Whoop! Whoop! New puppy alert!!!! (Malinois) General Chat

Discussion in 'Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)' started by maxine, Jul 8, 2012.

  1. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    GsdSlave likes this.
    Well malka the breed standard says otherwise, I only know what I have been told by breeders / exhibitors who have been in the breed for many many years, there is one breed standard ( other than coat/colour) for all 4 varieties.

    You obviously know better than some of the top breeders in the country.

    The breed standard on the BSD club wedsite backs up what I said, they must have it wrong .
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Coincidentally, the BSD is the featured breed in this month's Kennel Gazette - the official KC publication. This is taken from what Amanda McLaren, the President of the BSDA of the UK has to say.
    'The four varieties take their names from the villages in Belgium where they originated, and all four varieties should be exactly the same in type and structure, with just coat colour, length and texture separating them. The past decade has seen a change in type of the Laekenois, particularly abroad, due to increased interbreeding with the Malinois, the aim of which has been to produce a type considered to be more in line with the other varieties'.
    The full article, with others on Health Conditions in the BSD, Breed Standard, Judges Choices from the four varieties, and past Crufts BOB winners - including those for 1994 - 1999 when the BSD was judged as one breed.
    Kennel Gazette, January 2017, pp. 20 - 32.
    Hope this helps clarify things.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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  5. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    I have only ever owned a Mal, but think that are the varieties are nice in their own way. The pup turned out great, lovely dog.

    It is very known, you can talk to breeders, but if you are unable to then you can do online research to learn more about BSDs. The longer coat variety (Terv) is recessive, therefore Mals that carry the genes will produce Tervs. Depending on the registry and the breeder as to if they will be recognized as the same breed or different breed (we see the the same in APBT / AST or White GSD). In some they are registered as separate varieties, some as separate breeds and in others they are the same.

    It is not an "opinion", rather it is a scientific (genetic) fact.

    No not at all, you have no understanding of genetics in the least.

    It is exactly like mating a Rat Terrier and an American Hairless Terrier, two varieties of the same breed. An elephant and giraffe are unable to mate due to chromosomal and other differences. Dog breeds are the same domesticated sub species of wild canine. They share only minute genetic differences and breeds are a man made distinction due to selective breeding of traits from descendants of inbreeding on particular shared ancestors. What constitutes a breed is dependent on one's opinion and the view point of which they are drawing the distinction of a breed (such as phenotype, genetics/ancestry, working capabilities, ect).
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Apologies, I hit Reply having missed out the following:

    I do not know anything about BSDs in the UK. The person who took and posted that photograph, which he used as a Christmas card a few years ago, is in New Mexico in the US, so presumably what he said was according to the US standards. And I 'knew' him from posts he made on the epi List, because Nico, the Terv laying down, was epileptic.
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Irrespective of country the genetics are still the same.
  8. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    Not just the UK aS you mentioned the US the standard is the same, one breed one standard 4 varieties , regardless of coat type the construction of the dog will be the same .

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