How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    @Chris @Malka Thank you for caring.
    We are still both feeling ill, trying to eat a little, but not very successfully! I feel like I did when I was on chemo. I am spending a lot of time lying down. Chas sits in a chair most of the day. My 'vulnerable status' letter turned up today, but I can't be bothered poring through it. All a little too late for us.
    My big worry is Eddie, whose eye is so puffy and inflamed. The vet is posting out various medications, she is sending hydrocortisone drops tomorrow, but I have to do a fluorescein test first to rule out the presence of an ulcer. Such bad timing, I really feel I am failing him.
    Hoping I have better news soon.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Of course we care Carole - Breedia is sort of like a family in that respect. I am so sorry to hear that you and Chas are still feeling ill and I do hope you both feel better pdq. Not eating much will not help but it is difficult to eat when you feel do not feel well, especially when you do not have the energy to cook. That is one of the reasons I always make sure I have enough food already cooked that I can just put in the micro to reheat, although I admit to sometimes just opening a can of sardines to have on a piece of toast. Or, if I have any, half an avo on toast.

    Do you take any vitamins or supplements? I am not a health freak by any means but even though a lot of experts poo-poo them, I do believe in helping my body with extra vitamins and supplements. When I started raw feeding with Pereg I gave her additional ones, ditto with Tikva.

    Regarding Eddie - you are not failing him or letting him down at all. You are not the cause of the current situation and both you and your vet are doing the best you can under the circumstances. I know it is easy for me to talk but I can well understand how you feel. [​IMG]
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    When playing with my dogs I always gave a command that play was over ie: (game over) or whatever suits you.

    If he’s playing hard to get I would just give the command, ignore him and go indoors he will soon come in
  5. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Old, Malka and CaroleC like this.
    Hope you feel better soon and Eddie's new meds help x
  6. Chris

    Chris Member

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    Carol, as soon as you feel up to it, go onto the site and register:

    Tick the box that you can't get others to shop for you and they will bring you a free food box. If you are both on the register, you will get two boxes. The food is pretty good and they include toilet rolls, soap etc. It's been a Godsend for us.

    Also, Iceland allows you to tick a box if you are on the register and it opens up reserved slots that you can get without queuing for hours to get on a site to be told no slots available.

    I do hope you both turn the corner of this illness and can get back to as near normal as anyone can get at the moment xx
  7. Old

    Old Member

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    I never thought of “game over” command. Thank you, I’ll start with that. Thanks!
  8. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    So sad to hear you are both feeling so poorly. Hang on in here, we are all thinking of you. You have always done the very best for your dogs now its time to look after your self just for the time being.... I'm sure Eddie would agree..
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do hope everyone is OK - it has been so quiet today, both on the Moshav and here on Breedia.

    And when I do not see you all posting, I worry. xx
  10. Chris

    Chris Member

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    All the forums are very quiet at the moment, but I guess there's not a lot to say when we are all stuck in the house.

    I do worry about Carol and her hubby though. I hope they are both on the mend xx
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I know Chris - I worry about everyone but am especially worried about Carole and Chas now and do hope they are soon well again. I tend to forget that although being stuck in the house has been normal for me for so many years now, it is new to just about everyone else now, and just as I have always said that my computer is my window to the outside world, so are the people with whom I am in contact like my "adopted" family and neighbours - if that make sense.

    So what with Tikki and my computer - plus watching deliveries to the macolet !!! [and the lack of people walking past on Shabbat - I think I saw all of five people on a Shabbat stroll yesterday], life is just like normal to me. I feel so sorry for those who are stuck in apartments without even a garden - my apartment in town was at the back of the block so looked out on absolutely nothing - just a bare patch of stony ground that some people used as a pathway, and then the back of other apartments.

    I am also concerned as some of my quiz team have not been around lately one from Spain, two from India, and now a very regular and long-time quiz member from Georgia in the US. I say long-time because although he has been a member for some years, he only joined my team a few months ago.

    So I do not miss going out as I never even went over to the macolet that often - I see life, such as it is, from the open doorway by just turning my head a fraction, and I learn new things every day from quizzes, which keeps my mind active and stops my remaining brain cells from completely drying up.

    Keep well everyone. xx
  12. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Carole I hope you and your OH are starting to feel better, and Eddie too.

    Working in these times is stressful, being exposed to customers. Everyone at work is on edge. I feel the stress when I get home, the tension in my body and my mind.

    it has been strongly suggested that everyone wear some type of mask or face covering.

    My particular county is having low numbers of reported cases, so hopefully the social distancing and closing of non essential business is having the desired effect.

    I have heard, anecdotally, that someone who has since tested positive came into our shop last Friday, 8 days ago. This person had been tested about 3 weeks ago, which came back negative and at that time was diagnosed with bronchitis. This is the reality of the times we live in, and how despite trying to be careful you could come into contact with someone who has the virus. I feel fine, just tired from my work week, and a little grumpy too. So if you don’t really need to go out, please don’t.

    I moan about work yet I feel lucky to still have a job I can go to right now. Many people aren’t working and have no money.

    I stopped after work and got myself and a neighbor (who I’ve been shopping for) a few supplies. About two miles from home, on a dark, windy, wet mountain road, I came upon a few cars pulled off to the side in a pullout, as well as a truck on its side. The driver seemed frazzled but physically not injured and I didn’t smell alcohol on him. He wanted help getting his truck back onto its tires but I didn’t want to try it with my small truck, and risk burning up my clutch. Anyhow to cut to the chase and make a long story short, after being there for over half an hour, standing in the rain, his truck was pulled back onto its tires by a bigger truck that had stopped to see what happened. Almost as the tires hit the road a police officer showed up.. I felt bad for the guy, hopefully he was determined to be safe to drive and able to go on his way. 5 more minutes and he’d have left the scene without having to deal with the authorities.

    Glad I have a few days to try and unwind. Hopefully I’ll sleep in tomorrow
  13. Chris

    Chris Member

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    My daughter's in the same boat. She work in a big chain store (B&M) and the extra effort and shortage of staff is killing those all still working. A few of the public are extremely rude and just won't adhere to the social distancing rule. She's absolutely frazzled at the end of an 8-10 hour shift. Her hubby works in a food warehouse so again is working flat out. He's just started with what we hope is a cold.

    My youngest lad works in a steel works. Their latest order is for ventilators. 16 to start with then after they are tested, the should get a lot more. They are working with 50% of their normal staff so again, he's pulled every which where, but loose.

    I worry for them, they worry for us, but as we are isolated at home, they are taking the greatest risks by necessity
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    And in the meantime the MAMILs and Covidiots are out defying government instructions. :rolleyes:
  15. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Its so quiet round here, what is even stranger is that the dreaded seagulls have just vanished not one in sight for over 2 weeks now, considering they drove me nuts every day the silence is eerie.
    I to worry about my son as he works with learning disabilities and they have no masks or extra protection.

    Hopefully we will hear from Carole soon.
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I think we are all worried about Carole, Vee, but what can we do?

    To be honest I am not worried about my children or grandchildren - first of all I do not have the slightest idea where in the world they are and have no way of contacting them, and secondly they know where I am so could contact me if they cared. They have my telephone number and my email address, yet have not bothered to contact me.
  17. Chris

    Chris Member

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    After all that, it looks like my daughter may have it. She says she got up this morning and was so fatigued she could hardly stand and that swallowing feels like broken glass. I'm just hoping and praying that she has the mild form of the virus and is over it very quickly. It's extremely worrying
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Oh Chris, I do hope your daughter is OK. Now I am feeling guilty for having said that I am not worried about my family when you are all worried about yours. It was very selfish of me and I am so sorry for having said it.
  19. Chris

    Chris Member

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    No Juli, not at all the same thing so please don't worry.

    We are close - all our family are - and it makes me want to run and look after her, but, of course, that's impossible.

    She says it's like the worst kind of flu and, hopefully, that's all it will be.

    Her hubby came home from work yesterday saying he felt rough so I'm guessing the pair of them may have it or some other virus. She's young(ish) and fit so hopefully, she'll be one of those who sails through it with just discomfort.
  20. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Chris I do really hope that it runs its course through your daughter and her husband, and that they can ride it out at home, without needing medical intervention. It is scary.

    Are there measures being taken where they work as far as the other employees?

    I do worry that eventually someone at my work will catch it, and that by the time someone actually shows symptoms it will have spread among us. We have all been wearing homemade cloth masks that were given to us by customers the past 2.5 days. Two different customers brought us enough masks for all of us to have two. They do need to be washed every night. A few employees don’t want to wear them. I’d say about 75% of customers are wearing them. The suggestion to wear them is more to protect other people if you have the virus but are not showing symptoms then to protect you if others have it. So to me it seems that those not wearing one at this point are making a selfish decision, along with those who just don’t get the six feet social distancing.

    So again, please stay at home as much as possible. We all need to take responsibility to protect each other. If you do go out shopping stock up for two weeks if you can, so as to limit your trips out, and pick up things for your neighbors if you can.
  21. Levismom

    Levismom New Member

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    Im a frontline worker at a nursing home. Definitely worried for the residents and staff, me included. My room mate moved out because of all the news about homes being high risk for exposure. Its pretty much a ghost town here but glad people are taking this seriously. Stay healthy

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