The Power of Social Media Sites General Chat

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by 6JRT's, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    The Power of Social Media Sites

    We have now got 27 "unwanted Christmas puppies" however one of these puppies is a "to hot to handle pup" [stolen] you be surprised at how many of these "to hot to handle" pups/dogs get dumped at rescue homes.
    This is what happened:
    Woman in her late 20ish early 30ish comes in with a 9 month old pup, says her boyfriend no longer wants the puppy, nothing wrong with that, accept Women in their 20-30ish never bring in unwanted dogs/puppies on their own, they normally have a partner/family/friends with them.
    As the reception area had several kennel staff in I picked up pup & said your "red hot" aren't you [meaning stolen] saying this the kennel staff know exactly what to do one went to car-park checking how many cars were in there [discounting staff cars] another member of staff contacted the owner of The Rescue Home who started playing with the CCTV [zooming in on the woman in reception & on the cars in car-park]
    I asked the woman to fill in a form about the puppy [last time dog/pup was flead/wormed, if chipped, if neutered, name of vets they are registered with, any known illnesses, what pup/dog is fed on dry/wet/raw/homemade etc] however the woman didn't know any of this information so left the form blank.
    I then thanked her for bringing the pup to us & told her pup will go to a good home & she can phone up anytime to ask how pup is doing, the woman couldn't wait to leave & was halfway out of reception before I had finished telling her that her boyfriend as 10 days to change his mind & reclaim his pup.
    The owner of The Rescue Home was keeping the CCTV cameras on her watching her leave reception to what car she got into [zooming in on number plate] then once she was out of the car-park switched to the gate CCTV camera to see which way she turned out of drive way.

    Mean time I had scanned pup got microchip number & had logged into Social Media site, to find the puppy splashed all over one of the stolen/missing pet pages, I phoned the mobile number given & I explain who I was to the person answering the phone & asked if they know what the pups microchip number is, the person told me the number which matched the number I got from pups chip & I then told them that their puppy as just been brought in which the person screamed down the phone, I told them that they can collect their pup anytime, but they do need to bring the vets card & photo id with them [they live roughly 130 miles away in Cumbria] they should be here by closing time [we have told them we will wait for them turning up what ever the time]

    The Social Media site says the pup was stolen a week before Christmas goes on to give full description of pup including the the unusual markings pup has, etc the page as been shared well over million times all over the UK as well as aboard, because of the Social Media site this pup was to hot to handle & was brought in to us, which is not unusual as we have lots of to hot to handle dogs/pups brought in throughout the year.
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  3. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Malka and 6JRT's like this.
    It's one of the good things about social media. There aren't too many good things about it, but it certainly does get the message out in respect of stolen dogs.

    So glad this little fella is OK and going back to his owners
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Pup & owners are reunited now, (owners are staying overnight at motel) as soon as pup heard owners voice its tail went into overdrive, pup did wee all over the floor with excitement, the relieve look on the owners face when they saw their puppy was priceless, they had gotten their fur baby back after 3 weeks of worrying if their pup was dead or even if they were every going to get their pup back
  5. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Reason we search Social Media before pet log is quickness unfortunately pet log can take upto 24 hours before anyone gets back to us, where as Social Media we can get results within couple of hours as normally there are 2 or mobile numbers on each lost dog posters that we can ring & leave voice mail if no one answers.
  6. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Malka and 6JRT's like this.
    So many stolen dogs and puppies over the last few months, it is so sad.
    Glad this puppy has found its way back.
  7. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Great story and outcome.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    So nice to have a happy ending. :)
  9. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    How did the micro chip number lead you to the social media site ?

    Wouldn't it just inform you of address and number of owner ?
  10. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Pet log can take up to 24 hours before anyone gets back to you if they even do get back, where as the missing/stolen pet sites on Social Media have photo's & mobile numbers of owners, so as there were 4 missing puppies of this breed & 2 were different sex to the pup we had they were, left just 2 & one matched the unusual markings that the pup had so I rang the mobile number & the chip I had scanned on pup matched the number the owner had on their vets card.
    I am still waiting for pet log to get in touch with details of a puppy we had in on Thursday 5th January, like I said they are very slow at getting back in touch. Unfortunately there's no pup on the missing/stolen pages of Social Media sites like the one we have in.
  11. katilea

    katilea New Member

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    crikey how does a 9 month old pup get 130 mile from home! ...did you report the woman's license plate to police incase she or her bf were the one's who stole him?

    Petlog are slow! When I informed them by email that Inca had passed, it was nearly a month before they answered with one line 'Thanks for updating us' just as well it wasn't something urgent like she was stolen!
  12. Boerboel

    Boerboel New Member

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    Social media can be either very good or very evil. I'm glad to hear this had a good outcome. The world is such a messed up place!
  13. Breedy500

    Breedy500 New Member

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    CaroleC likes this.
    Social media can be used constructively or used to destroy, but we cant under estimate its power, i am glad to hear the puppy was found.
  14. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    @katilea How does a 9 month old get 130 miles from home? I suspect it didn't. Also it makes no sense that she was able to find a social media page etc. I'd bet it doesn't exist. Did you notice that not ONCE did she give any details as to what the dog looked like? She merely said "special markings".

    This was likely another elaborate fabrication by the member formerly known as Tina. Taken with a grain (tablespoon) of salt. Its likely all a figment of her vivid imagination.

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