Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Neither do I Rip :grin: a lot depends on who is writing it and who's word you trust based on previous experience .
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  3. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Hmm previous experience, got plenty of that and I don't trust anyone, so I'm scr*wed from the get go! :lol:
  4. zero

    zero New Member

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    Crickey people! I only went out for a chinesse and the posts that were there before I went are burried now :lol:


    Hi mini :D yes that's what I meant. Different people have different points of view I guess. Whether 2000 yrs ago or not I still don't see any reason to specifically breed a dog that the emperors liked. People look back on things that happened in history and think that there must be some grandeur to the reason things happen but I don't.

    I agree there are alot of breeds to choose from already so I must be picky because aside from the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Saarloos Wolfdog or Northern Inuit Dog or Utonagan I didn't want any.

    I'm sorry that you feel the NI was bred on a 'whim'...

    Well I distinctively remember reading alot about the dogs being more apt at fitting in with modern day living in comparison to their northern breed ancestors. When we then called breeders the temperament was all we were interested in and it was discussed in length about the differences between the breeds the N.I.D stems from and the N.I.D themselves...This is not just a recent add on at all.

    When should that decision have been made...When were there enough terriers, after the first couple few different types surely there were enough dogs to catch rats. Why do we need so many different herding dogs? Retrieving dogs? How many different types do you need?

    no one made a statement that said 'loyal pets' did they? If you are referring to what I mentioned about the N.I.D having a temperament more suitable for modern day living than it's northern breed ancestors I will repeat, this most certainly is not a recent add on.

    No one is denying they were bred to look like wolves but they were bred for temperament also but the temperament is never something that gets looked at in these threads as it is actually extremely positive and we would hate to focus on something positive about the breed wouldn't we??

    I can only say the temperament must almost be 100% with these dogs cuz you can bet your bottom dollar if it was less than perfect overall then temperament sure would get discussed alot more then. If there is one thing no one no matter what they feel about the breed can fault is the sound temperament.

    You keep saying loyal? but if you want a surprise with my two you couldn't want for more loyal dogs :lol: If find it hard getting them to remove themselves from my backside half the time :lol: My female in particular likes other people well enough but try leaving her with anyone else and she doesn't want to know them, no one mentioned these guys as being a one man dog so I'm not sure where you getting that from within this thread but if it is what you wanted you couldn't get that characteristic from any dog more than you could my girl...besides the point though.

    You have to realise they are not just a straight cross where you end up with a mish mash of traits and hope for the best and believe it or not they have been selectively breed to where they have a character in their own right and are quite different to the breeds originally used in my opinion...

    Therefore if they were bred for aesthetic reasons only why do we have the great temperament that all the owners of NI / Ute's know and love, or did that just happen by sheer luck??

    I think it's breed retractors that focus only on the looks in my opinion because not once do I see them asking about temperament.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2006
  5. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    Mys :grin: you have attributed this quote to me, you are mistaken it is not mine ...
  6. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    ..thank you :) I see you have corrected it .
  7. zero

    zero New Member

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    mini, I have seen everything there is to see written on the NI and Ute on the internet trust me...and it still doesn't put me off, what does that tell you?...either I am stupid or I rely on what I personally see in the dogs.
  8. zero

    zero New Member

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    sorry mini...I know I noticed when re reading...I know how to do multi quotes but still don't know how to split posts up to address individual points so I copy and paste the name in the bracket sometimes and got carried away and stuck your name where the other should be...It can be exhausting with all these quotes...lol...thank god the multi quote was brought in though cuz it was even worse before that...lol
  9. Malady


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    No, that's mine...lol

    Actually, I can't be bothered to scour through 34 pages, but Yes, someone did say that they were bred to be 'loyal family pets', which is why I quoted it in the first place :)

    And regarding temperament, any dog can have good or bad, no-one is saying they are of a bad temperament (although the few I have met either didn't like dogs or children !), and I think the point Minihaha is making is that there are thousands of breeds to choose from (as I have also previously stated) hundreds that have fantastic temperaments, any dog in fact, can be trained to have a great temperament, they are individuals, so why create another.

    If you have 3, 4 or 5 dogs with not so great temperaments as standard within the breeds, what makes people think their offspring will be great.

    2 wrongs don't make a right :)
  10. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    i'm afraid i can agree that the few ni that i have met, and the one ute have all been nervous, bordering on aggressive... very aloof, and i have to admit to being nervous around them, and i am very confident about dogs. i felt as though i was being circled by sharks.

    just my personal experience, but based onthe temperament i have seen, i would never advise one as a pet.

    and wolife, if you don't want to be patronised, don't patronise others. if you don't want agression or hostility directed at you don't be so rude.

  11. zero

    zero New Member

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    What I wanted from my dogs:

    A type of dog that looks how dogs perhaps would have looked before the intervention of man and his tampering with size and looks.

    Without offence to any other breeds, I personally wanted a dog that to me looked as a dog should. I think there are so many funny shapes and sizes and I just wanted something more natural.

    A type of dog that you could imagine surviving without the aid of humans...If left to their own devices most the breeds we have today would be wiped out, the more natural type breeds are the ones I see that would be at least able to make a go of things, to me resulting in a dog as nature intended.

    I see this breed in the physical sense as taking things back not trying to change things. Which is why I shrug the designer term.

    Yes you can find similar in Huskies, Malamutes, GSD's etc...but I had my own reasons for coming to the decision they were not for me at the time.

    I wanted a dog that can run for miles should I wish but is equally happy to be curled up on the sofa should we miss a day.

    I wanted a dog that is big but zero aggressive.

    Cheeky and clownish with energy yet not hyperactive.

    I didn't want my dog to be constantly trying to escape (as I heard can be the case with Huskies)

    I wanted to be able to let my dog off lead.

    I wanted the character of the breed I would choose to share our lives with to fit 100% with what we could offer it to give it a fulfilling life.

    I have the looks I want in my chosen breed and the exact temperament for us.

    If others see no purpose that is fine. But like others have said, I also see no purpose in many breeds we have today.
  12. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Can we play nicely please, if not the thread will go on moderate and unacceptable postings will not be made live - anyone posting more than 3 will be removed from the forum.

    There's no need for hostility - please discuss things in an adult manner.
  13. zero

    zero New Member

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    well you can't base an opinion on an entire breed on an experiance with one or two dogs...
  14. Nicci_L

    Nicci_L New Member

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    I think it's time those of us with 'alternative' breeds crawled back under our rocks :lol:

    Honestly this is going really silly, recognition for 'new' breeds will eventually come wether those of you against these breeds happen to like it or not I can think of two breeds that have recently been accepted by the KC (One a couple of years back, the other being last year sometime)

    Just one question up until the point of recognition, were those breeds seen as 'mutts' and 'crossbreeds' too? Were owners of those breeds grilled to such an extent about possible health implications, history of those breeds etc, etc questioned about why the breeds exist, what breeds of dog were used to create those breeds, why was there a need to crossbreed/outcross to obtain those breeds certain looks, grilled to such an extent they felt they have to go over old ground, time and time again? I think not, I have searched and cannot find such references on the net - so I really cannot understand the 'ribbing' owners of the the NI & Utonagan getting. I certainly cannot understand why people who have no real intrest in these breeds are so intent on causing such arguments on a public forum.

    Honestly, it's like kids in the playground - My breeds better than your breed cause it's KC :roll:
  15. Malady


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    Should you not have bought a robot then, because these things you describe are achieveable with any number of breeds, and yet many of the things you list cannot be guaranteed either, i.e, letting off the lead, escapism, aggression. All these things are possible in any breed in any dog !

    I don't mean to be offensive and apologise if it comes across that way, but how can anyone say "I want this breed beacuse I can do this with it, or that with it" when you cannot be guaranteed of anything with a breed that derives from so many ?
  16. zero

    zero New Member

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    are there really thousands of recognised breeds to choose from? wow.

    and I still couldn't find one that fits me better than the NI, I guess I must just see something good in them then :lol:

    You know you have to ask yourself why you chose your own breed, if there are thousands of dogs that already fit the niche the NI has taken then does that not in turn lend true of the breed you chose for yourself.

    You prefer the traits of your chosen breed I prefer mine. Each to their own.

    If there was a dog that already fit the bill for me I woud have gotten it, there wasn't, I got an NI it's as simple as that :D

    Any breed that is cross bred and they all were at one point in time is different to what they originated from or their wouldn't be a point in any of them. Like I said through selective breeding the NI, while retaining some of the characteristics I personally see as less problematic, it is quite different to it's northern breed ancestors.
  17. Malady


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    For me personally, I do not agree with the fact that the breed I feel very passionate about has had a number of dogs spoiled to 'create' an aesthetically pleasing dog for wolf lovers, when the end product, in my opinion, looks nothing like a wolf :)
  18. zero

    zero New Member

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    Yes I should have brought a robot :roll: ...and sorry you do sound offensive.

    Doesn't anyone looking for a breed look for the traits that suit them?...I would think it irresponsible to go out and get a dog with certain traits that did not fit your circumstances.

    The NI fit mine.

    Yes be prepared for traits in individual dogs that may not be what you bargin for and take full responsibilty for anything that dog may throw at you...but I would never go out for a breed that had traits I knew I wouldn't want to live with.
  19. zero

    zero New Member

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    you obviously have made up your mind I see. Not unbiased at all.

    They are not for you. Fine. :lol:
  20. Malady


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    But that's the point. All dogs were bred for a specific purpose, there was a point to them being created !

    And the traits you love so much are traits of other dogs that already exsist ! so the temperament you want is already out there.
  21. zero

    zero New Member

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    right i'm obviously blind then becase in my search for my robot I couldn't find any other dog I prefered more than the breed I chose.

    you tell me the breeds that fit what I want from a dog and I will tell you why I didn't choose them.

    Not that anyone should have to feel the need to explain till they are blue in the face the reasons why they were attracted to the breed they have.

    Is you main mode of transport up the m25 by dog sled?
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