Anti Bsl Pictures BSL

Discussion in 'Bull Breeds Forum' started by Hayley SBT, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    so cc22 do you understand why i put bull mastiffs, because this is not a uk forum, this is a international forum and BSL is international and VERY REAL!
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  3. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    Italys list is even worse! they even have border collies on there list????? they started with 13 breeds and now they have 92???? where will it stop?
  4. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    it wont sky thats the problem and my problem is why dont people understand this!
  5. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    this is my point to! the attitude seems to be "not my breed not in this country" please wake up! we need to try and stop this now before it gets out of hand!!!
  6. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    To be honest that is the general, its not happening to my breed, so lets not talk about it, but it only have to start with one breed to see it will happen to alot more breeds!

    I guess we just care a whole lot more about dogs because we have breeds that are effected, Stamford (steve seems on the level with his, but he normally is lol, im just sucking up because i want ossie lol)
  7. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    Ossie the super star lol
  8. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    aww lol he his and sky just wanted to say directly, im so happy your beautiful girl is safe hun, what a scary time must have been!
  9. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    Suck away Hayley,but you ain't getting him.:lol: You have enough to worry about with your lovely doglets. :grin:

    We all need to realise that eventually BSL will and does affect everyone.Its no use going around with rose coloured spectacles on and pretending the threat isn't real,because it is.The Italians,Germans and Americans didn't think it would happen and now it has.So the warnings are there for all to see.
  10. sky_high_bluest

    sky_high_bluest New Member

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    here here! at last the voice of reason!
  11. Vodka Vixen

    Vodka Vixen New Member

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    I wasnt going to post on this thread anymore but felt i have to get this off my chest, I think this comment is way below the belt to assume other people dont care about dogs as much as you do, its comments like this that make people jump on you Hayley.

    Maybe that is just it, you only care because YOUR breed is effected, i wonder if you would be at the front of the queue if it was a completely different breed.

    I am 100% behind you as far as the BSL goes and i understand where you are coming from but Mini also has a point about jumping on the band wagon, if i hype my dog up enough and told everyone i have a "chinese fighting dog", how long before someone reports me and my dog gets taken away and destroyed because of some idiot who knows nothing about the history of my breed.

    To say an aggresive dog is "supposed" to be that way and we shouldnt try to change it, is asking for trouble JMO

    Its not even so much WHAT you say its the WAY you say it. We are all on the same side!!!!!!!!!

    Rant over
  12. leo


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    Just for information DDA list for all of europe

    DDA Europe
  13. Hewey

    Hewey New Member

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    I'm afraid that is very hard to read due to the poor translation. I can't work out from that whether certain breeds are banned full stop, or allowed if they are on some kind of register, which in the French case for example might be their 'KC'? or merely prevented from entering from abroad (perhaps because they may not meet the requirements of the register). Perhaps you have a link somewhere in better English :smt001
  14. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    i have an awful confession to make,up until resently we were going to get a SBT asb a companion 4 trin:shock:
    then a stafford cross that was abused bit my boy and was put down(poor bloody dog,i didnt want him put down,the owner should of been),then with all this pit bull nonsense in the press and the 'ooo they can turn u no' attitude we decided mybe it was a bad idea after all:-(
  15. Sal

    Sal New Member

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    Can i just point out that the SBT is one of two breeds the kennel club states is affectionate especially with children,if you buy one from reputable breeders you shouldn't have any problems as long as common sense is applied.
    Not all of them will tolerate other dogs,which is what i tell potenial owners,also i would NEVER home a puppy where there is another dog of the same sex and breed already in the home if they were not experienced owners.

    Any dog regardless of breed can bite or turn as you put it.
  16. Stamford

    Stamford New Member

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    Sally i think that is whole point.Reputable breeders. All breeders imo have a duty to tell novice owners any quirks that apply to the chosen breed.For example Some Staffords can be dog aggressive.Most Bull breeds seem to be more human orientated than some other breeds.The breeders have a huge responsibility to inform potential owners of such things and the potential owners have a duty to research their chosen breed thoroughly before going ahead and purchasing a puppy.The trouble with talking about it here on Dogsey we are kinda preaching to the converted,because all the breeders that post here are ethical and breed to high standards from what i can see.Also everyone on here as far as i have read are responsible owners with only the best interest of thier dogs at heart.But i still think that all dog owners should unite to combat BSL in all its forms.Because as a solution to any problem,it just isn't working.
  17. Clair

    Clair New Member

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    i have been looking in2 the SBT breed for along time,my mum used to own one,ben died at the grand old age of 17yrs.
    the only reason we decided not to get one is because of all the hype,i no they are fab with kids,they have a supurb temp and have the most sweetest nature,if breed properly,but thats the same with all breeds,they need to be breed properly.
    i already own a bull breed and the attitude of some people is 'and you have it round kids,uh', all i ment was after wot happened to max people would be talking if i get a stafford.
    we are not getting a pup until after august neway so hopefully it would of carmed down by then.
    trin is a easy going girl,a stafford would suit her down to a T
  18. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    you can one hundred percent be sure that i would step up for any breed of dog under the dda or bsl, i feel more passionate about this than anything! So to say that is very rude also, Im sick of defending on this thread to people who dont want this section to be here!
    Your breed is beautiful and i have met lovely ones and i would fight for them also, i would fight for a yorkshire terrier if added, before this i owned sighthounds and i felt the same, so what you have said vodkavixen is very untrue and you dont know me at all!
    I dont care if i get jumped on, im not in the dog world to make best friends, im in it because i care about the dogs, the owners are the ones that cause these problems!
    None of my dogs are out of control, all very happy, never bit anyone, all very happy around humans, im so happy with them!
    I dont care what you think of the way i feel about preserving breeds vodka vixen, as i am one in many who believe this is the way forward!
  19. Vodka Vixen

    Vodka Vixen New Member

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    That is a very fair comment but that is exactly what you have accused others of, to say you care more than other people I found to be quite rude, you dont know me either but i would not for one minute assume that i care more about dogs than someone else, and correct me if i am wrong but it was you that said "thats the way the breed is and we shouldnt change it", for such a big dog lover i dont feel this is the best attitude to take, when its that same breed that is being given such a bad name, so IF your dog was to bite someone is that the reason you would give???? Well its in their nature to be aggressive???? not much of a defence when they are dragging your dogs away. If you are that passionate about your dogs why do you continually say staffies were bred for fighting when this is not FACT.

    Like i said Hayley its not the things you say its the way you say it, i am not here to fight with anyone and we should all be uniting in this as dog lovers whatever the breed and not accusing people that dont have that particular breed of not caring.
  20. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    without getting in to it, never have i said that dog agression goes hand in hand with human agression!
    Staffords where bred to fight dogs and to love humans!
    Id never fight my dogs, but i wont change my breed for any reason, not physically or anything else! the breed is fine the way it is, i will never have a dog from heavy bred show lines! so why when i want to preserve everything in the breed why would i change it!
    Staffords, are not human agressive and never have they been, its down the owner!

    Oh to add my dogs would never bite and nor would they have the chance to, i dont believe in 'doggy friends', mine will not go off lead in a public place full of owners and their dogs, nor will they be left alone with children! if i thought for a min my dog would bite a child they would be pts, because to me this is not a stafford!
  21. Hayley SBT

    Hayley SBT

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    just seen your last post, and staffords where breed for fighting, im sorry but i will not argue on this one!

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