Aww thank you very proud of her.i can't believe how many akitas that don't have the bone structure/look of an Akita so much poor breeding must go on...
Well done ,she is a lovely girl. If you look at the AA there are a lot more variations than you find within the JA breed. As in every breed, some breeders, even though they try to stick quite close to the breed standard, prefer some features over others, and tend to breed for that, so they create their own "type". Since they have become popular yes a lot of them are poorly bred. When I first had my AA’s in the 80/90s, they were of the leaner type and did a lot of winning, over the years though lovely looking’ things have progressed since then but I feel they are becoming too square, too short legged, too heavy and heads getting bigger and bigger.
Hi there, Well done Ella. Bet you were so proud of her. I mean who can deny your puppa first place with those looks? Congratulations. Jane xx