Seizures Questions

Discussion in 'Bichon Frise' started by Amy-lee, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. Amy-lee

    Amy-lee New Member

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    Hi, My 8 year old bichon started having seizures just over a year ago. It started with him having one seizure every 3 months and we took him to the vet they checked him bloods and organs and said he was fine and to see how he goes. About 6 months went on and he had 3 seizures in one go so the vets put him on human epilepsy meds levetiracetam and diazepam to calm him after the seizure. He has continued to have a seizure every 6 weeks but now it’s like they are getting closer together. He’s had 11 this morning alone which has never happened before so he’s currently at the vets sedated and they’re going to ring us later and tell us how he is. He only has the initial seizure when he’s asleep and then once he’s awake there’s a chance they could go into cluster seizures. Once he’s out of the seizure and he’s come around he’s fine, he doesn’t act differently or anything just the main side effects e.g. thirsty, hungry. Does anyone else experience this? I’m so worried about him.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Amy-lee and GsdSlave like this.
    I am sorry Amy, I really feel for you and your little one but I cannot give you any advice. My avatar shows my beloved Pereg who had severe epilepsy for four years from when she was just over two years old. I finally had to give her peace because the seizures and the medication [Phenobarbitone] just took too much of a toll on her.

    I do hope your little one will be OK - keep strong for him. Epilepsy is not called The Monster for nothing.
  4. Amy-lee

    Amy-lee New Member

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    I’m so sorry to hear about your poor baby I just wish their lives lasted as long as ours. He’s had to stay in over night because he’s not responding to the meds and he’s still having seizures, it’s not looking good, I’m hoping he pulls through. I’ve got everything crossed!
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Amy, I am just so sorry that I could not and can not be more positive for you. To be honest my heart sank when I read your post and I did not want to answer you because there was nothing I could say, except to let you know that I have been through the same thing.

    In my avatar Pereg was in her favourite position, laying just inside the open door watching the world go by. And the little one named Tikva, who was born about six weeks after Pereg went to The Bridge, is, at this very moment sprawled outside also watching the world go by. Tikva means 'Hope' - hope that The Monster will never visit this house again, and I named her that even before I knew about her.

    It is a rather appropriate name in the current circumstances, both for the world and now also for your little one.
  6. Dennis Dammling

    Dennis Dammling New Member

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    Hi Amy,

    Our Bichon started having seizures at about 4 years old. Although not nearly as bad as your doggie. Vet put her on phenobarbital and did blood tests every 3 months to make sure it stayed at a safe and effective level. The seizures ceased. She lived to be almost 15 years old. I will say a prayer for your doggy.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hello Dennis - Amy has not been back since she last posted on 24 April so we do not know how things went. I do hope her dog was OK.

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