Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    *dies of sleep deprivation*

    why oh why did i just eat a load of chips? I canm't go to bed until they've settled or I'll be up half the night unwell... :(

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  3. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Mmmmmmm chips! :smt007
  4. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Aw no, I know that feeling!:smt078
  5. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    Dont start woman!!!:twisted: I get moody when im sleepy!:lol:
  6. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    Ha ha we own a chippie!! Its downstairs and we have even have ben and jerrys ice cream!!!:p
  7. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    I'm moving in!!! :D :D :D


  8. Shona


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    love the photos of the savage dogs :smt044 with there body guards :shock: :smt043 lol a cat :twisted: : and a little terrier ;-) they are brill :grin: scary lol but brill
  9. Shona


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    OMG is it not meant to relax you sounds like a whole load of stress to me lol good to know peeps teaching this stuff are well qualified
    have been giving it some thought (would it help the winter blues?) X shona X
  10. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I wouldn't have thought this was a problem for someone who only joined a few days ago...:)
    The greatest 'bashing' I have seen on here has been between the various factions of breeders and owners of NIs and Utes who fight among themselves and make the rest of us very unsure about that which we should believe...

    Malady asked some valid questions, anyone is free to ask questions :grin:

    If Malady wishes to post in introduction I am sure she will, people are free to post where they choose . I think Ramoth forgot to do this too :)
  11. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Blimey :shock: Not exactly friendly, was it :shock:

    Two wrongs don't make a right Zoundz. We're always saying to rise above rudness. Maybe you should take a lesson too!!

    Welcome to the forum Malady :grin: You maybe haven't started on the right footing, but I'm sure you'll settle in just fine ;-) :grin:
  12. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    It is a shame when people argue over breeds of dog - all dogs should be celebrated :grin: but I think it was more at the political level than the grass roots level. As a 'grass roots owner' :lol: I don't know the ins and outs either but very much admire NIs and would love to have a bigger place so I could have one. Most of us get along pretty well :p .

    Of course Malady can post whatever and wherever she chooses - I just thought it might diffuse things a bit to invite her to chat on other doggie subjects and welcome her.:grin:
  13. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    I noticed two people not posting in the intro section Malady and Ramoth, Malady asked valid questions, ramoth was IMO purly defensive, and I might add at one point said that they were to the effect "sick of coming on here to see this breed being got at (not the exact words but to the effect) which indicates to me that Ramoth is under an alias? there are MANY people that do not make an introduction that eventually join in and talk to members, I dont see why we should harrass someone to do this? at the end of the day anyone can say anything in their intro we are non the wiser as to wether it is the truth or not lets face it. I have read this topic and I personally am still not convinced about many things, I know many dog owners do not know the FULL facts behind the dogs they have, but there are members on here that are as far as I am aware actively involved in the "breeds" society? so constantly telling the OP to contact the soc to get the information to me sounds pointless as certain members on here should be able to answer ALL the questions or at least be in the position to contact more knowledgeable people in the breed or who work for the society to get the answers on behalf of the OP? I am not getting into a slanging match on here about this topic, as I am freindly with everyone on this forum, and will not fall out of friends over the subject, these people love their dogs and I am happy with that. but I also feel if someone genuinly wants information about a breed then no matter what the breed we sould be able to give that information or if we dont know the answers make the effort to find out not only for the OP sake but for the sake of ourselves as WE ALL need to further our own education on our chosen breeds. IMO.

  14. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    Well said Mo :smt041 :smt041
  15. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    I agree Mo :grin: also from a personal point of view you have Mals ,if someone took a bad example of one of the breeds of which I am most fond and crossed it with another breed to start a new breed just to make something that looked like another animal and in the process produced dogs with health problems I too would want to know why the new breed was started in the first place. I don't think creating a dog just to look like something else is a good reason to start a breed . This applies to all the new breeds.

    Ok in this instance some beautiful dogs have been produced and I love all the dogs of members on here :grin: but I think if many of the new breed turn out to have health problems and have to be put to sleep at a young age with crumbling hips or other serious inherited problems I think this is a big price to pay for the dogs and their owners .

    Yes dogs in old established breeds have problem too, but having large numbers of a breed/ a detailed history of the breed/a list of previously bred dogs and bitches and their progeny/ the option to bringing in new blood from abroad should in time eradicate the problems. With new breed small in number, where the original stock had health problems and numbers of the breed are small eradicating problems will be a very difficult task.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2006
  16. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Agree with all this. :-( From my point of view with Loki, I have been unable to find out if any (or how many) other Utes might have epilepsy or if it is hereditary as his breeder denied any knowledge and I have been unsuccessful in tracing siblings. It is really hard to get to the bottom of things from my OWN point of view from a health viewpoint of my OWN dog when the breeder isn't even involved with Utonagans any longer. You know how much I would like to.
  17. Meg

    Meg Global Moderator

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    LS :grin: (hug)many of us on here have shed tears as we helplessly followed the plight of Loki :-( He is indeed a stunningly beautiful dog but you are paying a high price for someone else's mistakes..

    Anyone who questions anything about 'the two breeds' here or anywhere else it seems is regarded as 'bashing the breeds' when frequently the questions are asked more in sadness than malice ..

    We have seen 'leaders'/ ex breeders/breeders and owners of these breeds come on the forums, some of them tell us one thing/adopt duel personalities/get deposed by someone else ,some of us rather lose track of just who is to be believed....:?

    Added to return to the original question posed by Malady
    'Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose !' .... and taking into account previous posts in this thread I have yet to see the questions posted by the OP answered.

    Malady :grin: I believe there are breed standards somewhere..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2006
  18. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Thanks Mini :grin: . I do get angry, but he is pretty special to me and I wouldn't be without him, despite all the problems.
  19. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    I am well aware that two wrong's don't make a right - I am sticking up for Malady, as quite frankly, all she did was ask a few questions the rest of us are dying to know the answers to - and has been treated in a very rude manner by some.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 8, 2006
  20. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

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    Margaret NI Society
    If you wanted information then you should have asked in the proper manner or is "politeness" above or below you"?
    YOU suggest WE all read your posts? We have :!:
    It isnt that we dont want to answer your questions ..You are rude to the point of being offensive
    NO ..we dont know who you are ? Should we ? Are you that important ..Oh !! Royalty
  21. Scottish Mags

    Scottish Mags

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    Margaret NI Society
    Boring means that this topic has been here again and again and again .
    I think you understan what I mean ZOUNDS
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