Minihaha no child will ever poke or do anything cruel to my dogs, simply because id never leave them alone together! Of course any dog can bite, not all dogs will bite though!
Minihaha i give up, this section caters only for the uk members of dogsey! so there for forget the thread!
Stamford , why assume that we will follow suite, we don't have all the same laws as every other country in the EU , we do still have autonomy in many areas. Some of the European countries took certain measures agaist a number of breeds some years ago, in 2003 Italy placed restrictions on Corgis, did we follow suit? For the government to add more breeds to the DDA would be an unpopular measure and would lose votes in this county of many dog owners. However to imply that some breeds are already subject to BSL legislation in this country when they are not does not help the situation and could even cause problems and distress to some people . There was a thread started in this section about a woman who put her doing to sleep instead of waiting to have it assessed, perhaps this was partly due to all the hype , how many other people have mistakenly thought their dogs were under threat and turned them over to rescues? Yes make people aware of BSL and the fact that many pets have been caught up in measures that were taken to catch those using dogs for illegal purposes but why add more breed names to the list of names unnecessarily, do you really think by confusing people you will help the situation . Also banning is not always the correct word, many countries have placed restrictions on breeds , these involve measures like having personal liability insurance and muzzling dogs in public, a ban to me means not allowing the possession of a breed at all.
But Mini I was mearly pointing out that other people had bandied other breeds about not me.Lord Baker and the like. This country nearly always takes its lead from the USA or the EU that is why it worries me that we may follow suit.
WRONG BSL OR DDA is a world wide problem and all those breeds are mentioned on one list or another, plus a whole host of other breeds. we as dog lovers should show all our dogs in the best light possable, not just because of BSL or the DDA but just because they are well ajusted well trained pets! lets deflect the problem to the right end of the lead! THE HUMAN END!
It may be a worldwide problem but I don't see how you can lump all the countries together, legislation differs so much from country to country and the best we can do is try to help the dogs in our own particular country at this time. I bet if you ask the majority of people, ''if the breed of dog you have is not currently mentioned on the DDA or affected in any way by BSL, would you like to see your dogs breed mentioned in relation to and associated with the DDA ''? Dave, if the breed you owned wasn't in any way connected to BSL would you really rush to have it associated because it happened to be on a list in another country. On the 'Say no' website how much of the content is about other countries, how many of the supporters listed are from other countries , at this time the best we can all hope to do is to try to change things in our own country first then maybe we can influence others .
Stamford, yes I understand KB as the instigator of the DDA was asked his opinion on the terrible incident that took place at the beginning of January, he is entitled to his opinion as are we all but that doesn't mean anyone will listen to him . If you look at the breeds currently on the DDA how many of them with the exception of the PBT were 'common breeds' and frequently seen around before the DDA? Was there a rush to add to the list other breeds previously involved in incidents? Any dog has the potential to be added to the list so why single out particular breeds to associate with the list and plant the idea in peoples minds that they are dangerious and on a list here when they are not. The biggest problem now is the PBT types because there are so many crosses that can resemble PBT. These are the dogs we should be trying to help by obtaining some kind of exemption rather than concentrating on breeds that are affected in other countries because we can do little to help them at this time.
no one has said please associate your breed with the DDA? and if I owned a breed not associated with it at the momment I WOULD be worried, looking at other countries, that in time it maybe listed! also I would show my support and not just pull down everybody trying to show there support! just a foot note I live 5 mins away from where the events of jan 1st happend and I know, and the police Know that dog was not a pit bull or even pit bull type! it was a neo cross. if the police susspect that this type of dog is now being used how long do you think it will be before they are added! sorry this is FACT! no 18 month pitt bull is 6 stone and needs an adult body bag to take it away! also the dog stood waist hight! we have seen how easy it is for breeds to be added to the lists in other countries i.e. ITALY started with 13 breeds now they have 92!
i think what minihaha is trying to say is, if and when it comes to other dogs that are included on to the dda in the UK! Then we fight..... Which means many innocent dogs will be put to sleep because no one has fought for the dogs! So as for the Stafford who are not included on the DDA as of yet, then lets just wait till they are and get on with our lives! Of course i dont agree with this as its best to try and fight these problems to prevent it from happening! But if you do as Minihaha tries to get us to do then many of OUR staffords will be pts!
i have heard this and true pitbulls are small dogs and normally in this country they are mostly cross breeds of some type! and when you breed mastiffs to bull and terriers these dogs should not be owned by joe public! I do believe its down to byb who breed anything in to staffords, ebts, and place mastiffs over them and then sell them to just anyone!
i have a pit-lab mix myself and shyah is the best girl ever!...i moved here from germany and still own a dog there and used to walk my friends dog for years. he was a 6 year old gigantic rottie, but he was a baby in mind and a teddybear even though he looks very scary. his name is bobbie and he used to work for german borderpatrol until his daddy died. just recently they had to put him down. he seemed to be agressive they said, but he only barks very loud ( he is a big dog). This is in germany and can happen here. people don't understand that it's not the breed and just cuz he looked mean and is loud doesn't mean he is a killer or could hurt a fly. point was that it's very sad to loose a very good friend , i say part of family cuz of breedissues! bsl is BS! LOOK AT THE OWNER NOT THE DOGS!! it breaks my heart to hear that dogs are please fight bsl.......for our loved ones that unconditionally love us!