Popped into town this morning to do a last minute shop and had just finished loading my groceries into the car boot when I noticed a man, his wife and two children looking in the side window of my car admiring Georgina and Gwylim who were sitting on the back seat. As I went to get into the car, the man stopped me and asked if my two were for sale and how much did I want for them????????????????????? Now I know there are times when the pair of them drive me craaaaaazy and I've threaten to give them away for two better behaved dogs but never in a thousand years would I part with them (don't tell 'em though). After all if they weren't in my life, there'd be no point in getting up in the morning and I'd have no warm little body snuggled up to me on cold nights! And anyway who could resist these two faces? So you'll be pleased to hear I'll be keeping them ...... at least till the next time they're naughty!
Do not ever dare of thinking about parting with the princess and prince or I will be on the next plane to - well, maybe I had better not say, but I think you know what I mean!
Trouble them 2 no way they are 2 very well behaved dogs I mean look at their butter wont melt in their mouth faces
It seems strange that some people seem to believe it is likely that we would sell the four footed members of our family! When I had the two Lurchers, the most dodgy looking people would bellow, 'Ay, is it f' sale', after us. Mind you, there were a few times when I could have willingly given Tweed away.
I was so taken aback I just said "NO" and climbed into the car and drove off! I find it really difficult to believe the man was serious especially as both Georgina and Gwylim are obviously "expensive" looking dogs (if that makes sense) and even if I'd been willing to sell them, he didn't look as though he'd have been able to afford them! Don't let those innocent faces fool you! Gwylim's normally a good boy but sometimes HRH can be a real pain in the butt because she's only happy when she has something to moan about. Her latest complaint is because Gwylim is sharing the back seat of the car with her. He normally sleeps on the back window ledge, but at the moment it's broken and he's only taking up the tiniest space on the back seat, which according to madam is far too much! Every time we go out she'll sit all scrunched up at one end and moan her head off even though there's plenty of room for her to lie down as well but no she apparently needs the whole seat to herself! Knew I should have bought a Rolls Royce to transport her in the style she thinks she deserves!