anal glands Questions

Discussion in 'Border Terrier' started by col72, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. col72

    col72 New Member

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    anal glands

    has anyone’s border terrier had trouble with there anal glands our millys leaks
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  3. Margo8478

    Margo8478 New Member

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    I was gonna post about this too! I don’t have a border terrier but my dog has been having anal gland issues for the last 6 months and it’s driving me crazy! I’ve been trying different supplements but nothing is working.
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Gsd’s are prone to this, see your vet about expressing them, as they can be very painful, some dogs need them to be emptied regularly.
    Poo that is too soft or too small may not express them properly and sometimes adding roughage to food can help and Glandex powder supplement is supposed to be very good.

    Years ago a vet explained to me that anal gland issues can also be a symptom of something else going on that is causing inflammation, emptying them and periodically treating infections is just treating symptoms, and it will never end as long as the inflammation is there and that allergies can cause inflammation, food or environmental.
  5. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Rosie has had trouble with hers.

    She does express them at inconvenient times and has a smelly bum :). Other times she gets a little uncomfortable with them but I've found a warm cloth to sit on usually loosens them up.

    At one time I could guarantee that she would express them when she sat on my knee in the car while waiting for hubby supermarket shopping. Now that really wasn't pleasant. I took to taking pieces of an old towel to put on my knee so that I could throw it away before we started on the drive home :)
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    No comment!

    Pereg did express her anal glands at times when she had a seizure, either on my feet or all over the wall, but if on my feet, Crocs are easy to wash. And the wall was not too bad to wash either.

    Lexi always had hers checked when Ram was here, and she screamed her head off in the process. Such a princess.

    The tiddler? Ram checks hers at times but she has never had a problem. Maybe it is because she is raw fed?
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Ed rarely has a problem. He seems to be happy bottom scooting any surplus on his bedroom carpet - it isn't much, and is easily cleaned.
    Merry started with an infection in her left anal sac about two years ago. It took two courses of AB's to clear it, and her vet said that this sac is sited a little higher than it should be, and that she may need an op. some time in the future. I began emptying her gland(s) regularly, and we have had no further problems. Strangely, she doesn't object at all. I just say, 'Let's look at that bum', and she presents me with the appropriate part of her anatomy! I love that girl. :058:

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