very 'doggy' so wasn't supportive as he didn't know what to do so it just felt like me on my own. I know that if I could have taken him for longer walks it would have helped but at the time my pregnancy prevented long walks and also I had a toddler and a baby already so had my hands full and couldn't manage and my Hubby works long hours so couldn't always take him out.
    The thing that pains me the most was that I only let him be re-homed as I was promised by the Lady who took him that I could stay in touch and that hasn't happened. I have since found out that the lady sold him!! (and for more than I paid for him!!) and now it seems he has vanished into thin air.
    Please does anyone know him or knows who has him? I have missed him every day since he went and I would just like to know he is OK and that I did the right thing.
    He was so handsome and kind and gentle.

    This is him aged 7 months

    This is him aged 10 months just before he went

    I have just found out that he may have gone to someone who already had an NI bitch...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2007
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  3. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    at least you know WHERE to look now. Yesterday you didn't even know that, so hopefully the NI people will be able to help trace him. Fingers crossed:grin:
  4. Fudgeley

    Fudgeley New Member

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    Good luck with your search. i am hoping for a happy ending.
  5. Animal

    Animal New Member

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    I think thats just awful that the lady (and I think I can use the term looseley in this case) actually sold him :evil:

    Both my dogs are rehomes, and I regularly send updates and pics to both the previous owners (even though one of the previous owners now doesn't reply, I keep sending them anyway until I hear she wants me to do otherwise) and I wouldn't in a million years dream of selling them on, thats just not right.

    Good luck with finding what happened to your gorgeous boy.
  6. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I'm so glad you have posted on here (and on other forums as well). I know you did the best for Takoda, given your circumstances. I would hate to be in your shoes where he was concerned, so please don't berate yourself too harshly. It is bloody hard with a dog that is full-on and a baby and a family to take care of.

    Hopefully you will find out what has happened to him - it seems he might have gone onto a NI owner? I have everything crossed that somebody on here may be able to help point you in a direction that will set your mind at rest.

    It is only to your credit that you are trying to trace what has happened to your boy.

  7. dixiechick

    dixiechick New Member

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    Thank you. I am glad you put that. You sound like a lovely person to keep your rehomes previous owner's updated (even if one doesn't reply!) To have to give up a dog is the most heart-breaking thing to do and when you have been promised you will be kept in touch it makes the pain easier to bare but to then find out this betrayal destoyed me.
    I just want to know he is happy...

    I will get on the NI forums today...thanks Julie

    Fingers crossed..........
  8. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    Hoping you get some good news I know how hearbreaking it is to rehome a dog,I had to do the same I know where my Girl went and keep in touch and have pics and vids sometimes and thats what makes it better,I really feel for you and am sure you may now be able to trace him.Fingers crossed.
  9. janie

    janie New Member

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    Just heartbreaking... he`s certainly a handsome boy.

    I haven`t seen this particular dog before... but i`ll keep an ear to the ground.
  10. Brandykins

    Brandykins Fondly Remembered

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    I do hope that by posting on here and on other sites that your quest to find out how he is. It must be so heartbreaking for you and I do wish you all the very best in your quest to find him.

    He is such a beautiful dog.

    Would your vet not know which area he is in - or, went to and from there another vet could perhaps point you in the right direction? I am not sure if the same laws though are attached to vets as in human doctors - client confidentiality and all that. It may be worth a try though - nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    I do hope you find him to put your mind at rest. This is a great site with so many members and I am sure you will find something out.

    Take care.
  11. dixiechick

    dixiechick New Member

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    It is with a very sad heart and with tears in my eyes that I write this to you all to say that my darling Takoda has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.

    I find comfort knowing that he was very much loved by his new family and at least he was happy there.

  12. Fudgeley

    Fudgeley New Member

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    Liesl, when you are ready could you give us some more info. we were all so wanting a happy ending.Big hugs. Run free Takoda
  13. Animal

    Animal New Member

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    Aww Liesl I'm so sorry to hear that and am sending the biggest hugs to you, thats heartbreaking. At least you know that he was much loved and his sadly short life was a happy one. He must have been just too special for this world, run free Takoda xx
  14. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Thank you for letting everyone know Liesl. I'm so terribly sorry to hear this but glad that he was much loved. You did your very best for him. Do you know what happened to him?
    So sorry.
  15. dixiechick

    dixiechick New Member

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    Sadly he managed to tunnel his way out of his garden and the next door neighbours and he was in an RTA.

    But I am sure my faithful old Border Terrier was waiting for him at the bridge and they are both running free together.
  16. takiya-mist

    takiya-mist New Member

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    Dixiechick I'm sooooo sad for you after all you did in tracing him you find this out my heart goes out to you xx take care
    and remember the life he had was hopefully a happy and pleasant one in the time he was here. don't blame yourself you did all you could for him and had his best interest at heart
  17. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    HUGS to you. This is all so sad but he was much-loved and I am sure he is with your faithful Border Terrier.

    RIP Takoda.
  18. Lynn

    Lynn Member

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    So sorry to hear the sad news,at least he was with a Family that loved him as you did.Run free Takoda.
  19. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    I'm so sorry to hear this DC :-( :-(

    You have comfort in knowing that he had a full and much loved life in the short time he was here :cry:

    Run free Takoda xx

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