Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Just out of interest why is it interesting? :) It just looks like someones opinion?

    I have to say all the stuff you find on the internet can easily be written by Mr. Nobody from next door who knows nothing about anything.

    This may well be off topic but I'd just like to say my bit about why I'm a fan of the NI.

    I love wolves, always have. I'm fascinated by them. However I've always thought it cruel to introduce them into the general dog population (until recently when I read the threads on wolfdogs) and have always wanted a dog that resembles a wolf. I looked at Mals, but they're not for me really. A bit too stocky and can be dog agressive - doesn't really fit my lifestyle. Secondly come the GSDs, a lovely breed I still admire, but sadly I've yet to meet one with an even temperament. These encounters have sadly left me nervous of this breed and I may never be able to own one like I always wanted to. Then I looked at Sibes. What a breed, stunning, devoted and just about the most wolfy looking dog you could get. One problem though! They need almost constant comapny and can't be let off lead. No good for me, I absolutely hate keeping dogs on lead all the time and decided that I could only have "some" :)lol:) if I had the time, money and space to keep them.

    Then I discovered the NI. A wolfy looking breed that is not only sociable and friendly, but can also tolerate some time alone (albeit with canine company, which would be no problem with me).

    So, if this breed is so perfect for me why do so many condone it? Would you prefer me to have one of the other breeds stated and let the dog end up in rescue because it didn't fit in with my lifestyle?

    For me this is it's purpose, a wolfy looking family pet that ticks all the other boxes the other wolfy looking breeds don't.

    Some breeders have been terrible, but I'm pretty sure if you look into any breed and it's history you'll find the same. I'm only interested in having health tested dogs and there are NI breeders out there that feel the same way. I know who they are and to me that's all that's important.

    So I'm left with the question "Why the NI/Ute?".

    Is it because people like to put others down?

    Is it because people are jealous?

    And I still don't have an answer! There are so many other breeds created for looks only and yet the NI/Ute still gets it in the neck!

    Also to assume that just because you own a breed you should know every detail of it's history is ludicrous! I've had English Springers since I was 5 years old and I still don't know the full story regarding their history/why they were created. I've only got info from hearsay, but one thing I will make sure of is this - I'll know everything before I breed. When you're a pet owner it's just that, it's when you become a breeder that you should know your stuff IMO. :grin:

    Hope I haven't offended anyone here, just felt I had to get it out! :lol: (if this crashes while I'm submitting it I swear I'm gonna cry! :lol:)
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  3. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    I personally like to have a bit of banter, but hate anything that degrades any dog be it a mongrel, crossbreed, Heinz 57 or purebred. I love dogs whatever they look like or who owns it or whatever.
    Your right this argument has gone round in circles and if you look back its been done many many times over.
    Ethics & 'new' breed will probably have to be my middle name as I will try to help and answer questions as they arise but please ask one at a time. I will help all I can. :cry: Just dont shout.
  4. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    2 hours of solid yoga infront of 5 moderators assessing you, watching for any tiny mistake. marks out of 5. 45 postures to do most with 2 sides. Then headbalance, shoulder balance with variations. Teaching new students to do a standing posture and a seated posture then taking them into both head balance & shoulder balance safely.
    So I wont be walking at all on Monday.
    They wont pass you to teach if you mess anything up. Its very hard and very very personal. They pick up on everything. If you cant take care of someone in a posture you will fail. 2 years down the drain. :-(
  5. ramoth

    ramoth New Member

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    Us poor owners of Ute's and NI's are bound to get twitchy and defensive as we just get the same old same old thrown out on here all the time, yes some know more than others and have tried their best to answer questions and when we can't answer the questions we point you in the relevant direction ie: Ute society and NI society but it never seems to be enough.

    Did all the doodles out there get all this stick too?

    I am not trying to have a dig at anyone but surely from all the threads on here re-hashing the same old thing you would get fed up of it if it concerned your chosen breed :cry:
  6. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    Yes Rips - it could be just any old person's opinion - of course it could :) but i find opinion interesting - for whatever reason - it was the only thing I enjoyed about my horrid degree - getting to read books full of other people's opinions! :lol: guess i'm just nosy ;)

  7. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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  8. tawneywolf

    tawneywolf New Member

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    First of all Luz - good luck with the exam this weekend.
    I thought yoga was supposed to de-stress you???:lol:
    Let me just tell you all how I came about my first ute (only they weren't utes then) called Tawney.
    I had recently had to, yet again, PTS one of my dobies due to a genetic fault in their vertabrae. Although none of my 3dobies was related, they all fell victim to this. I was left with just my blue dobie, Piaf, and I decided because of the vertabrae problem I wasn't going to breed from her because I couldn't bear the thought of bringing pups into the world that could fall victim to this in their later years. So I looked around for a different type of dog. I was interested in Lurchers first of all, a good hardy cross I thought that wouldn't be as likely to be carrying anything nasty. However someone showed me an adv Eddy Harrison had run for her dogs. I phoned her up and we had a good long chat and I really liked the sound of her dogs, so arranged to go down to Newark the following day, Saturday.
    I rang my friend and persuaded her to drive me. On Saturday I filled her car up and we set off. We got there and Eddy took us round her place and showed us her dogs, and puppies. Finally she took us to a pen where there were some bigger puppies. Immediately a beautiful silver one caught my eye. Unfortunately for me (or VERY fortunately as it turned out for me) I had caught the eye of one of the other pups, she promptly tried to climb out to me and did practically everything you could imagine to attract my attention. Eddy said ' my dear - that is the one that is going home with you - you can have no other' '....but but I love the silver one...' I protested. 'Sorry she has picked you and her decision is final.' So a very pleased as punch Tawney came out to meet me as if she had always been mine. My friend (ignoring threats from her OH that she should come back dogless) picked another one, Sasha. So they came home with us.
    I cannot describe the love I had off Tawney over the years. They are quite unlike any other dogs for the love and devotion they give to you. They are totally with you in every way, in your heart and in your mind, I am crying for her even now just talking about her, she has been gone from me since January and there is still a massive space in my life where she used to be. No other dog has ever given me so much and been so much. I count myself fortunate that she picked me to take her with me that day. That is what these dogs are, they are unique in their personality and their ways. Lots of you do say they are mongrels and crossbreeds and cannot see their 'purpose'. Well maybe they don't have to have a purpose written in stone, maybe they are there to be whatever we need them to be.
  9. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Yes but what if it's the opinion of a nutty professor only interested in world domination thus gaining this through distracting the general public on debates about NIs/Utes?

    Haven't thought about that have you? :shock: :lol:
  10. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    Just to clarify - and I speak only for myself - if there were any 'doodle' breeders (or any of those other purposeful crosses) on here - they would be met with the exact same harsh scrutiny :) so it's not personal! :D :lol:

    ooh... and my doodles gets stick all the time! little monster! :D (in case you don't know Doodle's is Dudley's pet name... and he'll get a stick where the sun don't shine if he doesn't stop farting!)

  11. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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  12. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    :lol: I don't own one yet! :lol: So god knows how Ni/Ute owners feel! :shock:
  13. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    May I be critical of one comment???? Us """"poor owners""""
    Nooooo, us very very lucky owners I would say. Sorry. :grin:
  14. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    Shoot me if you want but that is sooooo funny! Inside out and defending - what do you think this is, a war zone? :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: . Most owners know enough about their dogs to ensure they are looked after, that they are nourished, given appropriate exercise, love and stimulation. Not the ins and outs of breeding programmes and genetics. :roll:
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2006
  15. ramoth

    ramoth New Member

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    Sorry "us extremely lucky owners"!!!

    Does the Top Gear dog ever move??!!
  16. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Yep, especially when there's a caravan on fire! :lol:
  17. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    lol -

    *whispers* - it's a stuffed toy! :p


  18. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    Ha ha! Dont think it does! first time i saw him i thought it was stuffed:shock: !

    sorry if my comment came accross as though YOU MUST KNOW EVERYTHING! But if you read my later post i explained an owner should have the basic knowlege to answer these basic questions!!

    And my goodness a war zone NO! ITS A MINE FIELD!!!:lol: :lol:
  19. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Tell that to the poor blind person on the end of the lead.

    I tell you what, if I was totally deaf and happened to be allergic I'd feel flippin' priviledged to own Labradoodle Hearing Dog, not ashamed.

    Sorry off topic. :blush:
  20. ramoth

    ramoth New Member

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    It's not!!! is it? :lol: :lol:
  21. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    *argh* mine field... now I have Prodigy songs rammed into my head for eternity! :lol:

    Sooo... how much of this should be split off and moved into the chat room section?! ;) haha! it's just very nice to have a pleasant debate about thigns - and that ti can stay friendly and we can have a laugh! :D I really really like that! :D I've been chuckling away here for ages - and Karl keeps threatening to join Dogsey to see what all the jollity is about! :D
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