Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    This is exactly the sort of attitude we are fighting against :-( I find it really sad that some people genuinely believe this is true :-(
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  3. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    but it doesn't make it right though does it?

    mozzy don't beat yourself up you said previously you did bikejoring with your dog which is great :smt001
  4. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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    Who is "we" Anne? and what "attitude" do you speak of, one that clearly has more consideration for their pets welfare than a quick run round in the open? Would you run a deaf dog loose in a public area? Would you run a blind dog loose in a public area? Would you run a dog aggressive dog loose? Would you run a dog with "injuries" or previous injuies that may be exacerbated by running loose, loose?

    You may find it "sad" Anne, but you will find that a lot of people think far more of their dogs than a quick spin in a park, that could mean its their very last walk at all. :evil: Thats what I find "very sad"
  5. mozzy

    mozzy New Member

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    This is unbelievable :shock:, how can what I wrote be misread as I thought that it was right :? ? What's the matter with you Anne?
    Good grief, I've had enough of this...
  6. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Depending on the dog, either off lead with cases like Oscar; or on a 100 foot longline

    Depending on the dog either off lead with case like Pippin; or on a 100 foot longline.

    Yes on a longline and muzzle, but depending on the severtity of aggression depends on the length of the line

    Silly question ;-)
  7. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    :shock: huh?
  8. Louise13

    Louise13 New Member

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    I started to type and then thought... WHY BOTHER!!!

    Suffice to say Mozzy and Dawn.. I agree completely
  9. Borderdawn

    Borderdawn New Member

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  10. Lucky Star

    Lucky Star Member

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    I'm not getting involved in any arguments here or making any judgments etc. but I think it's a real shame if a dog never gets to kick his heels and run un-fettered, play fetch, swim etc.
  11. Rigrunner

    Rigrunner New Member

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    A couple of observations

    Anne constantly appears to have her dogs off lead in very deserted places with no stimuli to tempt them. They are also unhealthily fat and not particularly well constructed. This probably helps greatly in their lack of enthusiasm to run off.

    She also doesn't actually let on if she has lost any dogs, how do we know that these are just the ones left from her ongoing husky experiment? Survival of the slowest/laziest?

    However the majority of Siberian lovers in this Country do not and will not condone letting the breed off the lead. Period. It is not about training, never has been and never will be. It is about the nature of the breed versus many others.

    Most dogs circle, with a Sibe the inclination is to go in a straight line very fast and for a long way. Only a couple of other breeds do this, one being Shar Pei. Hounds also have this type of ability, as mentioned in a post before, however they are either usually sight hounds - therefore short bursts to get to what they can see ...greyhound (why many are muzzled) Afghan etc, or scent hounds who can travel great distances, PBGV, beagle etc.

    Unfortunately any 'trainers' who feel a dog is a dog is a dog are in my opinion very dangerous to those poor people who put their trust in learning from them. Each breed is specific, both to its sub group ie gundogs, terriers etc and its breed and should be treated accordingly. This way much heart break can be avoided.

  12. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Hello and welcome Sarah!

    Have I touched a raw nerve? there really is no need for personal insults :roll: you could generalised like I have ;-)

    Have you ever been to hampstead heath :lol: not what you could call deserted! far from it! :lol:

    oh please :roll: all my dogs are fit and healthy and off lead exercise is one of the factors that help them stay that way, both physically and mentally

    Not one of my dogs has ever gone missing, neither have any of the huskies we’ve rehomed :grin:

    That’s a myth. Huskies (or Shar Peis or any breed) do not just run in a straight line, they romp around just like other dogs do. They’re not a different species :roll: Shar Pei’s running in a straight line sorry I had to laugh at that :lol:

    Deary me, are you saying none of these breeds should go off lead? If so please do start another thread I will happily add to it. btw greyhounds are often seen muzzled as often they're ex-racers.
  13. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    My fat lazy huskies ;-) notice how they run, stroll, play, yet they're not heading for the horizon

    QUOTE=AnneUK;1005868Huskies can, with dedicated training, be trusted to go off lead. Which is needed for their physical and, if not more important, mental well being.

    Our Sibes on Hampstead Heath




  14. Rigrunner

    Rigrunner New Member

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    I am quite frankly insulted by your postings, generalised or not. So feel no remorse in replying directly to you. If my sensible advice saves one sibe owner from mistakenly listening to you, then I can live with your hurt feelings

    As I have pointed out, so thanks for verifying once again.....very empty places in the pictures

    We have no proof of your claims about loosing dogs and it is not in the interest of your constant argument to be honest with us is it?

    Glad to see you back me up too on my opinion that people that think all dogs are the same are dangerous when handing out advice. Your lack of breed knowledge in Sibes let alone other breeds is astounding.

    To anyone following this thread, with whatever breed, but especially sibes. Please study your breed carefully. Listen to advice from those that both know the breed and most of all care about the breed.

    Lets face it, if 9 out of 10 people say one thing and only 1 the opposite, which advice do you think it is best to follow?

  15. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    Ouite frankly I am insulted by your posts
    If you ever get the chance you should visit Hampstead Heath, not only is it one of the nicest place to watch wildlife you would see for yourself how far from deserted it is. You have blatently lied calling my dogs fat & unhealthy. To top it off you acuse me of expermenting with my dogs :? Some how I don't think anyone (quite rightly) will take you or your posts seriously.

    If you don't want to believe me that's your choice. To be honest for someone who tries to throw insults like ''Your lack of breed knowledge in Sibes let alone other breeds is astounding.'' and who also thinks Shar Pei's and Huskies only run in straight lines :lol: I haven't got much hope in convincing them anything have I.

    I would hope that anyone reading this thread would make their own mind up on whether it is fair to only walk a husky on lead or whether it's true that they can never be safely exercised off lead. I would also hope, like I've said previously, anyone considering exercising their husky off lead should start off with the dog on a 100 foot longline, ideally with the help of a reputable behaviourist or trainer to help them teach the dog a reliable recall before going off the longline completely. Huskies are not the easiest of breeds to teach recall, far from it, but with the right knowledge, time, dedication and training it can safely be achieved.

    We will continue to train our rescued sibes to go off lead safely and we will continue to only rehome them to homes where they are prepared to safely walk them off lead. I would/could never be responsible for condoning a husky, to a life of on-lead exercise only :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2007
  16. AnneUK

    AnneUK New Member

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    I totally agree
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2007
  17. Alphatest

    Alphatest Adminstrator

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    Please remember to keep your postings civil and good natured. Read our Posting Guidelines for more info about what we find acceptable, and edit your posts accordingly.

    You'll find people are far more likely to listen to your point of view if it is put across in an amicable manner.

  18. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    thank you azz
  19. spot

    spot New Member

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    Just a couple of observations. Have you actually met Anne or her dogs to make the claim they are fat lazy and unhealthy?

    Also are you actually saying that greyhounds are muzzled because they run in a straight line? What a strange concept!
  20. Wysiwyg

    Wysiwyg New Member

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    I always find this on lead/off lead an interesting debate but I would just point out here that many dogs are very good at Obedience when competing, but may not be trained at all to have a good off lead recall outside, or chase recall - it's quite a different thing ;-)

    As an acquaintance of mine says who competes, her dogs are Obedience dogs, not Obedient dogs! :mrgreen:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2007
  21. Wysiwyg

    Wysiwyg New Member

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    Just shoving my two pence worth in again, I do think that if possible any Sibe should be given special treatment in that the owner must ensure their needs are satisfied - these dogs do need to run, so let them run - off lead if possible (in safe areas which are enclosed); trained if the owner feels it is safe in their particular environment (no livestock, roads etc) or in sport, sledding or similar.

    To have a dog like a husky and to not cater to the needs for running is very unfair - does anyone know how many owners who have huskies do actually take the trouble to really exercise them if they cannot be off lead?

    Just to add to something I read earlier on this thread, many were discussing what AnneUK said about being on or off lead - to me she was suggesting that the long line was off lead as the line is not being held by anyone (but the lead could be trodden on in case of a problem) ... I would personally agree that is off lead :smt001

    Huskies do have strong predatory drive and this has to be taken into account....much may depend on where the owner and dog live perhaps?

    Just thinking out loud really :)

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