Four amnesty dogs die in kennels General Chat

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by kathy40uk, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    We don't know what happened and even dogs that are vaccinated against Parvo can die from the disease.
    It is an extremely hard virus to kill off and can be carried on clothing shoes etc.......
    I doubt the Police would have even bothered asking if any of the dogs were vaccinated to be honest,the only thing on their minds were to target innocent dogs and their families.

    Run Free At The Bridge xx
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  3. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    I would think the Police would have been very interested to find out whether these dogs were vaccinated (with the view if not released early on they would have been long time 'boarders') because of the forces own dogs.
    I doubt very much they were kept in the same kennel block, but the disease would still be transmittable to their own dogs, as I am sure the dogs would have been handled by the same people who deal with the forces own dogs.
    Something don't sit right with me here, and I personally think the dogs may have got it or harboured the disease before they were actually taken into kennels. Parvo has an incubation period of 4-7 days I believe.
  4. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    Nicci I agree about kennels insisting on dogs being vaccinated before accepting them for board, but I believe that just because someone doesn`t vaccinate every year they shouldn`t be classed as a bad owner. The breeder where we got my Bullie from says he only has his dogs vaccinated as pups. He say`s that there has been studies done on dogs in the U.S. that prove the vaccination only needs to happen every 7 years, don`t know how true that is but he reckons that the findings are freely available on the net. Before anybody gives me any grief I do vaccinate every year, but if the drug companies do actually come out & say that this is true I`ll be doing the same(he seems to think that they won`t
    "come clean" because it`s a money spinner).
    Has anybody else heard this ?
  5. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    Yes, I have been told the same.

    I believe theres a lady on Dogsey that could tell you more about it :)

    My lot do have their Boosters every year, because now and again I like a holiday so I need to prove that they have been done before boarding them :grin:
  6. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    All my dogs get boosters, but have heard many living long lives without it.
    Well put Sal.
  7. shirls

    shirls New Member

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    I have had Bailey given his boosters because of his insurance and because I travel a lot with him and he spends a lot of time in rivers etc which he loves. He is my 3rd dog as an adult and he is the first that I have had given boosters. my other 2 lived very long and very healthy lives until old age took them. Lots of people do not vaccinate for a variety of reasons and it is very wrong to assume that makes them bad owners. Whoever is to blame 4 dogs have died tragically and 4 families are without their pets because of bad legislation.
  8. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    Anyone who does not give their dogs at least their first vaccinations IS totally irresponsible in my eyes and should not have a dog.
  9. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    Not true, a vaccinated dog can contract and die from Parvo.

    My simple point is, I lived in a parvo heavy area in Texas. He had dozens of cases of parvo every year, both puppies and adults, vaccinated and unvaccinated, with the proper treatment protocol most of the dogs can be saved. To have four die at once is bad medicine. You can't blame the owners as they weren't in the owners care, they were in the care of the police and the police were negligent. Simple.
  10. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    I'm afraid you can blame the owners for several reasons I won't go into, but some speak for themselves. You cannot blame the Police for being negligent, they have a 1001 other things to do.
    Some dogs may be vaccinated and contract Parvo, yes I accept that, but not ALL dogs that are vaccinated contract and die from Parvo.
    People are missing the point - The Police force have their own dogs that have jobs to do. I seriously doubt the dogs would have contracted the disease whilst staying in their kennels so I fail to see where the Police are to blame.
  11. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    Don`t forget the other 2 that are still being treated, we don`t know the full facts but it all looks a bit dodgy to me(not intimating that the police deliberately let the dogs die, but what about a neglect of duty & care). I thought the polices comments on this were a bit crass to say the least.
    To my mind the police should have asked wether the dogs had been vaccinated & given them health checks,if they needed doing they should have done it themselves.
    I bet the finances were available to put them to sleep if they were found to be "pit bull type dogs", so with that in mind they should have made sure the dogs were healthy enough to keep in kennels if only for their own dogs safety.
    With regards to some people being terrible dog owners for not immunising their dogs, there could be any number of reasons for this. Neglect is only one reason & nobody I`ve ever met has gone through life with out cocking up, or being side tracked by unforseen circumstances!
  12. lizziel

    lizziel New Member

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    It is very easy to make judgements without knowing the full facts of a story.

    Parvo is a terrible disease and vaccinated dogs can suffer from it just as easily as unvaccinated dogs. We have not been told whether the dogs who caught the disease were vaccinated or not.

    Nobody spends 24 hours a day watching their dogs it is just not possible and to say that they weren't being looked after correctly is pure conjecture - again we do not know the details.

    I would have thought myself that the police would be very aware that the situation involving amnesty dogs is very sensitive indeed and would have been very vigilant with the dogs in their care. Are the dogs actually in police kennels or are they kennelled privately on behalf of the police?

    Whatever the situation is it is very sad that any dog in this day and age has died of such a dreadful disease.:cry:
  13. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Good Post!

    As far as i am aware these dogs were not kept in Police kennels they were boarded out,so therefore would not pose a threat to working Police dogs.
  14. muttzrule

    muttzrule New Member

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    Well Nicci_ L since neither of us were there, or in fact know exactly where these dogs were housed, who was looking after them, what sort of treatment they received, or whether or not they were vaccinated prior to kenneling, I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one. Until more details are forthcoming, I don't see where either of us can be "proved" right. I'm just going with my gut on this one. And something stinks. :(
  15. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    There is no right or wrong in this, I agree it's terrible that four dogs have died and the finger of blame should be pointed at someone whether it be the owners of the dogs or the police but lets not forget why they were there in the first place and I can only highlight again what I posted in a previous thread...

    There are no real winners and nothing to prove.
  16. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    If these dogs were well loved and cared for family pets, then any transition into a kennel environment would have proved stressful for them, thus lowering their immunity. Parvo , under those circumstances could easily take hold.

    The police who have taken these dogs in, have shown themselves to be professional, look at how they dealt with sky high. The kennels they are in are rpobably privately run, they will be receiiving good care.This is a sad and unfortunate thing that has happened. Lets hope the other dogs make a full recovery.
  17. bullterrier

    bullterrier New Member

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    The police may be proffesional when it comes to policing us, that doesn`t mean that they get everything correct. If that were so we wouldn`t be in this situation now, ban a breed & you lose the means to identify it which brings us to how the situation in Liverpool is/has been handled. The whole thing has been a knee jerk reaction to be seen to be doing something, which resulted in x amount of dogs being removed from their homes & then finding that the vast majority aren`t of a pitbull type. Has this stopped the criminal element doing as they wished, no!
    The reason in my mind that the police haven`t really used the DDA in any great way since 92 (I believe), is the fact that it is a very hard law to implement with how it is written.
    This brings us to 4 dogs dying & 2 being ill when "under police custody" which is essentially what it is & believe me if they were my dogs I`d be fuming to say the least.
    At the end of the day the police know what the law should say in respect of dangerous dogs, but senior police officers don`t want to upset their promotion prospects by saying the law is an ass.
    5 dog is a police officer on this forum, he believes that it should be the owner prosecuted not the dog(unless it is dangerous) or breed persecuted, but how often will or is this communicated to higher authority by police officers.
    If we don`t try to get the law changed to a proper workable none discrimanatory law who`s breed will be added next, we all know how to do that after watching
    pressure groups twist this governments arm for the last 10 years. Basically we have to shout loud & stamp our feet, not very nice but neither is the DDA & BSL.
    I for one don`t want us to be worrying about this again in 10 years because some waster hasn`t looked after his dog/s & doesn`t care about the law although I`ve a feeling we will be.

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