Do dogs have psychic abilities.... General Chat

Discussion in 'Basset Fauve de Bretagne' started by Andrew Sheldon, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    Do dogs have psychic abilities....

    I've always wondered whether other dog owners out their believe their dogs are a wee bit psychic as I believe my dog Tootsy is..??
    Tootsies main love is to go for walks in the near by woods, however I am far from regular in that, I don't keep to set times, may go out in the morning might be evening and don't take her every day, I might take her every other day but never a set pattern.
    When I have missed a day or so I will sit down having a cuppa or whatever and in my head kind of stress and think, 'Must take Toots for a walk'. It is in those times she often seems to pick up what I am thinking and gets excited, she will look at me and run to the door with lots of tail wagging.. Bare in mind I haven't said anything to her or put on my shoes or anything I have just sat there. She knows the word walk, and is even catching on to me just saying 'W' when I talk to my wife about taking her, however nothing is said in these instances...
    There are other times she has shown to be a bit psychic, be they little or large and too many to go into detail, but I really feel like it is for real..
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  3. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    Malka and CaroleC like this.
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Dogs can certainly read ultra subtle body language. Merry reacts the instant my lips move to frame a word. Sometimes she will wrongly guess what I am going to say, but usually, probably because of the context, she is right. She was very subdued the day the vet phoned with her biopsy result, until I realised that she was reading my mood - so I cover it better now.
    Every dog I have ever had has slept while travelling in the car, but coming home, wakes when we cross the outskirts of the town. How do they do that?
  5. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Mine have done that also the used to whine and get all excited, could be wrong but i put it down to smell.

    I don’t believe that dogs are psychic, just that they have incredible skills of picking up on signals / feelings, that we are not even aware of making.
    I also think they can sense things in the environment even when we have no idea that they’re there.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Body language and sign language definitely. Tikva knows exactly what I mean if I look at her in a certain way or point in a particular direction. I cannot remember whether Lexi or Pereg did, so maybe with Tikki it is because she has been with me 24/7 since she was so very very young?

    She also recognises cars although how she knows which one is which when either Nir or Effi turn up as they both drive identical small white vans for work and there are dozens of the same models around. It took her one day to recognise Amit's new car when he changed it, and she also knows his wife's car when he sometimes uses that one.

    As they all park the other side of the road [no parking this side] she cannot see who is inside but she knows from the cars.
  7. Angus and Piper

    Angus and Piper New Member

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    Of Course lol .

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