Siberian Husky off lead walking??? Controversial

Discussion in 'Siberian Husky' started by Zuba, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    Siberian Husky off lead walking???

    Hi all,

    I have just seen something that I thought was completely wrong, I have a sibe and at 16 months she still sees a trainer once a fortnight, I have only ever let Zuki off the lead when we are in an inclosed private area because she will return only in her own time never on command. This can be dangerous for obvious reasons, but I have just seen an advertisement for a husky and they say he needs two hours a day off lead exercise?? and the dog is younger than Zuki so surely even more likely to be disobedient? Zuki has been in training since she had her injections and still she is not to be relied upon to return on command. If there is some miracle recall training that I have yet to come across please let me know because I would love to see Zuki running free and coming back when requested to do so (especially as I have to run with her). I did a lot of research before getting Zuki and every book, website, etc says the same thing, not to be trusted to return on command?

    Any help would be great!
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  3. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    We meet a guy up the park with a Sibe and his is 14 months and is always off lead, he has brilliant recall and is a great playmate for my Dobe. All dogs are individuals.
  4. Archer

    Archer New Member

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    It is not recommended to let sibes of in unenclosed areas.Some may learn recall BUT because of their inbred instincts there is a high chance that one day they will just run...and keep on running...not a risk a responsible owner is willing to take.
  5. Ripsnorterthe2nd

    Ripsnorterthe2nd New Member

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    Have to agree here. No matter how good a Sibes recall is one day something will take it's fancy and it'll run, the difference with this breed is they don't stop and come back! :lol:

    The "off lead" thing is one of the major reasons I never got a Sibe. I've wanted one for many years and did my research, when I found out they couldn't be let of I decided I just couldn't cope with that.

    So I'm waiting for the day I win the lottery and can have my own enclosed space, then I'll have a pack of em! :lol:
  6. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    I just had a look on the breed website and it certainly confirms what you're saying. Chucky is the only Sibe I have ever met and certainly never considered getting one. The guy comes across as a very responsible owner and the dog is a joy to watch. He doesn't seem to have many of the other traits either. He is a one man dog, he isn't destructive and lives as a single pet. He does get 3 hours free running exercise a day though. So maybe he is fulfilling his wanderlust in that sense. Don't mean to be even a tad offensive to anyone so apologise if this comes out wrong, but it seems a bit unfair for a dog that is genetically predisposed to run and roam to always be on a lead. Obviously I understand the safety side of it, but poor dogs. I shall have to engage him conversation again, but he says he did an awful lot of research before getting the dog and a lot of what he learned very nearly convinced him not to. ( yes i know a lot of owners do sleding etc. with them, I have read it on here, and they obviously get their excercise that way, but what about the rest?):?
  7. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    I know what you are saying but they are not poor dogs if people research the breed before going and getting one, I am sure that like me anyone who has a sibe and who is responsible would already have a large garden and/or fenced off private land where the sibe can run free. So I wouldn't worry about them not being allowed off the lead:)

    I have both a large garden and fenced off private land (my mums). Zuki and I go for two walks a day one what we call social, where she gets to meet other dogs and one in her own private field where she gets to run free and sometimes my family bring their dogs along.

    Only feel sorry for the Sibes that are owned by people who did not take the time to learn about the breed and then end up in rescues waiting for a forever home.:smt090
  8. Archer

    Archer New Member

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    agree 100%.Its all about research.Any potential dog owner should research their prospective breed and see if it is suitable.In an ideal world all dogs wpuld be allowed to run reality many do not and should not.
  9. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    My 2 sibes only get let off lead to run free when we are at the park in our village, at the end of a walk i let them off to play in the enclosed tennis courts:) they love this & i don't have to worry that they will escape as it has iron gates too.;-) i would never say to a person yes they can be let off leash as they have a mind of their own & once that prey drive starts then they go deaf & they are OFF. Little devils:evil: :evil: :twisted:
  10. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    Zuki isn't the only one that goes deaf then, she goes deaf at puppy training all the time!:roll:
  11. Trouble

    Trouble Member

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    Thanx guys for staying soooo polite :grin:
  12. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    yes, donna, like in the video i made, mishka's in the tennis courts & i am calling her to come & shes just looking at me as if to say '' yes did you say something''?
  13. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    And Rose, do not tell me that your beauties will not respond to food either?:roll: :lol:

    The funny thing is my partner and I have talked about getting another dog and I want another Sibe :shock: I must be going mad, he wants one too but we are waiting for a very special puppy (and the building work to be completed). I have dealt with many a dog in the past, my dad and step mum foster dogs all the time but I only see Sibes in my future:lol: even with the deafness on occasion!:roll:
  14. Archer

    Archer New Member

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    Both my breeds are unreliable off lead.The elks CAN be trained...some will recall some not.I have 1 who is good off lead and 2 who aren't.Even with the good one I have to realise that he often goes out of sight and recall is never immediate...more a case of call and wait.
    The shibas are like huskies....never allowed off.They have a very high prey drive and it is recommended they are never let off lead.
  15. mo

    mo New Member

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    Maureen Boyd
    I have seen this already its been discussed on the sibe site, apparently quite a few people have been in contact that have MANY years in the breed, trying to explaine this is not in the sibes best interest, last I heard they were still taking no notice, I think there is also a dog on this site that is other dog aggressive yet they maintain that this dog too should be give 2 hours off lead, :shock:

  16. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    I wish people would think of their dogs happiness as being what is best for them not for the owner! Zuki is so friendly with other dogs and so it can seem creul that she is kept on the lead, but the thing people do not understand is its for her safety, if she was to see something interesting in the distance she would start running and would not stop, sibes can cover lots of ground in a few seconds and are not aware at this point of cars, tractors anything other than that thing they are racing to see in the distance.

    Dogs agressive to other dogs should also be kept on leads, if someones dog attacked my Zuki I would not hold the dog responsible it would be the owner and I would not be able to control myself.
  17. Pita

    Pita New Member

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    Jackie or Jay
    Have to say that 14 months is just about the age when the dog will realise the there is nothing the owner can do if they decide to investigate the next county. Understanding your breed is paramount.
  18. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    I agree completely, it is just a shame that there are so many who dont!
  19. rosegallagher

    rosegallagher New Member

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    my sibes will usually respond if i have food , but still wouldn't trust them free out on a walk, i rarely take treats out on a walk with me anyway. But yes folks just don't understand why we can't let them off leash or don't want to understand!!!!!!!!!:?
  20. sibelover

    sibelover New Member

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    just thought id throw my two penneth in.
    i have yet to meet any sibe id trust of a lead (i do know
    they are some) but the compromise we have found is to have nanook on a long,long,long lead when out in open spaces.
    basically i went to b&q and bought 3 x 10ft of webbing
    tied them together and hey presto 30ft lead:shock:
    i must say this is only used in wide open spaces and she is reeled in when other people or dogs are about.
    she loves it and its great to see a husky running almost free;-)
  21. Zuba

    Zuba New Member

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    So there is no miracle training then, Darn :lol:
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