Eats everything Questions

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by Shiloh the Malamute, Nov 24, 2016.

  1. Shiloh the Malamute

    Shiloh the Malamute New Member

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    Eats everything

    Hey guys I'm new to the dog forums, but I have a 6.5 month old Alaskan Malamute. Shiloh uncontrollably gorges his food, he dives for anything that falls off the tables and counters I know dogs(puppies) tend to do it.having experience with a german shepherd who used to but eventually stopped.

    But Shiloh on the other hand acts as if he is never fed.
    I take him on walks he eats random stuff he could find, in my backyard woodchips, at the dog parks ignores other dogs to eat stuff, even in the house he looks around for food licking or eating anything on the floor.

    he eats woodchips, plastic, nuts from tree, leaves, his own poop and other dogs poop.

    Anyways he ended up getting roundworms possibly from eating other dogs feces, we took him to the vet he got vaccinated for all worms.

    So the thing is he still eats everything
    Sorry for the long thread but I want to know if anyone has had the same experience?
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  3. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Hi Gabe and Shiloh, welcome to the forum. Beagles are also dustbins on legs, and sadly very few of them completely grow out of it. Is your puppy nicely rounded, or does he look thin? As long as he looks well I wouldn't worry too much, and as for the worms, lots of puppies carry them, speak to your vet about a regular worming schedule which will stop any eggs from hatching inside him.
    You can get a puzzle dish which has ridges designed to slow a dog's eating, some people put some large rounded pebbles in the food dish to serve the same purpose, but if you try this, do make sure that they are large enough not to be swallowed!
    Although it sounds gross and is not to be encouraged, eating his own poo will not harm him. Pick it up as soon as he does it. I have found that rewarding them for doing a poo makes them rather keen for you to see it! I would definitely stop him from eating other dog or fox products though. One of my Beags is obsessive about rabbit poo, which is harder to avoid, she is seven so I don't think she will ever change. The eating of plastic is a puppy trait, and should diminish if he has lots of other chewable items that are more interesting. Hope this helps.
  4. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Id keep him on lead when outdoors for the time being that way you can interrupt the behavior and redirect it. Have you tried playing with him outside, hide and seek or with a ball/ special toy ,keeping his attention on you taking his mind off of searching for things on the ground.

    You can also teach him the leave it command.
  5. doghiker

    doghiker New Member

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    dont worry buddy its going to be alright
    Ive had two evil malemutes and a good one too
    and they have each of them gone through this
    'ohmygod Im HUNGRY let me at those yummy brass screws'

    the fact is, the malemutes were bred by devil-worshipping
    eskimos about five thousand years ago, who pampered them
    and nurtured their evil sides and gave them to a stupid world to
    punish them for taking america from the Indians.
    Malemutes created the dust-storms in the 1920's
    and they caused the extinction of the Do-do's too!

    Mals have an evil, mean streak about a mile wide.
    theyre GOING to test you every step of the way.

    try to appeal to their better nature. speak clearly
    and very often about kindness, fairness, and sharing.
    feed the pups as much dog food as they will take
    until they are about two evil years old,
    and then cut them back to about three cups of food a day.
    feed them right BEFORE you go out into the bright forests
    or the dog parks or whatever you have,
    so as to reduce the amount of sticks and rocks and dog shit they eat.
    keep going on about higher moral principles, though.

    sooner or later they will again show you their ass
    and eat an extension cord or two out of spite.
    I think the longer you force them to be good,
    the more the evil side builds up again.

    oh yeah, you should also know about pumpkin pie filling.
    buy now a few big cans of pumpkin pie filling.
    keep them on hand for these
    "you can kiss my ass now I just ate a radio"
    events. open the can of pumpkin pie filling,
    and instead of smearing their evil, cute faces with the stuff
    let them eat it instead.
    let him eat the whole can.
    (well, not the can itself)
    that stuff is pretty magic. it will flush out just about
    any old iron
    tacks and staples
    power lines
    whatever they ate.

    Im sorry if I have frightened you.
    you might as well know about the
    devil-worshipping side of your dog right now.
    and you should also know
    that once they turn three or so,
    they will start to believe in the good side
    of nature and humanity and life
    at least once in a while.
    but please, always remember,
    you DO have to preach higher ethical values
    to a young Malemute at every possible moment.

    ANd even moreso, you have to practice what you preach.
    demonstrate for them how to live in harmony with nature.
    let them see you meditate
    practice yoga
    pet the stray cats
    sing to the trees
    being calm.

    sooner or later you'll see
    Mal's can be as good
    as the BEST people you ever met
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I am not laughing.

    I am not laughing,

    Honest I am not laughing.

    But I think I might ava a nacident in my nikkies.
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Must say i had a giggle too :lol:
  8. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    I have a kitten like this. He steals food and goes through lengths to steal food. He's a cat so he's much more clever than dogs and can get on tables and into covered things and past doors etc. Its not nearly as bad as it was when I first got him. I think he'll grow out of it.
  9. Andrew Sheldon

    Andrew Sheldon Member

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    Yup....made me laugh too....
  10. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I now know why all the Malamutes/Huskies I see on park wear muzzles its not because they are not friendly, it's to stop them from picking up horrible non food stuff.
  11. AIIan

    AIIan Member

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    6JRT's and CaroleC like this.
    Ours is an unbelievable scavenger, loves bin raiding, , making sure the dishes and cups on the rack are clean, and if not smashes them on the floor. dish sponges are basically prepacked confettii. She doesn't do much of eating things she shouldn't when she is outside. but her absolute catnip (dognip) is my daughters socks.

    She will root through a washing basket for 15 minutes ignoring all else til she finds a sock, she'll find one down the sofa, under a bed, in the utility room, downstairs kitchen, upstairs kitchen anywhere really..............Which does make me confident that Tabitha will never go missing.

    She also drinks gallons of water, and i mean gallons. dont know if its a breed trait, food we use or just because she is big and probably fairly hot all the time.
  12. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I would as vet about the large amount of water your dog is drinking.
  13. AIIan

    AIIan Member

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    She has just had a full check at the vet at 6 months few additional non standard tests run, all is well. I think ill just have to nip my wife to turn the heating down
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I do not know what to say. If your vet says the pup is OK then you have to trust your vet. But vaccinations for all worms is not the answer as it depends on what type or worm, if any, is the cause of his problem.
  15. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Dry/Complete feed can make dogs drink more - also some contain extra salt/ sodium content so its worth checking

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