Tried but no longer have my note with the original Gibberish password onn it. I have big problem with switching from here on this page, or any page; over to AOL to receive a temp password then finding my way back to Breedia again. Can you tell I am older than dirt, was raised on the shoulder of Mt.Whitney in Calif. and had no electricity till I was about 13 yrs old? LOL Still don't trust it! So hopefully I can get some help with this. It is difficult to find certain pages here. I will get it, just need some practice! I have my first cell phone and just got it a couple years ago. Getting there!
I have just struggled myself. I hate technology. Due to logging myself out I ended up only being able to access Breedia on an old very slow tablet. In the end I opened a second email account, and joined up again under another name. You are more up to date than I am. No cell phone, just a very old, pink Nokia slider!
So, a nice helper has just emailed me a temp password of gibberish again and I know I should be able to change it to what I want it to be. Is there anywhere I can do this? While I love the idea of this site it is poorly designed to be very non helpful to hoo-mans!
Click on your name in the top right (next to inbox and alerts) select password form the drop down menu You can change your password there
It really is a very helpful site, and very well designed. In fact I think that it is the best designed site I have ever seen. It is just that it is very new to you so you have yet to work your way around it and find what is where. Once you see how everything works, I am sure you will be very happy here.
I'm gonna add that this site is really great and any issues that may occur are worth it. I was on another dog forum and while it was supposed to be an international site, many of the posters, including and especially the moderators, were very rude and aggressive when someone used a word incorrectly (like using "forcing" when they meant "begging" or "pestering". It was so bad, I commented on it twice and got banned for two months because the moderator "felt attacked" (even though I apologized for my comment coming off as an attack). One month into my two month banning, it somehow became permanent - even though I had not done or said anything else. The worst is that I had only been on the site for a week.
Yep. The temporary password is just to get you back in. Chris' instructions will get your password changed to what you want it to be.
Been there, done that Some of the moderators on sites can't stand to let anyone having a different view no matter how nicely put over
Yeah, this one was way over the top. I've had a few disagreements on sites over the years, but I've never been banned for them. And to be honest, I could have seen some of those turn into a banning and thought "OK, maybe I went too far". But with this site I got banned because I suggested that a newbie's use of the word "hike" might not mean an all day mountain trek as some folks use the word to mean a walk on a short trail.
Wow, they really banned you for that? On a multi-national site we all use wording that can be misinterpreted so explanations are usually welcomed
And I am usually the guilty person for using the transliterations of words I commonly use, forgetting that I am supposed to be using the correct English words!
Yep. The moderator insisted that she knew exactly what the poster meant and that I was attacking her for suggesting otherwise. So she banned me. Of course as soon as I was banned, she started making a big point out of suggesting that cultural differences and language translations should be considered before bashing a poster... I was really disappointed that the other moderator refused to step in.
It's part of being an international forum - we all use regional definitions and words and messy translations. The important part is to realize that and ask for clarification before assuming the worst.
It is not regional definitions and messy translations on my part - it is because a little corner shop here is called a "macolet" - and after 36 years I automatically use that word instead of having to say "the little shop across the road". It is the same as the louvres on the shutters on my windows. I tend to talk about opening or closing the "trissim". Not "opening or closing the louvres on the shutters on my windows". Yes, I have used those words here and yes I have been asked what I mean. I explained, it was understood, and it means that I don't have to try to remember to use half a dozen words in place of just one, when that one word has been the word I have used for so many years. Incidentally, on a now long extinct British forum - nothing to do with dogs - someone was once banned for saying "I agree." to a comment that had just been made. Why? Because the moderator thought it was insulting not to explain why she agreed.
I love when you use those words. If I don't know what it means, I look it up (like macolet). I think that is one of the great things about international forums - you learn words that you otherwise would never hear. That moderaror could be the same one - totally off the wall.