How is everyone in the current situation? General Chat

Discussion in 'Off Topic Chat' started by Malka, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Chris

    Chris Member

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    He stays home, Juli, because if he had a fit while out on his own the consequences don't bear thinking about.

    He only ever goes out with us.

    He's coping as are we. Hopefully in a few weeks/months, we will all appreciate what we've always taken for granted
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Is he OK on his own at home though Chris, not that he has much choice in the matter at the moment. It must be such a worry for you. I know it is not the same but the reason I stopped taking Pereg out on The Silver Monster was in case she had a seizure while we were out, as I would never have been able to get her home.

    Tikki was frightened of the big thing and refused to walk when I tried taking her out - in a way it is good that she is so used to never have been taken out as even if she had been I am now totally confined to my home for at least the next 12 weeks.
  4. Chris

    Chris Member

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    He's better with it than we are Juli :). He's very much a home bird. Don't forget, he lives in a silent world where not many can have a good conversation with him. We have a camera in his living room which feeds to a spare laptop in my house. We keep an eye on him during all his waking hours. He loves his computer and also he has a friend in Wales he video chats with and he uses messenger to contact family every day.
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Computers can be a blessing, especially now. I have always called mine my window to the outside world, as the only part of the outside world that I see is what I see from my open doorway.

    Of course I have Breedia on which to chat, plus now I keep a check on my team on the quiz site to see who has been on during the past 24 hours and did open a pinned thread on my team's message-board for anyone who wanted a chat. I currently have members from about six or seven countries in nearly every continent,and a few are using the m-b to comment on how things are going in their part of the world.

    And not forgetting my little Tikki, who seems to sense that things are different now although nothing is really obvious to her as far as I can tell.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Talking of Tikki, she got thoroughly confused this afternoon. She was all excited when she saw Ninja's car turn up and then got all of a sudden completely puzzled because when she was him get out, as not only was he in uniform but was also wearing a bright red bullet-proof vest thingy, with telephones, microphones, radios, this-that-and-t'other hooked all over it, to say nothing of labels and do-not-ask-what-else. He looked like a heavily decorated large Xmas tree!

    She knew it was him but of course she is used to see him wearing his black and yellow Ninja jacket and yellow helmet when he comes on the bike and not in his car. Me? I was laughing my head off!

    Anyhow, he has finally been able to get onto whoever is supposed to sort things at Bezeq and they have said that they will fix my line as a priority, but I will believe it when my landline telephone is working again. And in his official capacity he is also going to see about Shufersal [and other supermarkets] giving priority slots to people who have nobody to shop for them and have to order online.
  7. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    Once again getting ready to start my workweek and couldn’t sleep much last night thinking about it. Once I get there it’s not as bad, but the anticipation isn’t good. There’s a few more measures that could be taken that would protect me and my coworkers a little more. I really hope they happen in the next few days. Well, basically I’m going to insist on it
  8. Chris

    Chris Member

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    How's it going Carol? Are you feeling any better yet? I really do hope so and that your hubby is too xx
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - I hope you and Chas are feeling better today Carole, and @who owns who - I hope the protection measures for you and your coworkers you have in mind keep you all safe.

    Everyone else, sorry not calling you all out by names but I hope everyone is keeping well. I am trying to catch up as my internet was on and off for most of the day - STILL no telephone landline - tbh was having a rather miserable day because it was the fifth anniversary of losing my beloved Pereg. Tikki was being especially good because she sensed how I felt, but I kept having flashbacks to that last night with Pereg.

    And the binmen sailed past my house yesterday, stopped to pick up and empty next door's two bins [how in Heavens name did they get two bins when there was only one when they moved in a couple of years ago] and the LA replaced them with two new ones because they complained the bins were dirty. I had to pay for mine because I was supposed to share the bin next door when I moved in here 20 years ago and it was difficult for me to get to it.

    So that is twice in a row they have ignored my bin - I only have a small, tied-up bag so they do not have to move the bin, just open the lid and take the bag, but they saw me sitting here and ignored my calling out to them.

    But - but but but - my decaff coffee is arriving today! Not from Shufersal as they are out of all brands of decaff, and not the Nescafé Taster's Choice I usually get from iHerb as they were out of stock of just about all instant coffee, but on checking [daily] in the hope that there would be some decaff somewhere, iHerb had Nescafé Clasico decaff so quickly put in an order - and they are now out of stock of those as well. That was late on Saturday night and it is somewhere in between Be'er Sheva and here at the moment.

    Black coffee is really my only vice, as I do not drink, gave up smoking many decades ago, and I really do not like tea of any kind.

    Right, no more moans Juli - just get on with it as the lovely DHL driver will be here any minute!
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am not sure whether this was supposed to be serious or was tongue-in-cheek, but an article I read earlier was giving suggestions for things that "old people" could do to keep themselves occupied while they were confined to their homes.

    The first one was to look around the internet for easy recipes and teach themselves how to cook. o_O

    Do people really think that "old people" do not know how to cook?

  11. who owns who

    who owns who Member

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    I’m not sure that you know how to cook Juli, you’ve never invited any of us over for dinner...
  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Marc - if I was not so delighted to see someone posting today, I would :021: you for that comment! :043:
  13. Chris

    Chris Member

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    I don't know how the young uns would cope without their frozen meals :).
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Chris, my meals are frozen but that is because I cook in bulk and freeze in portion size containers! Not complete meals all frozen together, but as an example I will do a batch of chicken or poultry with either mushrooms, tomatoes, or some sort of pulses. Another batch of mixed pulses. Ditto mixed rice - quinoa - sliced aubergines wokked with something - lots of small containers and I get out three or four to defrost each day.

    I use either my remaining small crockpot, electric rice-cooker, and the microwavable rice cooker. Vegetables are either steamed in the micro as and when and which I want when I want, or wokked. Fish, when I want it, takes just a couple of minutes in the micro from frozen. Come the summer it is all sorts of salads with some sort of protein.

    I do not have a cooker - I have a 3-ring gas hob which I have not used for years, ditto a large "toaster" oven, also not used. Mainly my crockpot, rice-cooker, induction hob [for my wok], and the micro. Which is just a plain manual knob one, not a fancy digital one that grills. The fancy one I bought lasted all of three months before it "forgot" what a setting of 2 minutes meant and carried on until the glass turntable shattered and the thing sort of blew itself up.

    Obviously I cooked a lot more elaborately when I was younger, especially when the children were at home, but these days I prefer to take the easy way out and cook the food I like in the way I like - and which I can manage to do.

    And I have never had a ready-cooked frozen meal in my life [unless you count the fish fingers that my children used to like when they were very young].

    So yes, my meals are frozen and reheated in the micro but believe me they were all prepared from scratch.
  15. Old

    Old Member

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    Dear GSDslave:

    %^#%, #%^*, I still have not figured out how to use this website!

    I guess this is “social media”. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I do have a question for GSDslave though.

    Max, my GSD, takes me outside every AM to run, chase tennis balls, put them in my hand, etc. He has a great time. But when he tires out, he won’t return the ball and lies down. From that point on it’s a big battle of wills to get him back inside. He won’t follow commands. I tell him to come, he does, but won’t go inside. He wants to keep playing. But he’s completely worn out.

    Any ideas?
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Hello Don, first of all, how are you and your wife doing in the current situation? I hope you are both keeping well.

    Secondly, if you have a specific question for anyone, as you currently do, type @GsdSlave and when you post the message it will show up in red and she will see the message in her Alerts. The same if you want to contact me, type @Malka and I will see the message in my Alerts.
  17. Old

    Old Member

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    WOW! That easy? I would never have come up with that. Thank you
    P.S. We are fine. I think everybody in the world is a little on edge now. How about you?
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @Old - do not put yourself down Don - this site is one of the easiest to navigate that I have ever come across but as you have always said, you are new to this sort of thing so it probably does seem a bit confusing to you at times, but everyone had to learn how to navigate here at the beginning. Once you know how to do things you will not go wrong, and if you are ever stuck with where to post or how to contact someone specifically, just post a thread titled "FAO Malka" @Malka and tell me the problem, and I will do my best to point you in the right direction.

    Tikki and I are fine B"H - she asked to go to bed over an hour ago and is now curled up in her crate in my bedroom - no doubt she will open an eye when I go in, which should be very soon as it has gone 1am here already and I still have a couple of ends to tie up before I go to bed.
  19. Chris

    Chris Member

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    second ball thrown in the house.

    Stop before he gets chance to do his lay down trick and take the ball in with you for him to follow you.
  20. Old

    Old Member

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    God bless.
  21. Old

    Old Member

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    I tried, but I think he’s smarter than I am.

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