Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. zero

    zero New Member

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    Although I didn't help with making a post about all dogs being onlead I agree there are about 4 different topics and then posts which have become more of a personal battle then adding information to the original theme of the thread....then posts like this one pointing it out :lol: far too much for anyone to read who is only intrested in the on lead / off lead topic.
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  3. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    and its VERY relevent to note there is very little by way of carriageways, motorways, trains, live railway lines, farmers protecting sheep/calves with shotguns and cats in those pictures (or the areas they depict) too!
  4. kisolay

    kisolay New Member

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    was just about to say the same.. no one is dispting the fact that it is nice for the dogs to be allowed freedom to run around off lead in a safe place
  5. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Can the mods split the "genetic" posts to another thread please? :)
  6. onqsiberians

    onqsiberians New Member

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    I am saying that that white markings are directly linked t domestication... Therefore...the more white markings the more you know that they would not make it in the wild... I want a dog that could make it in the wild... but chooses to live with me...
    "American Husky/Roan: Uncertain genetics, but related to white spotting genes. Several types of fading genes are found in the US, and many are associated with the fatal condition megacolon (often not as a result of a certain fading gene but rather crossing lines with different genes that are essentially "incompatible"). "

    If having white at all is a recessive trait... continuing to breed animals together that have that will lead to more evident white on the animal...
    "A study some years ago, which was an offshoot of the California study of dog behaviors, involved crossing a black Newfoundland dam with a small white chest spot to a Black and white Border Collie with white undersides. A litter was produced with all pups having only a white chest spot. Two of these were crossed and the resulting litter had some pups with white undersides and some not. The authors conclude that neither EDNRB nor KIT is the gene responsible for this pattern. "... that was from the site that you refer to ... I have it downloaded and have read it all before.... but this is just one website....
  7. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    it is all kind of interconnected Dawn. the genetics is a key point to understanding breed characteristics and prey drive, which are the brunt of the on Vs off lead debate.

    there is a 'exercising huskies and Malamutes thread that you might find more easy to follow (as not 76 pages of it!)
    :smt023 :smt038
  8. onqsiberians

    onqsiberians New Member

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    All in all on the Original topic.... recall is the only weapon you have should you drop the leash in a perfect world....
  9. kisolay

    kisolay New Member

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    just because those genes are not responsible simly means there mst be another that is...
    Because all the pups had a white chest spot that characteristic is dominant over the corresponding gene inherited from the border collie. The fact that when these pups were crossed some had it and some didnt means that simply put if we use S for spot and s for the corresponding recessive character all the pups had genotype Ss. Resulting cross of pups = a chance of SS Ss or ss (1:2:1 ratio) or 3:1 spot or no spot. doesnt mean thats what you get just the chances.

    Dont personally see where you are going with that example??
  10. kisolay

    kisolay New Member

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    again not disputed. Most people on here teach recall just incase.
    Not a valid arguement for every day off lead walking as sibes are notorious for deciding not to listen, just because they understand it doesnt mean they will do it everytime.
  11. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    white in huskies is NOT proven as a resessive trait. there is more to suggest it is a SUPRESSIVE trait.
    ever seen the result of a pure white x pure white mating (Huskies, no other breed) NONE of the offsping were white.
    white is not considered a colour, but rather the actions of the supressing gene working to prevent a homozygous presentation of a true colour. my pure white bitch has whelped two litters, this is the result:
    First litter
    Second litter
  12. kisolay

    kisolay New Member

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    in northern breeds the lighter animals tend to do better so why would breeding white out be an advantage to srvival?
  13. Charoite

    Charoite New Member

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    The pictures are an interesting aside but whether the ancestors of modern-day Siberians went off the lead in the sub arctic tundra or not is completely beside the point as there weren't busy roads, fields full of livestock, gun-toting farmers and all of the other hazards that tragically, free-running Siberians can and do fall foul of.

    I'm not sure what breed the dog (or whether it's a wolf hybrid) is that's standing outside a tee-pee or the one with the reindeer herder that looks like it's in Lapland.

    Indeed, I don't think the Siberian Husky has a "natural habitat" considering it is a breed developed in North America from a handful of Siberian imports for the purpose of sled dog racing and/or showing.
  14. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    also cant help but notice, those photos you posted....awful lot of white on some of those early dogs!
    a recently bred-in trait eh?

    there is a UK breeder, long established, who for many years, considered the 'authourity' on white huskies. a good few of which are in the ancestrial line of some of our girls. Maybe you should look them up?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2007
  15. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Hi All

    Think it's time to close this thread, as we're just going round in circles.

    Instead we'll start up two Have your Say threads in the have your say section, and perhaps a thread about genetics in the discussions section.

    Check back later for the links.

    The Have Your Say has been put up, please make sure you read that sections rules before post.

    Husky Have Your Say:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2007
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