Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    So is that a for off lead or against??

    I never read ALL the posts.. I just read the first one under the first apppearance of your name..

    I know I said I had time to kill but I'm not a robot! I need to P now and again:roll:
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  3. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Not HERE, it was not done on THIS forum.
    To use this forum as a platform to discredit a member on their adoption suitability is an outrageous abuse of this forum imo.
  4. Greyhawk

    Greyhawk New Member

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    For - but only in secure areas :lol:

  5. Muddiwarx

    Muddiwarx Member

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    No - I have said I allow MY OWN Malamutes off lead :)

    Mals are not Sibes - I don't have Sibe experience :)
  6. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Ah thank you.. Will add into the against then:smt002
    And Julie too
  7. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    They didn't come in all guns blazing though Patch, Lisa posted saying they agreed huskies can be exercise off lead, they then had another member attacking them saying they were rehoming an arthritic sibe saying it needed hours off lead exercise, which they explained wasn't the case, from what I can see the majority of their posts were to correct people.
  8. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    So would I and I have done so but in this instance on the issue of potential adopters confidentiality and the way it has been treated on this forum for no good reason, as much as it pains me greatly - you have no idea how much - I can not in good conscience personally point anyone in the direction of the Mayhew as I have no faith in that it would not be used against others in the same way :-(
  9. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    Did Zuba actually want to adopt this husky that is referred to?? I didn't see that anywhere on the first post..

    Just that she has seen the advert and queried it..
  10. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Presumably, but highly unlikely and incredibly dangerous, and to be honest quite worrying.
  11. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    I completely understand what your saying but I can also understand the rescues frustration at this person going around publicly bad mouthing them, with the intention (it seems to me) of doing the same on here, although your right a rescue should not mention user names. Having said that if it had happened to us I would have had a hell of a lot more to say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2007
  12. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Now I definitely think I should`nt have bothered spending so much time typing and reading [ all the posts...], on this thread :-(

    In a nutshell, if there is a reason any individual dog of any breed is not ok to go off lead in open areas, be it health, personality, OR breed traits, they should have the opportunity to run in a secure area off-lead, and open areas on longline, and if a Husky [ in terms of this thread ], has work drive I believe efforts should be made to enable that dog to utilise its traits in harness or similar.

    Not every dog of every breed/type carries its common breed traits, that is a fact, therefore each dog of every breed/type should be assessed individually for what is suitable regarding on or off lead activity for that dog.
  13. grindys


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    Add our 35 as well :grin:
  14. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    i guestimated 33 Lynn, so wasn't far out :mrgreen:
    ....thats 44 for the on-lead camp, any advances on 44, do i hear 45?
  15. Tuuli

    Tuuli New Member

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    I have never said I agree huskies being exercised off lead. I dont. I only said I know some can be let off lead. So please stop using quotes from my posts as to promote your views on this.

    I cant understand the whole argument as my opinion is that thinking that running a husky off-lead counts as proper exercise is like thinking walking on the beach is proper exercise for a marathon runner. I have already said IMHO siberians are not pets, they are working dogs.
  16. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    I wasn't thinking of you in that post, apologies if I gave that impression, this is your quote that I posted.

  17. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    I can say none of the 3 girls here who are descendents of Igloo-pak dogs can be let off in an open space, they would be off before you could say HEEL!. the only one of ours who does have a good recall is our boy, i think in the main becuase hes a big dumb-ass, he goes back to sepp-alta lines. Hes the only one who does not give me a heart-in-mouth moment if he gets loose, but even then, i dont risk letting him loose in an open space.
  18. IsoChick

    IsoChick New Member

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    I don't own any sort of spitz breed, I own a Boxer with 90% recall :lol:

    I wouldn't let any dog off lead in an unsecured area that didn't have perfect recall or had a huge prey drive (one of the reasons wht I don't have that kind of dog).

    I believe (from what I have read etc) that a Sibe should not be let off lead in an unsecured area (e.g. a park) and should only be let off lead in a secured, large area. Also, that "working" a Sibe (whether in competition, or just fun) is the best form of exercise for it, as that is the breed's original purpose.

    I have seen what happens when a dog has no recall (Max on the beach :blush: ) and I know that if that happened and I had a Sibe, they would run and run and run (whereas Max goes far enough away for me to panic, and then comes back)

    You can put me with the not-off-lead in unsecured areas group please.
  19. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Could it be safe to say that those that work their huskies (incl a few others) believe Huskies can't be trained a reliable enough recall to enable them to be exercised off lead in unenclosed areas?
  20. Bluesandtwos

    Bluesandtwos New Member

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    No, we work our huskies because its what they are designed to do and why we chose them as a breed in the first place. we did not choose to work them because they are unreliable off-lead, rather the opposite, we wanted them as workers and accepted their shortfallings in the recall department.
  21. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Sorry that's not what I meant, what I was trying to say was it seems to me that the majority of owners who work their huskies don't believe they can go off lead, could it be that a working husky is more game ie more inclined to run, it's what they're used to? Don't get me wrong I have absolutely no problem with huskies being involved in sled pulling etc

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2007
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