Utonagans and Northern Inuits ????? Purpose ! Discussions

Discussion in 'Utonagan' started by Malady, Oct 6, 2006.

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  1. ramoth

    ramoth New Member

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    I'm with you Sutty :) :)
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  3. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    Now then! Why get hostile???:-(
    im not having a go at anyone! OR the breed! im mearly going on what i have come across on the web that these dogs were bred to resemble wolves as closley as poss! and to quote from a top inuit breeders breed standard "with a stunning appearance that resembles as closely as possible the wolf" and this is how they are advirtised too!! and again to quote...

    "By comparing pictures of wild wolves and our Northern Inuit dogs you can see the amazing likeness we have achieved already with our long term breeding program.

    The Northern Inuit dog is not a Wolf Hybrid, but a 'Wolf Look A Like' or 'Wolf Type' dog"

    if its all about temprement and soundness WHY focus more on the way the look?? (which always seems most important??)

    I never once said its irresponsible! But i dont see the point in creating another breed of dog to suit what people want! (id be saying the same thing if mals, berns whatever were in this situation!) i also dont agree with people breeding the likes Bear Shar Peis or trying to breed wooly mals or "huskamutes" because again it fills that gap!

    no doubt they are wonderful dogs and fullfill your lives! )and i certainly dont want ot offend)Im not arguing against that! Im arguing about the ETHICS OF WHY they were bred in the first place!
  4. ramoth

    ramoth New Member

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    The point is that all dogs right from the very first Saluki's were bred to fill a niche, from hunting to simply keeping hands warm they all serve a purpose. I don't know about you but I have never had a dog purely for it to do what it was bred for :)

    Not being hostile simply making a point :grin:

    I understand where you are coming from but as it's now 20 odd years down the line since they were first bred I think the point is now moot, the fact is they are here, they are loved and they are here to stay 8)
  5. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    Yes Kanikula - I have to say that this is why I have reservations about both breeds - it is quite easy to find the statements you mention above on the web... but moreover, I have been told by a 'top' NI breeder that they were bred to look like wolves. that's why they exist. :( I agree that that is wrong.

  6. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    Ramoth, and others too - just because they are here to stay, does that mean that the general dog owning and loving public have no right to ask questions or have opinions on the matter? :-?

  7. Kristina

    Kristina New Member

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    Would like to just say i slightly resent the fact that you think people should know EVERYTHING about a breed before getting one. Sorry JMO but you CANNOT know everything about a breed unless you have experienced life with one and all that comes with that breed. Even then unless you have several you may well not have experienced every characteristic of a breed. You can only learn so much from books, internet, etc and other people.

    Also knowing about something that happened 20 years ago (in reference to when NI's were first being created) is difficult because over time people have put their say in and different opinions and the only people who can really tell the truth about it and list every reason as to why they were created is the people that originally started creating them. As with a lot of things in history the 'truth' can be distorted (not saying its intentional). Again i say you need to contact the people originally involved in creating the breed and deciding what went into it if you truely want to know the answer to this. Personally i was more concerned with the health of MY dogs' predecessors and the history of their health and temperaments.

    As i personally understand it, Ni's were created to combine some of the best features of the original breeds to make a loving, gentle, spirited yet submissive (when challenged) intelligent dog which needed medium exercise and grooming and had wolf like features, which meant as a pet they were suitable for families of all types. The Ute therefore was created for the same reason yet the ideas of what forms this and how they were supposed to look changed over time and now they look like different dogs, although i think the temperament is still very similar.
  8. ramoth

    ramoth New Member

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    As for why they were bred in the first place you would have to speak to the person who first decided to breed them to answer that one :grin:
  9. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    found this - make of it what you will - makes very interesting reading though. :) and before anyone thinks i'm trying to stoke a fire (as is so often the thoguhts on here apparently :roll: what would I possibly gain from it?!), I'm not, I just found this article very interesting.


  10. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    I dont think anyone on here is saying they dont welcome questions Laura, as I said on page 1 or 2 I cant remember, I personally have always welcomed your questions as you had asked them to me and I answered them I had hoped sufficiently. :grin:
  11. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    sorry if thats how it came across but the questions that were put on the thread originally are realy in escence very basic and should be easily answered (ok maybe not the last as thats for the KC to decide) and i cant understand why people have gone on the defensive over a few simple questions that any person would ask about any dog??

    they are questions about health, soundness, breed standards and purpose! which any owner of their breed should be able to answer!?

    It amazes me how something so simple as a question can turn into an arguement??

    i think topics such as this should be taken up as an oppurtunity to boast about your dogs! and to make your chosen breed shine! and to point potential owners in the right direction! Overall there is little info out there about these dogs! USE these debates to PROMOTE your breed and INFORM people! and NOT to have a go!!
  12. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    Yes Laura - any questions I have asked of you, you have answered very well, and in fact, i have any important answers stored somewhere on this swamp that is my computers hard drive! :lol: gawd knows where now! lol there are some truly helpful people around with regards to the breed - but I feel they aren't necesserily in full knowledge of things themselves. It would be interesting sometimes to get information from the 'top breeders' as it were. I know Sutty has always been very helpful when I've asked questions, but there are some breeders who no longer post here who have been very dark, mysterious and shadowy about the breed - and do it severe injustice by their sneaky ways. The NI and Ute owners on here for the most part are very helpful and do try their best to clear up queries :) :D - but there have been questions asked that have been met with rudeness and infact, downright foul language and temper. not by any of the present company I add! :)

  13. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    I dont think anyone was hostile I know the website you are referring to and I cannot comment on that persons kennel.
    As for the 'new' breed slogan thing going on, you have to remember all dogs come from the wolf, no getting away from it, tis a fact. Chihuahua's to Irish Wolf hounds. All the wolf.
    So you have a Malamute, yes I looked at that breed before I discovered the dog I wanted for ever. I looked at the Siberian Husky, I looked at the Rottweiler, I looked at the GSD, I looked and looked and looked.
    I have Barney (still alive in my heart) for years & years. Could I ever find a dog who could ever be a good companion to my beloved old timer who was a crossbreed of what? who bloody cares. I just loved him!
    I found the Northern Inuit just when I needed them, the people and the Society have made me feel like I have another family. They care about me and my dogs.
    I imagine I will post this and another awaits...... :roll:
  14. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    :( {{{hugs}}} he was such a special old chap

  15. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    Fair enough, I now hold the position of Secretary of the Northern Inuit Society and hold my head up high with pride of such title. If you have any questions be it about the dogs & the society I will gladly help as much as possible.
    But I do ask can you do it after my yoga exam this weekend, im so stressed :roll:
  16. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    Gladly ;) I'll start on you on Monday! ;)

    Very best of luck with that exam too :D

  17. Luz

    Luz New Member

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    I will be ready with my supple yoga slim stealth like body & mind! :grin:
  18. Zoundz

    Zoundz New Member

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    :lol: It's very nice to see that this thread hasn't degenerated into a vicious slanging match too! :D It's gotten good like that around here recently ;) :D

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2006
  19. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    I was about to post some more but realised this arguement is going to round in circles:) and by the sounds of it has done so many times in the past!

    Like i have said im not slating the dogs themselves just the ethics. Unfortunatley there will always be contraversy around any "new" breed of dog and this will always happen! Its not just NI that get it you know!? they just happen to be one of them!:?

    ps i dont own a mal yet!! ;-)
  20. Kanikula

    Kanikula New Member

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    so how does a yoga exam work then???:shock:
  21. Wolfie

    Wolfie New Member

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    I do think that Ute and NI owners are defensive because we've had to come across this sort of stuff so many times :-( Most of the threads end up being locked because of peoples attitudes towards each other :-( :-(

    Yes, I will defend the breeds, but I also need to learn more about them. Every day with Luca is a learning curve for me, and one that I may be able to help other prospective Ute/NI owners with :grin:
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