Hi Fran, sorry I did not see this post before I left, After I had been to Grangemouth I thought as the weather was rubbish I thought I would just head straight through there, I walked round the lock and asked loads of folk, not a sole had seen him, I handed out loads of my business cards to folk, Im not sure what area he had been seen in, to be honest around half the folk I talked to did not live in Linlighgow, they were just out for a walk, tourists or visiting for a day trip, who knows though keep my fingers crossed, if you want I can have another looky see over the weekend while your away, not sure the weather helped today with the constant rain, shona x
No not yet I didn't get out to see if it was him. I have the puppies here and can't leave them on their own. Will have to try tomorrow
Thanks Shona...the man who called said he was up at the canal basin. The rain was so bad he would not have been flying around anyway.
If you go through the town towards Tesco turn right at the end of the main street and up under the railway bridge, sharp right and climb the hill. The canal basin is at the top. I was up there today but didn't see him. I did get your chain swapped at the show today.
ah thanks for that, I know where you mean, if I have the car around 8ish I will pop over and have a nosey looky for ya, how did it go at the show today?