Advice Questions

Discussion in 'Weimaraner' started by Melij 82, Feb 16, 2020.

  1. Melij 82

    Melij 82 New Member

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    Need advice ! We have a 1 year old female Weim . I love her and I think she is great . When we got her my wife was all on board and understood her breed . She was happy to be kept active . Since then she has started working . I work a good amount and I am gone for 13 hours of the day during the week . We have two children and life has been hard for my wife . She had been overwhelmed by our Weimaraners attention needs and energy . Her outlook has changed a lot and put me in a hard spot . I am feeling like she needs more . I love her , but see maybe she needs a home with another Weim and people who have more time . She is so good in my opinion so this is hard . Any advice or opinions would help thanks .
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  3. WesLT

    WesLT New Member

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    Hi I’m Wes I have Boweimar (Weimaraner x boxer) I bought her when she was just 3 months old . My girlfriend kept her away from home and then eventually handed her off to a stranger before taking her life I searched for my Boweimar for nearly a year I finally located her almost 2 years old I brought her home now she’s urinating everywhere she refuses to listen to commands she’s getting me in trouble with my neighbours and my building super for her endless barking I cannot leave her for two seconds she starts barking endlessly I am very educated and experienced around hundreds of different animals I’ve trained dogs I’ve trained even horses but this dog has me fed up she very friendly happy dog but I just can’t take it anymore I read an article which led me to search for Weimaraner forums because I read is that Weims brains tick differently that any other dog and their training has to be unique to Weims that they will listen too if anyone can give me some inside because nothing I try is working this is my first weim breed I know what they are I’ve seen them before but I’ve never owned one I bought her under the pretences that she was a Doberman boxer mix but to my knowledge dobs don’t really like barking and she barks crazily she acts like she’s a wild dog she pulls her leash she throws her head around while walking she barks at everything that moves she even snorts like a horse while walking I cannot seam to click with this dog and it’s driving me nuts because usually I’m very receptive with animal communication And understanding behavioural patterns please can somebody more experienced with weim give me some mentoring please I love my weim she’s a beautiful dog I don’t want to lose my dogs completely I already have animal control coming to inspect my dogs in two days because of neighbours complaining and calling them I need some insight and educating thank you

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  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Your best plan would be to consult a Qualified canine behaviourist who will assess your dog and be able to advise you on planning how to begin to change her behaviour.
  5. WesLT

    WesLT New Member

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    Are you willing to pay for THAT? because I'm sure I'm on a forum says experienced weim owners who has faced this problem IT'S A FORUM there's PROFESSIONALS on forums if you don't know why do you need to say anything? cuz I wasn't asking you personally I was asking people who are experienced with weim and separation anxiety
  6. WesLT

    WesLT New Member

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    If your willing to pay several of thousands on my behalf that would be awesome but I don't have that kind of money to hire a professional behavioralist expert or I wouldn't be on here asking EXPERIENCED WEIM HANDLERS FOR ADVICE and in most cases a professional trainer don't know how weimaraner brains function differently then most other dogs at a higher difficulty with their stubborness
  7. WesLT

    WesLT New Member

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    Yes I would love to connect with another weim handler my dog excessively barks while I'm gone and pissing off my neighbors and if I take her with me she won't stop barking at every single little movement she sees I know she's a little. Couped up from the cold and hoping it will warm up so I can tie her to my Ebike and make her run see if that helps but see the problem is beyond this my ex last year had her as a pup handed her off to a stranger and took her life the person who had her nearly a year left her at his house all day everyday alone and never taught her anything now she doesn't listen barks non stop steals my food and doesn't even care to tell me she has to go outside she just drops and goes right in front of me even while I'm putting my coat and my dogs leashes on I'm fed up but I love my dogs and will never give up on her she is only two and still young but it's becoming more difficult I had animal control at my door 2 days in a row because of neighbors complained I have pups and again that I beat my dog which is so untrue I love my dogs and would never hit them animal control has no issues with my dogs but this excessive barking when I leave her home with my other dog or even when I take her with me she will not shut up no matter what
  8. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Your training problems are too complex to be simply dealt with by receiving remote advice on a forum. There are no quick fixes in training dogs, and running the energy out of your dog is not going to cure your basic management problems.
    I'm sorry you are dissatisfied with the advice you have received, but in my opinion, training a cross-bred Weimaraner is no different than any other high energy breed. If you do not want to pay a one to one trainer, I suggest that you sign up for classes with a good, positive methodology, dog training club.
    I sincerely hope a Weimaraner owner will chip in and give you the type of instant advice that you are looking for, but I very much doubt it.
  9. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Malka likes this.
    Just because you think she is Weimaraners cross doesn’t mean she is. I can assure you that Dobermans do bark.

    There are no active Weimaraner owners on the forum, but there are experienced owners in other breeds.
    Like all working/hunting breeds they need exercise - mental and physical, or they get bored and behavioral issues arise.
    What kind and how much mental stimulation is she getting every day?

    You post on a forum like this, you get others’ opinions, and they get to post freely just like you do, you can always just ignore any advice you don’t like rather than being rude.

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