Is the Belgian Malinois the breed for me? Questions

Discussion in 'Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois)' started by DogsRMyLife, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    Is the Belgian Malinois the breed for me?

    Sorry about my last one. It didn't turn out how I wanted it. I just started.

    Hello everyone I need some help deciding of the Belgian Malinios is the dog for me. So I will give a few things about myself and the exercise I'm capable of getting him.

    Although I live with my family he will not be home often, so that will not matter and my siblings are all older 8+. There all fairly mature, and know not to mess with the dogs too much. We have a medium size fenced in area and larger not fenced in area. But we have a park across the road and a dog park a couple miles from us.

    Second off, I work at doggy daycare/dog boarding/pet store/Training(obedience and more)/agility course/pet grooming place. It literally has everything! And I can bring my Mal with they said if I get one. My Mal will be outside with the puppies when he is younger and in with me training when its to cold or rainy out or they just come in for rest. And when he is younger he can go out with the adult dogs from daycarw and come in periodically for a small training session. I LOVE training! My 6 year old Great Dane knows a ton of tricks and commands I taught him personally. I do almost all completely praise/reward with few rough/harsh voice and I NEVER hit my dog. And if I get bad at my dog and make him do one good trick and then were done. Cause I know you have to end on a good note. So here's a schedule I made up of what my usual weekday should be.

    (ALL of my dogs know there bite command and know they can only use it when I say there special word)

    5:00 - 5:30 = Getting Ready
    5:30 - 6:00 = Train Dogs with excess time in walk
    6:00 - 7:30 = Walk Time (Just the Mal, I jog) (Rain, Shine, or Snow)
    7:30 - 8:00 = Go to work
    8am - 5pm = At work
    (Dogs get let out all day and can come in whenever they choose, and at my break he will do agility with me at there agility course. And he will also be protector of the store when I leave for a sec or while I'm there. And he will have periodic small training session throughout the day)
    5pm - 5:30 = Go Home
    5:30 - 6:00 = Training time for double dog
    6:00 - 6:30 = Dinner Time
    6:30 - 7:30 = Walk Time for both dogs (leisurely walk and off the leash time, sometimes go to dog park)
    7:30 till whenever I'm tired - relaxing on the couch while watching a few shows with one exhausted and one a little tired dog in my lap or beside me.

    I'm a training finatic! And my dogs have to know the basic commands by the time there 11 weeks old. And so far all of them have.

    The basic commands I teach are =
    Heel (takes a little longer)

    Simple fun ones =
    Sit on weird wobbly stuff

    Advanced Obedience/Fun Tricks =
    Down Stay
    Jump of stuff to catch a Frisbee (my back ect)
    Sit Pretty
    Spiderman (walk on it forlegs only)
    Jumping through stuff (my arms, a hula hoop, ect)
    Stand from a down or sit
    Sit from a down
    Heel without a leash
    Fetch different objects (a tissue, a pair of keys, toy ect)
    Look to the right/left

    And tons more! My Great Dane has conquered most of these. Please tell me below if you think I could make it with a Mal. Oh I forgot one thing, I don't know how to say this. I'm fairly stern/overpowering. What i mean is that I think I can keep him under control and I have worked with horses since is was 7 and am fairly strong if I needed to use it. If you don't think a Mal would fit in my life please post a dog breed or dog breeds you think might work better. I need a dog that's fairly easy to train and intelligent and willing to please. Because I love to train for as long and as much as I can.
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  3. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Having just read in one of your other posts
    ( Quote Our families great Dane has an awesome temperament ,We babysit kids, and those kids climb on him and pull on his lips all day long.

    That’s just one of the reasons from your posts that

    In short the answer is NO a Malinois is not for you.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Sounds to me that you are a teenager but to say you are strong if need to be? Do you mean you intend to sit on a Mal if necessary?

    As Vee - @GsdSlave has said, a Mal is definitely not for you.
  5. Sowa's Ark

    Sowa's Ark New Member

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  6. Sowa's Ark

    Sowa's Ark New Member

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    Nugget180 likes this.
    You are probably the only person I would suggest for this breed. Now I have a Tervuren, the Malinois' sibling, but I'm sure they're they same. They're EXTREMELY head strong and physically strong. Mine is 7-1/2 months old and hard to manage. I take him to training and he is starting his third set of classes at the end of this month. He will eventually go through Service Dog training. I had to use a noise/vibration/shock collar on him as he loves to kill things. We keep quail, ducks, chickens, and other pets and he's killed a few quail when he managed to open their cage. Yes, open a cage with a hook closure. He can also pull on the latch to open his enclosure. Extremely smart.
    This breed needs lots of attention. My dog has chewed all the cables around my house, dug out my bushes, and destroyed my flower beds. AND my husband and I work from home!!!!! I got him because I was tired of border collies who only lick strangers to death. I wanted a real dog and this one's name is Jack the Ripper, of course we call him Ripper because that fits!!! I wish you the best. I am sure you will do fine.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Malinois and Tevuren are not siblings. They are two different types of Belgian Shepherd Dogs. Not siblings.

    Neither are Groenendaels. They are all Belgian Shepherd dogs but they are different types and are not siblings.
  8. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I would go to a mal rescue home & speak to the staff there, as I without being mean don't think a mal is a suitable dog for you.
  9. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    In their native country the various Belgian Shepherd types are considered to be the same breed, and are differentiated only by coat type. This is because all of the four breeds shared the same foundation blood. However, in the UK, these four types have maintained on separate breed registers, and are therefore considered to be separate breeds. The Malinois does seem to be emerging as having the highest drive. This distinction seems to be somewhat looser in the United States, especially amongst non show stock.
    This is how I understand the situation. If I am wrong, please do correct me, I am always ready to learn more.
  10. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    This is for when I move out of my parents house not currently right now. What I mean is that I can control a headstrong dog, I have grown up with very head strong dogs and can keep them under control. What breed would you suggest for me?
  11. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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  12. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    I am just curious about what dogs breeds might fit my lifestyle and the Mal I thought might fit me. I have always loved GSD's, Belgian Malinios, and Boxers.
  13. Sowa's Ark

    Sowa's Ark New Member

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  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois and Terveren. All Belgian sheepdogs but different in coat/colouring.

    And two of each type will produce the same type. Not one of this type and one of that type, unlike, say, Chinese Crested where you can get hairless and powderpuff n the same litter. It used to be like Chihuahua where they were considered as one breed, now they are separated into short coated and long coated.

    Groenendael, Laekenois, Malinois and Terverens are all classed as four different breeds, and breeding two of one type can only produce the same type, therefore a Tervuren and a Malinois. cannot be siblings.
  15. Sowa's Ark

    Sowa's Ark New Member

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    I couldn't think of the word i was trying to come up with. My Tevuren has Malinois siblings though. There's a clear difference between them. Mine is much longer haired and a different color and came from the Malinois parents.
    I've actually done a lot of research that says opposite of what you're saying and my experience is different. Weird. Anyway. I know I have a Tevuren.
    Annnnnddddd he just ate the siding on my house too. I swear he is the most destructive dog I've ever lived with. Unbelievable.
  16. Sowa's Ark

    Sowa's Ark New Member

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    The breed here isn't separated between the two (Malinois & Tevurens). On my dog's AKC papers, his parents are listed as Malinois and he as the other. (I'm in South Carolina, USA).
  17. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Breeds versus varieties controversy
    In Belgium (the country of origin) all four types are considered to be varieties of a single breed, differentiated by hair colour and texture.[1]:8 In some non-FCI countries and other regions, they are considered separate breeds. For instance, the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes only the Groenendael under the name "Belgian Sheepdog",[2] but also recognizes the Tervuren and the Malinois as individual breeds (Belgian Tervuren and Belgian Malinois respectively).[3][4] The Laekenois can be registered as part of the AKC Foundation Stock Service and should eventually be recognised fully by the AKC.[5] In years gone past, the Groenendael and Tervuren were one breed with coat variations until the Belgian Sheepdog Club of America decided to petition the AKC to separate the two.[6]

    The New Zealand Kennel Club recognises all four as separate breeds.[7] The Australian National Kennel Council, Canadian Kennel Club, Kennel Union of South Africa, United Kennel Club and the Kennel Club (UK) follow the FCI classification scheme and recognise all four as varieties of the same breed.[8][9][10][11][12]
  18. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Thanks for that Vee. I wonder how imports from the country of origin are dealt with?

    Although Chi's do have separate registers, breeders are able to register under the register that applies the individual puppy, ie. a longcoat from two smooths can be registered as that variety, and shown in longcoat classes. Last year, the Kennel Club briefly decided that the same rule could apply to the Dachs. varieties, but the opposition from the Dachshund Club was vehement, and the KC smartly recinded the decision.
  19. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    You need to meet quite a few Mals to get an idea of what their temperament is like. They are usually the most headstrong of the Belgian Shepherd dogs and some are bred with so much drive that even the most disciplined of owners struggle to cope.

    If you do go ahead, you really do need to look carefully into their breeding and choose a breeder who breeds for a 'softer' temperament rather than high drive.

    This breed really is not for the faint-hearted
  20. DogsRMyLife

    DogsRMyLife New Member

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    I'm now unsure of what breed would fit me. What breed would you guys suggest? Absolutely NO Labrador Retrievers!

    Breeds I like -

    Golden Retrievers
    English Springer Spaniel
    Border Collie

    Are a few
  21. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Have a look at the pictures of Dan's Belgians - one Mali and three Tervs.

    This is the picture on the page.


    Two separate breeds according to the UKC, and the Mali and Tervs were not from the same litter or the same parents. And even the UKC will not register two types in one litter if both parents are listed as whatever the breeder says they are.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017

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