pit bull type? BSL

Discussion in 'American Pit Bull Terrier' started by SBT, Jan 11, 2007.

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  1. griff

    griff New Member

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    the lady bought the dog off somebody 18 months previously so the dog obviously had a name:) i don't care what a dogs name is to be quite frank, as for the dog having worn a muzzle and being walked on lead all i can say is what a responsible lady.i wouldn't let my dog off lead with a muzzle on because if a dog runs up to attack, what defence could they put up?? at least with him onlead she can control the situation by walking away.i have a staffy with no papers and a staffy x with no papers, there is a chance my dogs could be punished because i decided not to pay for a dog and take on rescues, this country is pathetic:evil:
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  3. hectorsmum

    hectorsmum New Member

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    people cross the road when they see hector purely because of his size they think he's savage, does that make him a dangerous dog? NO.

    ignorance is what is being shown here with this dog.

    any dog will escape for whatever reason, trained or not.
    as for his name, well, whats in a name?
    narrow minded views on that one.

    as for the slogan .....punish the deed.... does that mean that the owner is guilty of error and that is punishishable by law. we'll all be guilty then by being human

    i know i will upset a lot of people on here but i agree that some breeds SHOULD be banned as they have no place in our society today.
    these are the dogs that have a strong instinct to fight or guard.

    sorry to upset anyone but thats MHO.
  4. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    So what you're saying Griff is that people who don't muzzle their dogs aren't responsible?
  5. hectorsmum

    hectorsmum New Member

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    i think you've got the wrong end of the stick there.

    a dog with a muzzle cannot defend themselves if attacked by another dog.

    a muzzle has good and bad points.
  6. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    What on earth has a guarding breed done to offend you?? :?
  7. griff

    griff New Member

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    thanks hectors mum, thats exactly what i meant:grin:
  8. Mahooli

    Mahooli New Member

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    My point is that dogs arent usually muzzled for no reason. She must have had an 'experience' for her to decide he needed to be muzzled and lead walked only.
  9. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    Like him getting garbage disease? It could be totally innocent, we were advised to Muzzle Roxy to prevent her from eating junk on walks. In the end we decided against it due to everyone being scared of her anyway, we thought it might give her a worse image.

    But thats my choice, not a sensible one as she came down with it again 2 months later. and I blame myself. However my point is that it could be innocent.
  10. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    We regularly walk with a couple that have 6 Golden Retrievers that are guide dog rejects for want of a better term, they have failed or retired whatever, but they wear muzzles as they are garbage collectors and have various health issues. Not all muzzles are worn for aggression issues.
  11. hectorsmum

    hectorsmum New Member

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    bitten me. and i knew the dog well!
  12. DobieGirl

    DobieGirl New Member

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    So because of ONE guarding breed dog biting you, you feel they should all be banned?
  13. random

    random New Member

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    Staff x labs are the most common dogs to be mistaken for pits apparently. My Maddy was once misten for a pit when she was about 6 months :shock: Some people have not got a clue and it's sad because they are often the ones who call the shots at the end of the day, and the govenrment doesnt really care enough about the people of this country IMO never mind the dogs...
  14. Sara1210

    Sara1210 New Member

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    This is exactly what isnt needed at the minute though. Just because a guarding breed has bitten you it makes them all vicious :? :evil:
  15. random

    random New Member

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    This is true, tar, brush...

    The softest dogs I have ever met are my best mates 2 rotties, softer than even my own dogs. Just my opinion I know, but I haven't even ever heard them growl...
  16. Biff


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    Hectors mum,

    You are condeming all guard dogs due to one incident.

    In that case then, the cat that scratched me when I was 4 means that all cats should be banned. The jack russell that chased me along the road when I was 12, means that all jack russells should be banned. The Bulldog and westie that both growled at me when they attacked my kerry blue terrier when I was 10, means that them two breeds should both be banned.

    Is that not the same logic that you have used. You knew that you would annoy people by making those comments, and whilst being bitten by that particular dog mustn't have been pleasant for you but banning, not only a whole breed, but a range of breeds due to that one incident isn't exactly justified is it?
  17. hectorsmum

    hectorsmum New Member

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    why is it not needed?

    isn't being bitten what the whole problem is about?

    would you like me to lie???

    i think not.

    if you read my orignal post you'll see i said SOME guarding/fighting breeds. thats not putting all in one basket is it.
  18. Biff


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    Oh and by the way, I was of course being sarcastic. I have since realised that running from the jack russell, was not the best thing to do in that situation. He probably thought I was playing and that xmas had come early for him. I have nothing at all against, cats, jr's, bulldog's or westies, I was merely highlighting those incidents to get across my point.
  19. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I was once bitten by a Cocker Spaniel that I knew incredibly well, but I think that is irrelevant except it proves all breeds of dogs can and do bite, it just doesn't mean that they all will. Each case should be dealt with according to the circumstances regarding it's particular facts.
  20. hectorsmum

    hectorsmum New Member

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    talk sense!
    we are not talking about being chased or scratched.
    we are talking about children being bitten by dogs here. the dogs are destroyed after.
    so when i was bitten that doesn't count, WHY??

    cause i'm an ADULT

    I appologised for my opinions but i am entiltled to them and openly will voice them.
    its never 'pleasent' being bitten. it hurts, it bleeds and causes horrible scars. it also causes FEAR!
  21. zero

    zero New Member

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    I think people are so quick to form an opinion one way or the other without knowing all the facts...not just with this but most things and that's the worst thing to me.
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