Luna Rainbow Bridge

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Azalea, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. Azalea

    Azalea New Member

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    We adopted Luna in the spring of 2015, a year after "our" Cocker Spaniel died (she was one of my family's "family dogs" first, then became "our" dog when I got married). We wanted our Chihuahua, Saint, to enjoy being spoiled as the only dog left. However, she seemed more moody/sulky in general, especially when we left for work or errands.

    The shelter staff told us that Luna was seven or eight years old. They described her situation as "owner surrender" with no other details. We brought Saint for a meet-and-greet, and it went well. They were on the couch together that night. She was a loving, sweet dog who just wanted to be near us. We could simply make eye contact with her and her tail would start wagging like crazy.

    Luna (2).jpg Luna (1).jpg Luna (3).JPG

    A veterinarian told us that Luna was older than what the shelter staff guessed. She was probably ten or twelve years old when we got her, but she had as much energy as a younger dog! She lived for almost three more years, and only slowed down in the last few weeks.

    When she began to fall over/stumble and urinate right after drinking, we took her to the veterinarian, who told us it was kidney failure. She strongly recommended that we euthanize Luna because she was not happy this way.

    For the next two days, Saint kept sitting or laying near the front door, waiting for her.
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  3. Tone

    Tone Member

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    So sorry for your loss.
    I know it’s heartbreaking when this happens, when I lost my old springer last year, my pup and my daughters dog were so sad for about a week, they would look to see if I had brought him back home when I came in. He had the most gentle soul anyone could ever ask for. I had him from about 4 years old although we didn’t know exactly how old he was but we guessed around that age, he lived with us until he was around 14/15, he went through testicular cancer and had teeth removed. But in the end he was struggling to get up and kept falling and his front legs would give way like his legs were tired and couldn’t hold him up and then he stopped eating and drinking. The vet said he had lived longer than a usual working dog does so he had had a good life. It broke my heart.
  4. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I'm sorry for your loss.

    Many shelters will underestimate adult dogs' ages. This was pretty much guaranteed even twenty years ago - every adult dog was "between two and five years" because people didn't want a dog that was "older". Nowadays, it happens less because people are more willing to adopt an older dog.

    In the end, you gave Luna a wonderful three years that she wouldn't have had otherwise. It was short but is was very very good.
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    So sorry you have lost Luna. Only dog folk understand that it is losing a member of your family, and it really hurts. The only thing wrong with dogs is that their lives are too short.
  6. Anita J

    Anita J New Member

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    I dont know if i am the only one thinking like this. I dont like euthanize a pet. It is hard thing to do. Afterall they are all animal supposed to live in jungle. I dont euthanize is natural. Let us give them the comfort and stay with them in the last days. I dont know if i right or wrong but i just think we should let them to have a natural death.
  7. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    When my akita had torsion, I took him to the emergency vet. She verified the torsion and recommended euthanasia. I agreed. She turned to leave the room to get a sedative so I could say goodbye. He let out the most heartwrenching cry of pain I've ever heard. The vet said "we need to do it now". As she gave him the injection, you could see the moment it started taking effect. He wagged his tail. Then he just slowly laid down and passed.

    I would never deny any animal the ability to die without pain and/or suffering if it is in my power.
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Anita J Have you actually watched dogs in the heartbreaking process of death, which can take a period of days or even weeks? Our C21 pet animals have had any coping strategies for jungle living bred out of them hundreds of years ago. They would either slowly starve or, more likely, be eaten by an apex predator.
  9. Azalea

    Azalea New Member

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    Do any owners like to euthanize a pet? The veterinarian told us that Luna was unhappy, and she strongly recommended that we help her pass on.
  10. Azalea

    Azalea New Member

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    I appreciate your response to Anita J. The vet gave us dog treats and told us to feed them to Luna while she was injected with the first shot (to sedate). She fell asleep while eating treats and being petted by us.

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