Taken From A Anti BSL Site BSL

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Sal, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Taken From A Anti BSL Site

    I Found this on an Anti BSL site,

    Owners of other breeds may not be caught in the first wave, but as the Reverend Martin Niemoeller said about Hitler and the Nazis:

    “In Germany they came first for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.”

    Martin Niemoeller
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  3. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    That is exactly right Sal, Because now people are mentioning breeds that are not on the DDA list such as Irish Line Staffords and American Bulldogs.Where will it end?
  4. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    sorry Sal, but I really don't think BSL is in anyway similar to Hitler and the Nazis and what they did to people. Sorry. It is awful what is happening at the moment,but I don't think you can compare...sorry.
  5. random

    random New Member

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    That's true Sal. But what I find more frigtening is how people mix up breeds and mistake them for what they are not. I think that is how many innocent dogs of non associated breeds will be labelled, and then the buck will be passed on to the next breed.

    People round here haven't really seen many kinds of dog, it's just a small semi rural town really, and even today a lady told her 2 boys "come hold mummy's hand that's one of those bad dogs" (about Maddy). I asked her what the hell she was talking about, and she said, "I've heard it on the news, they are after the blue ones especially!"

    (For those who don't know Maddy is a pedigree Weimaraner).

    Sometimes people ask me why i've worked her out to get her so muscular! :shock: She's just a nice healthy shape, and only gets it from regular walks and play with the other 2 dogs.

    I always think it's frightening how little people know.
  6. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Hi Alisa,
    I wasn't trying to compare but the message is clear,your breed may not be affected now but if you don't stand and fight it could be next,

    I hope that post hasn't caused offence as that wasn't my intention.
  7. Ramble

    Ramble Member

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    I know it wasn't Sal, it didn't offend me, I just don't think the 2 can be compared..I did see your point.:smt002 :mrgreen:
  8. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    this is what I've said in another thread! PEOPOLE BURYING HEADS FIRMLY IN THE SAND! a very well made point nissanmad!
  9. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    However sad the current situation I think there is no comparison between the death of 6 million people and a few dogs that have been taken in.

    I personally find this comparison quite offencive and think it adds to the hype, this has nothing to do with burying heads in the sand .
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2007
  10. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    all this hype over different breeds of dog has really got me mad. i live in the country and im probably the only person who owns a DDB in about 100miles from were i live.people can be very small minded,the other day a lady i saw in the park asked wot trin was,wen i told her she was a type of mastiff she responded'dont you need a liscence 4 1 of those'. since then ive been worried that will be nxt,it was rotti's not 2long ago,pitbull and staffies now,wots nxt,poodles,umm,i dont think!
  11. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    Mini, I don't think that Nissanmad for one minute was comparing the death of 6 million people with the amnesty,the point she is making is If we pretend that this is not happening or ignore it,the problem isn't going to go away.It is going to get worse.

    Would you still believe that this is overhyped dramatised nonsense if one of your dogs had been seized? I think not.
  12. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Exactly my point Steve,
    I would love to find out how many dogs have been murdered due to BSL not only in the UK,but in other country's too,there are approximatly over 30 countries that presently have BSL,that accounts for a fair few deaths of innocent dogs don't you think.

    Taken from another site,
    There were approximately 6.8 million dogs in the UK in 2004 and 60.2 million people.
    During 2004 there were 350 convictions under section 3.1 of the DDA involving ‘injury’ to a person. The number of dog bites per year is not centrally recorded.
    During a six year period from 1999 to 2004 there were on average 2.3 fatalities a year due to being bitten or struck (data was not separated from 2001)by a dog compared to 63 people who died from suffocation due to a plastic bag in 1999, 77 fatalities due to falling from a ladder in 2000 and 20 people who died as a result from being thrown from an animal in 2003.
    In 2004 there were no fatalities attributed to being bitten or struck by a dog but eight people died due to hornets, wasps and bees, three people died from using powered lawnmowers and one person died from being struck by lightening.
    In 2005, 3,472 children were seriously injured in road traffic accidents with 141 children killed on the roads.

    To some, banning breeds may seem acceptable after an event, as it did 15 years ago. However, the hastily drafted Dangerous Dogs Act of 1991 did not stop attacks by dogs and it never will, since the majority of dog-related incidents actually happen in the home. One study showed that 85% of bites occurred in the dogs’ own home, the majority involving males. Another study demonstrated that in over 70% of cases, people are bitten by their own pets or by an animal known to them, with children under 5 years of age most at risk. An increase in animal bites occurs in hot weather and during public holidays.

    Attempting to further ban specific types of dog will not protect the public. One study showed that that there was actually little impact on the number of hospital attendances due to bite injuries following the introduction of the DDA.
  13. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Stamford I would never have a dog that was seized because I would not choose to own an illegal breed.
    If I wanted a bull breed of any kind I would buy one from a reputable breeder and have papers to state the origin of the dog . If I rescued a dog (the only reason I would have a cross breed) and it turned out to resemble a PBT there would be no problem because I would have made sure the dog was well trained and socialised and the police would be invited to come and meet it. I would also make sure I knew my rights,I would not expect the police to inform me about them, it is all part of being a responsible dog owner.

    All this over hype and scare mongering is putting ideas into peoples heads and making people both fearful of dogs and fearful of owning dogs . I understand rescue centres have seen a huge increase in the number of dogs being taken in, in my area alone they have seen an increase of 80% in the number of 'strays' handed in most of them Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Staffordshire cross-breeds and Boxer crosses. All this hysteria is not helping the situation.

    I think people who have well socialised well behaved dogs have nothing to fear and I do not see the DDA being extended to include other breeds unless people go on hyping up the situation and causing poblems where none exist.
  14. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    I agree 100% Sal,but im afraid the powers that be do not listen to statistics.If the Kennel Club and other leading dog societies are not being listened too,what chance do we stand.As you said there must be thousands of dogs slaughtered in this worldwide BSL farce.:evil::evil::evil:
  15. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    I have been taking phone calls from people all week who had either had their dogs taken or were afraid their dogs would be taken. One lady aid she is really friendly we have had her for 6 years, she can't go in kennels she would fret she sleeps on her own special cushion at the end of our bed. She was crying, her husband took the phone he was crying, they had a Stafford X, This was one of hundreds of calls. These are the type of people who have been hurt by this action. No it is not the same as 6 million people being killed but it was the same apathy shown by many people who felt it did not affect them that allowed it to happen.
  16. Sal

    Sal New Member

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  17. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    Mini since joining Dogsey i have always respected you and your views.I believe that this site and you as a member of staff do a valuable and worthwhile service to the dog loving public,that said and with due respect some of your points are valid,but who is scare mongering? It is a fact that non listed dogs have been taken and classed as type.If in the end these dogs are proven innocent and are given back to the family,how much damage has been done to the dog,when you bear in mind that some cases will take up to two years to come to court and in that time the owners are not allowed any contact with the dog.
    Like nissanmad and others on here,my concern isn't so much the illegal dogs (although i don't believe in BSL) it is for the much loved innocents.
  18. leadstaffs

    leadstaffs New Member

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    Just for your information a KC registered stafford was also seized by the police, the person who took it said it was type.
    DEFRA have said that KC paper will not save your dog and the dogs that have been seized have been taken because of the way they looked not because they were dangerous or badly trained.
  19. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I think people who make statements like this are scaremongering..
    Owners of other breeds may not be caught in the first wave, but as the Reverend Martin Niemoeller said about Hitler and the Nazis:

    Edited to add

    The sad death of the little girl opened a can of worms and drew attention to a seedy world of people who keep and breed dogs for the purpose of dogfighting, the police could hardly turn a blind eye to the situation and rightly so, we all saw the pictures on TV of those poor dogs being kept in appalling conditions covered in scars and no doubt denied medical treatment.

    Choosing to call an amnesty of illegal dogs was not the best way of tackling the situation because it was bound to throw up anomalies. However just because the police are taking action against illegal breeds (and dogs of similar appearance to one breed) isn't a good reason to try to convince people with other breeds that are not already included in the DDA that their breeds will be next. The main object of the police action is surely to round up a breed/breeds of dogs bred and used for the purpose of fighting and very few breeds are kept for this purpose .

    This attitude of 'your breed will be next' and saying people are burying their heads in the sand because they refuse to overreact (not to mention comparing the situation with people failing to acknowledge the Holocaust which killed 6 million people, a totally inappropriate comparison IMO ) does nothing at all to help the situation and just adds to the general level of hysteria .
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2007
  20. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Whilst I can see why Mini would prefer to play-down such things so we can get back to how things were before recent events, I have to, as a bull breed owner, recognise and accept that if things keep going as they are it's only a matter of time before something happens which leads to yet more knee-jerk legislation.

    If more breeds of any sort are added to the list then that statement, looking at it from this point of view, will become a prophecy that begins to get filled...

    It's humans that need sorting - if not, no matter what breeds are 'easily accessible' will begin to get misused. No doubt in my mind that people will turn to Collies or other breeds capable of intimidating people/looking hard/rough. In fact when I was young a 'bully' had trained his collie to bark at anyone who he would put into am arm lock from behind - that scared the hell out of me even tho he never did it to me! So once all the bull breeds are gone, will Collies be next? Irish Terriers perhaps? In fact any breed that can be trained to be feisty and is of a reasonable size will at some point be the next best thing for the idiots - meaning they won't be far from getting on the list.

    So I think there is validity in what Nissanmad posted whilst I can also see why Mini would rather not play up to all the hype that the tabloids have created. But. We're not the general public, we do see things from a different angle and I think engaging in discussion is more productive, better so we can help others understand and better so we can start preparing and better so we can perhaps rally enough support and/or ideas to make a difference, a change.
  21. Biff


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    Firstly Mini. Not everybody is like you. Just because people dont use a reputable breeder, or fully understand their rights, does not make them irresponsible. To expect such a thing is a little naive in my opinion. This does not mean that owners are not capable of socialising their dog and raising a well behaved, trained dog.

    Secondly, I dont think it is all overhype, I just think that it is better to be proactive, rather than reactive. This situation is causing concern for a lot of people, whether you think that is unneccessary is besides the point, as it is the truth.

    Thirdly, as the situation is so high profile, and public opinion has been affected by recent events, I think it is very possible that further breeds can be added to the DDA. Personally, whether it happens or not, I would rather try to prevent it now, rather than complaining about it after it has happened. I do not see that that could have a negative effect.

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