Nigredo's eye Photos

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by mjfromga, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Nigredo's eye

    So Nigredo had a cyst removed from under his eyelid last year. It has grown back multiple times larger than it was before.

    However it isn't bothering him nearly as much as before as it seems to be on TOP of the eyelid this time as opposed to under the eyelid.

    Last time it was scraping his eyeball and running badly and he was pawing at it etc. This time he seems mostly unaffected by it. He sees the vet tomorrow who will check it out.

    He's 10 years old as a large/giant breed and though the vet says he's in good health for his age and breed, I'm not sure I want to put him under again to remove this again. What do you think? 20220223_044831.jpg
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  3. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    My Moose-dog had a tumor on his lower eyelid starting around age 10-11. The vet and I decided to watch it and see if it grew any more or bothered him. At the age of 15 when I had him euthanized for severe old age, the tumor was still there. He was a shepherd/poodle/newfie mix and had several lumps on his body.

    I would talk to the vet and if it doesn't continue growing and doesn't bother him or put his eye at risk consider leaving it alone.

    If it keeps growing, then it most likely needs to come off.
  4. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I think only a vet can advise you after he's looked at it Myra.

    I do hope it's only a cyst though or if it is a tumor that it's benign and can be left if it isn't botherin him x
  5. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I don’t have any particular advice or opinion but wanted to say I understand not wanting to put him under again, given his breed/s and age. Our big dogs don’t have as long a lifespan. Wishing Nigredo, Malone, and you well.
  6. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    So vet is not pressed about the eye much for now. Doesn't seem to be affecting the eye or bothering Nigredo. Leave it alone.

    He had a horrible anal gland infection (which was his primary reason for visit). He got them drained and flushed and some shots and oral antibiotics for that. The groomer expressed his anal glands last time and he hasn't been right since. So something they did caused a problem. So got that handled.

    He has a large lump on his side. He is fat so its hard to spot but its definitely there. The vet suspects it's a lipoma. Nigredo is simply too old for invasive procedures and that lump is deep beneath the surface so we're going to leave that one alone too.

    All in all, he's okay for an old dude. He is 104 lbs but should be about 90 lbs. Despite being put on diet kibble and portioned out as instructed and not given treats, he's gained some weight. He has the worst metabolism EVER. Pediatric neutering is really such a bad thing for large/giant breed dogs.
  7. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Glad that the vet doesn't have to go in on any of the problems, Myra.

    I do think that dogs, like us, get old age spread when it comes to weight. He's a lovely lad. I hope he lives on for many years yet x
  8. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Giving Nigredo his antibiotics... featuring annoying Malone!!
  9. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I've only had one dog I needed to do that with. The rest happily gobbled down the pill with a bit of peanut butter, liverwurst, cheese, etc, or I could put it in with their meals and they'd eat it.

    The one dog was a real pill (pun intended). She would suck/eat the food around the pill and spit it out. Fortunately, sherarelyever needed medication.

    Cats are far worse, and parrots are the worst.
  10. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I have to do that to, but I have to hold their mouth shut and pet there throat to make sure they swallow the pills.
  11. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Well Nigredo is fat so this way is best for him. I don't want to be giving him peanut butter and cheese twice per day. Just want him to swallow the pills. Fortunately, he is WAY easy to pill so no problem.

    Oreo takes a pill for itching a few times a week... he is a cat. I have to use a pill shooter and it's still a nightmare.

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