When I rescued the 3 Thugs (Rottweiler puppies) from a scrap yard (junk yard) they was almost 9 months old before they were fully house trained, because they had been chained from 8 weeks old in the scrap yard they just went toilet anywhere including in their water bowl, but they did master toilet training & using a toilet command helped no end, as soon as they woke up I took them outside, as soon as they had eaten I took them outside, 15 minutes into playtime I took them outside, it was hit & miss the first few days but they soon learnt & was clean during day took bit longer for them to be clean over night, but we got there in the end.
I don't know what happened to Piper, she was doing great, until one day she wasn't. My son lives with me and sometimes looses his temper with her. I feel she's getting mixed signals, and have tried talking about it with him. Do you think that could be part of the problem, because I take her out very often, but she has yet given me a sign that she needs to.
Possibly as puppies are sensitive to raised voices & if your son as yelled at her for going toilet in house, she might be to frightened to go toilet outside in fear of being yelled at.
Piper is doing great, on most things.I'm still having problems with the biting, I realize she's a puppy and it is normal for them to bite,but she is like obsessed! She is constantly going after my hands or feet, and she does it to visitors also. I have tried everything I've heard or read, but to no avail. I called to enroll her in some classes today, so I can learn what I'm doing wrong, and to get some control with her. She gets mad, and acts like the tasmanian devel...running at me, and jumping up, biting me.It is aggressive behavior, I think, because she either rips my shirt or bites, HARD. I love thiis dog, but I'm afraid if I can't get her under control soon,she will outweigh me, and it will get harder. I'm disabled, so don't have a lot of strength, to hold her back. I take her on daily walks, and she's great unless I take her away from something she shouldn't have. I live in the woods, and sometimes come across bones, mushrooms,etc.and she puts everything in her mouth. When I take her away from these, is when she gets mad, and tries biting,or attacking me. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
Am I doing something wrong on here? Like posting in the wrong places?I tried uploading some pics. recently, but I have not received any notifications. Please guide me...
Click on upload a file to post a photo (think you can post 5 photos) then click full image once all your photos are below your post
Great, I'm catching on, now everyone will probably get tired of looking at her pics. but they will know who she is
Piper definitely has a mind of her own, so starting puppy classes soon. I have a lot to learn about Rotties, and she's a smart one, probably smarter than me... lol. She does basic commands, but if you want her to do something she doesn't want to, she throws a tantrum! Sometimes running up to me, or even behind and jumps up, biting me. I tell her "no", but it seems that word isn't in her vocabulary. I think we have some work to do!
With Rottweilers you have be be firm but gentle at the same time, when you say NO it means NO, never ever shout at a Rottweiler as they don't like it & will stand up to you [teeth baring] to stop her from jumping up you bring your leg up [if she's running behind you push your leg backwards] if she continues trying to bite you take her by her collar firmly but gently & take her to another room or outside & tell her "time out" & leave her alone, [5 minutes for pups between 4 months-7 months] Piper will soon learn that NO means NO or she be on her own for what seems like years [5 minutes is like 5 years to a puppy]
I would not advise bringing your knee up as this method be dangerous to dog or owner, and in some cases make the dog hesitant to come to you. Prevention is better than cure, so if you’re inside/outside before she has the chance to jump up id give command to sit, once in sit calm praise. When mine used to jump up I found that the best response was to simply turn away from them, not speaking, put hands on chest and no eye contact. I would then give the command to sit, as soon as they did I would then calmly praise. If the jumping starts again turn away again until it stops.
That makes sense, I don't want to hurt her in any way, even though that doesn't go both ways,LOL. We are making progress, baby steps, as she still is obsessed with constant biting hands and feet. I can't wait until she outgrows that! My daughter had asked me if she was going to be too much for me to handle, since I'm disabled, and I told her no...I got attached to her the minute I got her! My daughter's fiance is the one who gave her to me, and he would be the one who I would have to give her back to.She is going to be a good dog, she is smart(stubborn),and everything is going to work out, with a little help from my friends