I need Advice Desperately Re My Ageing JR Questions

Discussion in 'Jack Russell Terrier' started by Father Bill, Jun 13, 2021.

  1. Father Bill

    Father Bill New Member

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    I need Advice Desperately Re My Ageing JR

    Greetings all! I'm a tottering old priest with a tottering old Jack Russell who's not doing very well lately. My 'Curate,' The Venerable Mr Piddles, is a 17 year-old Jack Russell who has been a working dog his entire life. Mr Piddles, up until about five months ago, spent his life working with victims of child-trafficking at my two homes, in Transylvania, and The Republic of Moldova. When we're back in England, he works weekly in Paediatric and Elder Hospice - which he still does regularly, and he celebrates funerals with me.

    But Mr Piddles, in his old age, has had terrible tummy problems. For several days it's Diarrhoea,along with refusal to eat. I know when his tummy is bothering him, because he becomes a horse and starts grazing in the garden. Then, there's the yellow bile which he vomits when that happens. And now, it's a brown bile. (he has never eaten faeces though).

    I've taken him to the Vet several times. They prescribed Propionyl propranolol and metoclopramide, which didn't do much. Then they wanted to give him MIrtazapine, which I refused, and asked for prednisone instead. This was to boost Mr Piddles' appetite. I didn't know the vet who wanted to prescribe the Mirtazapine, I only spoke with her on the phone. Without her ever seeing Mr Piddles. she said "well. if that doesn't work, you're going to have to put him down!" I was appalled by this, especially as she had never seen him.

    Yes, he's slower now - for Heaven's sake - he's an old man. But he still has lots of love in him and he seems happy, especially when he's working. My dearest friend insists that she believes he has a cancer, which is blocking his intestines. I can get an MRI scan done for around GBP£450, or USD$630.00

    Mr Piddles has given me seventeen years of his life and now I must give him the best he deserves. But I'm at a loss as to what to do, especially with multiple people saying he should be put down. No one would believe that if they saw him celebrating a funeral yesterday and proudly marching down the church aisle and taking his position to face the congregation.

    I would be grateful for your advice. I've never posted here, but will try to add some photos of Mr Piddles. By the way, he still loves to fly, and travels back and forth 2-3 times a month between London and Moldova or Romania and he can still tell me if we need to go to the lavatory, although the notice is much shorter these days. At nights, he's having accidents. but again, I don't mind. I've just put down pads each night for him in case he misses waking me up in time. Bless his heart.

    I'm most grateful!

    Father Bill+
    Mr Piddles says hurry up!.jpg Mr Piddles says hurry up!.jpg Mr Piddles thanks you!.small.C.jpg
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I must say Mr. Piddles is looking very smart for his 17 years. However, brown bile does not sound good, and I think I would want to investigate further before deciding what to do. £450 actually sounds quite reasonable for a MRI scan, (my friend paid over £1000 for a MRI scan of her dog's elbow), but is there no chance that a neoplasm might show up on a simple x-ray? If there turned out to be an operable condition, do you think Mr. Piddles would be strong enough to come through it?
    I could be the wrong one to ask as both of my hounds have terminal conditions and I am going to keep going until my trusted vet says - No more. You have a lot to think about, but primarily, you need a vet whose opinion you can trust.
    Best wishes.
  4. Father Bill

    Father Bill New Member

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    Hey Carole! Thank you so very much indeed! You've hit a sensitive point for me. One of my challenges is that I simply do not trust the vet. Sadly, all of the vets have been bought out by a single group, so when I used to be able to choose between 3-5, they're now all one in the same. And about a fortnight ago, I listened as one of the receptionists was arguing over who would receive the commission for the sales they made with me, in pushing their brand of dog food as a viable alternative to my hand-preparing his food each day ( I boil chicken for him twice a week, and chicken-livers once a week.), plus some IAMS for dogs over 8 years old.
    I do believe he could sustain a surgery - but it would frighten me to death for him. I don't mean to sound like a wimp, but since he was 9 weeks old, there has not been a day that he and I were apart. He even flies next to me on aeroplanes and when we're on ships and trains. So, I don't find the idea palpable, but if it will help, I'd certainly do it. I like the idea of a neoplasm. It's not something I've explored. I'm always ratcheted up a bit at the Vet because they're all trying to see things to me for Mr P. And they could have my entire pension if it would make him well, but he isn't.
    Tomorrow I'm going to phone a vet approximately 30 miles from me. I live at Herstmonceux Castle and they are in Brighton. However, I've heard positive things about them....so fingers crossed.
    Thank you again, Carole. I'm most grateful. I'm so sorry to learn your dogs have terminal conditions. That must be agonising for you. I deal with death almost daily. I can take that. But when it comes to the animals, I'm just a wimp!
    Thank you again!
    I'm going to try to add a couple more photos. I didn't do too well on the first attempt.

    Mr Piddles Riding with The Horse Drawn Hearse last week
    Fr Bill+ Mr Piddles Raising Funds For Children.jpg

    Mr Piddles Funeral Celebration.jpg
    Mr Piddles Prays for Our Country. For Our Queen. For Our Prime Minister.jpg
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Take care, both of you.
  6. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    Mr Piddles is a very handsome boy and he has definitely made his place in the hearts of many. I am so sorry you are facing this.

    When I have faced this type of decision, I try to focus on what's best for the dog and ignore my own desire to hang on at all costs.

    You say he is happy and still enjoying his life. That tells me it is not time to put him down. At the same time, 17 years is at the high end of a JRT lifespan. So even if you diagnose the problem, will treatment give him a significant benefit?

    Only you can make the decision. Mr. Piddles will let you know when he's ready. Until then, give him all the love and happiness you can. Consider procedures and treatments if they will give him a significant benefit over any negatives.

    Please share more photos and stories. He is truly an exceptional little guy.
  7. Father Bill

    Father Bill New Member

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    Father Bill
    Good morning Toed!
    Thank you for your thoughtful input. Last night Mr Piddles, again, suffered tummy challenges. He was desperate to go into the garden to graze and he clearly had some challenges later in the night when he went on the doggie pads I put down at night.

    I must be brutally honest with myself, I realise - I've spent over three decades dealing with death and dying, and suffering among children. And I pray that the things I've done and offered helped in some small way - my beloved daughter has always called it 'my ministry of presence.'

    But now, for nearly two decades, Mr Piddles has faithfully been beside me, working, and supporting me and I feel so utterly helpless, especially as I have such lack of confidence in the flippin vets office. They are constantly trying to hard-sell things and if you listen carefully - one of my greater gifts - you can hear their conversations, discussing choosing a different medication for someone's pet because it has a higher price, or speaking of their commissions in the things they sell - from puppy pads to cremation services and urns. And I find it as wholly repugnant as I do when I'm forced to deal with the national owned funeral directors. They are leeches who feed off of the suffering and mourning in our communities. (Sorry, emotive moment, there.)

    My daughter says she can't imagine me not being with Mr Piddles. Nor can my staff in Moldova or Romania. They know he's old and one of my staff did ask me last month whether I had prepared myself for when Mr Piddles dies. It actually shocked me as we had not been discussing him at the time; I was in the midst of preparing dinner for the children.

    A dear friend of mine, a former Crufts judge, tells me I should not spend the money on an MRI for Mr Piddles for what it already self-evident. She says that 'we' need to prepare, though, that it will soon be time when Mr Piddles will visibly ask me to 'help him.' He has always been exceptionally good at telling me what he wants, needs, or even is thinking. So I suppose I could trust that from him.

    Today, once again, I shall go back to the insipid vets office. I will go to one of their other offices, only in the hopes that one of the young vets we see will have better advice, and perhaps a scintilla of more compassion - rather than being driven by revenue targets. And later this afternoon, Mr P and I are on duty at Hospice.

    Thank you for asking for some more photos of my four-legged Pot Roast. I'm honoured to share them. Just a note, any photos I share from hospice, I have full written permission from the family.

    Thank you again for sharing your thoughts. It's important to me to listen to others who have JR's in their lives as I am sure that you too, at times, have been faced with a similar challenge.

    Oh, I forgot and I don't know if it's okay to share this, but Mr Piddles has a small blog - it's merely his 'introduction sheet,' but it gives you some of his perspectives on the world Despite his dyslexia, he's a far better writer than I am! The scallywag!


    Thank you again. May all your own journeys be ones of Discovery!
    Fr B+
    Mr Piddles.Ambassador.for.Brighton.jpg Mr Piddles.Proud.car.jpg Mr Piddles and his favourite daughter Mary keep an eye out for Brexit Bashers.jpg Mr Piddles Hospice 1.jpg Mr Piddles and Mike.jpg
  8. Father Bill

    Father Bill New Member

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    Good morning again!
    Just a small addendum to my laboriously languid epistle of earlier. I was on the phone with the Romanian Consulate to the UK after I had written you. I was sharing my despair about my mistrust in the vet consortia in my village and surrounding towns. She lives in Brighton and said she would happily drive fifty miles to see her vet; that she trusts her implicitly.

    Ergo, Mr Piddles and I are heading out for a day beside the seaside. (then rushing back for Hospice this late afternoon). When I phoned, I was happy that they actually triaged Mr Piddles over the phone, asking leading questions. And when I gave them the name I wanted to see, the receptionist said she'd have to phone me back as that particular lady was their chief surgeon. That, too, gave me some comfort.

    I'll provide the outcome this evening. Again, thank you so very much!
    Fr Bill+

    Mr Piddles Sails with dignity.jpg Mr Piddles Wears His Protective Helmet.jpg Mr Piddles. Country Funeral Procession.jpg Mr Piddles.Anticipation.jpg 20150720_141809.jpg
  9. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    I miss the days when your vet was a trusted friend who had time for a chat. When, if they were brewing-up, you might be asked if you would like a cup too. When you were able to assist with your own dog's procedures. Sadly those James Herriot days will never return, and vet. practices have Business Managers these days - even the independent practice that I use. Every minute and every suture has a unit cost.
    However, there are some clever vets around, and fingers crossed that you have found a good one. Hoping you get some positive vibes.
  10. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Looking at your photo's, it's hard to believe he's a senior dog. He looks so full of life and energy.

    Good luck at the new vets. Everything crossed you'll get some answers x
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hello - are you the same Bill Haymaker who posted some of these pictures on 27 April on Quora? Only I am slightly confused as you say that the picture of Mr Piddles riding with the horse drawn hearse was taken last week.
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Chris - many of those photos were published in various places over three years ago.
  13. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I don't think Father Bill is trying to pass off all these photos as new - I think he's just showing us Mr Piddles' enjoyment of his work with favorite photos.

    Father Bill - I am glad you are getting Mr Piddles in to see a new vet. I hope they are able to ease his discomfort.

    And thank you for the aknowledgement of my own Tornado-dog. I suspect you will truly understand what it means to have a JRT in a big dog's body. There is nothing like the pure enthusiasm for life a JRT puts out there - everything they do is the most important thing at that moment, even if it's just cuddling.
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Message #3 posted yesterday "Mr Piddles Riding with The Horse Drawn Hearse last week" but that photograph was posted on Quora on 27 April.

    I do not want to post links to certain newspaper articles but as they are all listed on Google there really is not any need for me to do so.
  15. Father Bill

    Father Bill New Member

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    Good morning everyone!
    I apologise for not being able to respond last night. It had been a challenging time. First, for Malka, it took nearly two years to get that reversed. That's the horror of having a solicitor who fails to appear on your day in court, where you had planned for almost 12 months in advance. And interestingly, when the 'press' have made their money from selling, they seem to disappear into the ether when they discover it was a mistake. However, as they say: to err is human. You may read all of it here:
    and, there is currently an ongoing civil case against both the council and the individual(s) involved who did their best to amplify their drive.
    Now, as for the photos, again I apologise unreservedly, if I stated that I took a photo of Mr Piddles on April 27th, I certainly don't recall that. It may very well have been in April - I just don't remember. What I was attempting to do was share additional photos of my four-legged pot roast as requested.
    Now that I've had to regurgitate the terrors of those years ago, I'll go back to the reason I wrote seeking advice for those of you who are in the know...

    Yesterday was a refreshing and even inspiring change from what I had been experiencing from the vets I had been seeing. Mr Piddles and I drove to Brighton and met this lovely lady. She spent nearly thirty minutes with us and I could see all the while she was assessing Mr Piddles, particularly for at least ten minutes of her time dedicated to massaging and manipulating his undercarriage, checking his liver, kidney, bowel, etc.
    Carole very kindly alluded to the possibility of a simple x-ray in search of a neoplasm. The Vet wasn't sure that would produce much as she believes Mr Piddles' bowel is just withered and there are certainly small neoplasms in the tract, but they would most likely not concentrate sufficiently to produce a viable image. (to my warm appreciation, she also added that she didn't belive in doing procedures just for the sake of procedures and income for the practice. Danke Gott!

    She gave Mr Piddles three different injections: Dexafort 50ml, Betamox 100Ml and Prevomax 20ml. She also prescribed additional prednisone adding that she agreed with me that Mirtazapine wasn't the best idea for him and validated my requested preference for Prednisone as a prophylaxis. And she provided an additional prescription of Carenia to assist in helping her belief that he may be feeling a bit 'off' at times when it came to wanting to eat.

    All in all, I was amazed for that 30 minute visit and comprehensive triage, she charged only £38. And with the injections and prescriptions the total came to only £136. An absolute bargain compared to what I have been paying.

    Prognosis: As Carole so gently pointed out, 17 is certainly at the top end of a life-expectancy for the typical JR. I had already moved to accept this, difficult as it is. Therefore, she gently added that further care is really in the realm of palliative care for him. Having served in Hospice for so many years, I can accept this. It does not mean death - it means celebrating life for the remaining time we're given.

    This morning we struggled initially in eating. I cook fresh chicken each morning for him and add a bit of Iams Senior Biscuit. However, it took nearly an hour of coaxing to get him to eat any of the chicken. But I saw yesterday that he had not lost any more weight over the past fortnight, so if he's happy to be hand-fed, I'm honoured to do so. Both I and the Vet agreed that he did not appear to be in pain.

    And last night, whilst on Hospice Duty, Mr Piddles embraced his responsibility as he always has - focused on giving of himself to the soul we were there with until she passed at 4 this morning. She had been awake when we arrived yesterday and she held Mr Piddles in her arms. About three hours later she was mistaking him for her own dog and eventually she slipped into the shadows.

    I'll add a couple of more photos now and I make no representation as to their dates, I'm merely sharing them. However, if someone wants a date I'm honoured to provide it.
    One of the greatest fallacies of human nature is our penchant for judging others when we don't know the individual or the facts. However, it's one of our creator's miracles that these little animals, who give wholly and joyfully of their lives and love to us never judge us. I cannot fathom what our world would be without them, as the loneliness would be overwhelming beyond our capacity.

    Thank you again!

    May all your journeys be ones of Discovery! Mr Piddles mary.Angry.jpg Mr Piddles Takes a break from painting childrens coffins.JPG Mr Piddles Overseeing painting oc childrens coffins.JPG Mr Piddles.Trolley.Patrol.jpg Mr Piddles.Trolley.Patrol.jpg Mr Piddles position at the crematory.jpg .
  16. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I'm so glad you were able to find a vet who you and Mr Piddles are comfortable with and can trust.

    I suspect that Mr Piddles' hospice work is bringing him comfort as well as his patients.

    And thank you for the additional photos. He is truly a joy.
  17. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Father Bill I am so pleased that you have found a vet who is prepared to take Mr. P's symptoms seriously. Like my two he seems to have a resilient attitude to life, and hopefully this will enable him to be able to carry out his duties for a good while yet. I hope you can find something tasty that is easy to digest and might perk up his appetite. Tinned rice pudding has always gone down well when mine have been off colour, and a couple of the cheapest own-brand indigestion tablets usually help when they are grazing like sheep. (Just check that they are not sweetened with xylitol).

    My Eddie has been troubled with an ulcerated bowel since 2015. My vet warned me at that time that this condition usually became cancerous, so when he had his first crop of polyps removed I was delighted to be told that they had tested non-malignant. However, Ed is now 13, and has just had to have his fifth tidy-up operation. The lower end of his colon is now an almost complete ring of abnormal tissue and I have been told that he is not likely to last 6 months. Ed lives in the present though, he acts like a six year old and says let's just wait and see about that!
    More lovely photo's by the way!
  18. Father Bill

    Father Bill New Member

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    Father Bill
    Good afternoon Toed! Thank you for your kindness. Indeed, I have no qualms about driving to Brighton again, should it be necessary. In fact, I asked the vet if when it was time, would it be inappropriate for me to ask her to drive so far to my home to attend to Mr Piddles. I was so surprised when she hugged me and said she'd be honoured to do so, but please try to give her as much notice as possible, so she can ensure the practice is covered.

    After our visit, with Mr P and I at hospice, I had time to think and reflect in the thoughts I shared here earlier. I've been beside so many people over the years, as they moved into the shadows, then onward. One thing I found myself doing, perhaps twenty-five years ago, as I talk to them, or their spirit, I say that it's okay to leave here now, their work is done and there's new life ahead for them. There's no way I can tally it, but the number of people who passed within hours after those 'conversations' now actually surprise me. Being present with a stranger, as you massage their feet, or hands, or stroke their hair is very intimate and perhaps allows me to say such things.

    But as I reflected over the visit Mr Piddles and I had to the wonderful Vet, compelled me to think that perhaps I will be saying the same thing to Mr Piddles when his time comes. I believe, passionately, that the love we have had on this earthly plane, will continue to connect beyond. And why should God's animals, who He placed here for us not remain connected as well? Indeed, perhaps it's too simplistic, or infantile. Yet, having grown up with horses, dogs, and the occasional 'meow,' I can look back still and feel the love they gave me, unconditionally. .... well, perhaps the 'meow' might have been happy just to have moved on. But who knows. Remember, it was only the humans that God chased out of Paradise.

    Thank you again!

    Anyone here who has a dog knows fully well that unique, indefinable 'connectivity' you share. Mr P is here on the sofa beside me, resting. So who knows, he may be desiring dinner in the kitchen, or having me hand-feed him in bed. I'll see what his thoughts are when he awakens.

    Fr B+

    Mr Piddles having a brief snooze.jpg

    Mr Piddles Offering His Homily.jpg

    Mr Piddles helps one of our children in Moldova.jpg

    Mr Piddles.Dianne.KittyKatsField1.jpg

    Mr Piddles Garden.jpg
  19. Father Bill

    Father Bill New Member

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    Father Bill
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    Good afternoon Carole!!
    You cannot imagine the sense of relief I had after visiting this lovely lady! I'm just in the process of preparing a 'thank you' card to send to her from Mr P & I. Visiting with her was the difference between night and day. She showed compassion, empathy, professionalism, and a very clear interest - if not tenderness - towards Mr Piddles and he could sense it. He never once backed away from her, allowing her to prod and poke as she required.
    Today, I think, (hope) I see some changes in P as a result of the injections - at least I pray so. He's always so responsive when it comes to doing things. He instinctively knows when I place his 'Dog Collar' on him it means we're going to work and even if he has been snoozing, or perhaps not feeling at his best, he perks right up!
    Indigestion tablets? Wow! I can give him some 'Gaviscon,' or 'Tums' ? I suppose that makes sense; I've been giving him 10mg of Omeprazole, hoping that would calm his tummy. As we both know, the grass serves as an emetic for dogs - a bit like taking Dulcolax for Doggies....or some such permutation.

    Eddie sounds like a remarkable little guy! Bless his heart! I struggle to imagine how discomforted he must be when he needs to pass. And yet you suggest he seems to take it all in stride and is dealing with it all quite well. There's so much we can/should learn from our beloved pets. And Bless you for caring for him so beautifully. I'm sure he knows and understands each time you have to take him to the Vet that you're doing it out of love.

    Tinned Rice has never been a high spot for me. However, I can make some fresh for Mr Piddles. Although, now that I think of it, my daughter once told me that she said her dinner prayers AFTER she ate ! (Some say I'm actually quite a gifted cook, but who knows...). If Mr Piddles turns his head over my rice pudding, I'll get some of the tinned stuff in the morning and see if he goes for it.

    Do you have to take Eddie to the vet on a regular basis for follow-up, or is it left to you to decide when the need is there? I shudder to think of the cost this must have been, but I suspect you and I, both, don't care about that when it comes to caring for those who love us so unconditionally.

    Would you mind sharing a photo of him, please?

    And thank you so much for sharing all your experiences and advice. You have helped us immeasurably!


    Fr B+
    Mr Piddles with eye protectors.jpg

    Mr Piddles Banking.jpg
    Mr Piddles and Daddy at Church.jpg
    Mr Piddles.Preaching.jpg
  20. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    No, I get in touch with the vet. Ed doesn't appreciate it, after so much treatment he shakes like a jelly when he has to be admitted - he knows what is to happen when he has been starved prior to a procedure.
    Eddie in his younger days, (2015 actually).
    and this weekend.
    Yes, he does have legs! Lots of pictures of Eddie on the Beagle Forum pages.

    Attached Files:

  21. Toedtoes

    Toedtoes Member

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    I have always been with my animals when the time comes since I was teen. I had gone with my Mom to say goodbye to an amazing cat. My Mom sent me to the car before the vet came in. I was sitting out there and saw my Mom come out with a furry ball in her arms and was distraught with the thought that I would have to hold his body. She opened the door and handed me a very much alive Talulah and said "he wasn't ready to go". Two weeks later, we were back and I realized I had to be there with him. I have done so with every one of my animals ever since.

    And I always tell them it's OK to go, that they've done what they were meant to do, and they deserve to be at peace. I'm not a religious person, but I do believe that "eternal life" is in the hearts of the survivors. As long as I remember them, they will never be gone. And when I go, I take them with me into the hearts of those around me.

    Of course, I did tell my Moose-dog as he went to shout out "Bat-dog's right behind me!" in warning to anyone on the other side just in case. Bat-dog had a lot of rules and I felt if there is an afterlife, everyone deserved that warning. ( They went together - he of old age and she of a brain tumor.)

    I suspect your community will come out for Mr Piddles when the time comes. Until then, just enjoy him to the fullest and let do what makes him happy.

    Here is a photo of my Moose-dog and Bat-dog. I believe they may have been the only dogs (outside of Ca State Parks Ranger Dogs) to stay overnight at Bodie Historic Park.

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