Royce doing free man work, taken around 2.5 years ago Hi everyone, just found this video of Royce doing some man work, dont laugh to hard when you watch it, he had not done any for over a year at the point when the video was taken due to suspected CL problem and also a fractured tooth, its quite funny, the chap with the sleave on is my mates OH, I think the speed the dog came at him shocked him slightly, the dog hits him that fast he bounces off him, its all rather funny/messy Alex kept lifting his arm and Royce will only take an ofered arm so to speak, glad to say hes back to normal now, lol, on the up side the dog came out first call straight away so not all bad,¤t=CopyofP283royce.flv
Thanks Carole, yup he enjoys most things he does, silly big lump, its just really an extension of retrieve for him, there is no aggression towards the person wearing the bite sleeve,
I know of a boxer that does this too. They seem to be totally focused on the sleeve rather than the person
Hi carole I have never seen a boxer doing it, I would have thought they would struggle with the shape of there mouths, can they get a good grip on the sleeve ?
hi shona that vid is pure minted have watched it on numerous occasions and makes me laugh endlessly lol. Need to get Mr luva luva on too,kaos,kaos,kaos:mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: need i say more?
I have one some where of kaos doing man work, its the same chappy on the same day, will find it and stick it on for you, to be honest I had been a bit stand offish at putting them on, more so due to the bad press rotts have had in the last year or so, but I guess the members of the forum know me and the dogs well enough to be happy with it, thanks for the post, lol what you like wi kaos eh.
I would be scare to death to let Onyx my big male Dobe do that because knowing him he wouldn't bother going for the sleave, but another part of the bloke holding it.
LOL if trained as my lot are you would not have any worries but it would be hard to get people to put a sleave on if they read your post, nowt worse than being stood there with your butt knitting buttons and a very large dog coming at 30 miles an hour, guess thats why we dont do to much man work training, when the rotts take a hold they shake it if your not ready for it they can disslocate your shoulder, kaos nearly did it with mine, he was only playing with me, they never bite with any real force when I do it, I can only imgine what its like for others,
I absolutely adore Kaos i'm sure everyone else would love to see him in action,telling you i'm going to start a kaka fan club.After you put it up i'll bet you will have loads of members. :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: KAOS,KAOS, KAOS,C'MON what you waiting for?HEE!HEE!
Actuallly should be a joint club, caesar and kaos,dad n son.:mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: kaos,kaos,caesar,caesar.
Funny video. Are you a member of a club? This is my bitch's brother (he's a lot more more advanced than her) - he's coming along nicely at 17 months old...
boobah, I cant find the dvd with Kaos on it and the only other copy I have is on the pc your dad has at the min, so your gona have to be patient for a wee bit, lol
Brenda can you email your number to me at my darcguard email, I dont have any of my contact numbers with me, shona x