This has been a long weekend as today was Shavuot - The Feast of Weeks. So from Friday sunset when Shabbat came in, until nightfall today, Sunday, it has been quiet, no vehicles, but small children playing on the half-size gym type equipment across the road. Not noisy but can be heard. It is a two day Holy Festival outside of Israel, but only one day here Shulamit had a number of her children and grandchildren staying, and yesterday when one of her daughters brought over her Shabbat offering, she was joined by a tribe of Shula's grandchildren wanting to play with Tikva. This morning some of the tribe appeared - by themselves - safe enough as there was no traffic and the Moshav itself is safe for children to play outside, and Tikva ended up collapsed under some of them - until one little boy said "she licked my nose" and for a split second I misheard him and thought she had bitten him - as if she would. Tikki is not a licky pup but if I ask her for a kiss she will put her nose to mine and flick her tongue as a kiss. It turned out that this little boy had asked her for a kiss [in Ivrit] so she gave him one!
My last kissy dog was Tweed - she had a lovely warm dry tongue, with no slobber. Ed is a bit reserved and doesn't believe in all this soppy stuff, and although Merry loves a cuddle, she has never tried to lick our faces. Knowing what Beagles get up to, - on balance, I'm happy with that!
Tikva will just briefly touch her nose onto mine and give a mini lick. Which is what she did to this small boy when he asked her for a kiss. And I was terrified in case she had bitten him!
No thanks - I do not like slobber and none of my dogs have ever been slobberers. Well, Pereg was very messy when she had seizures but apart from that she was slobber-free.
Eddie drools while I am mixing their meals. It doesn't half speed up the preparation time, I must be on track for a world record! After they have eaten, I have to go on patrol, and check the area where he has been waiting with tissues, (ugh!). His blobs of saliva can cut right through built up layers of grime and polish on wooden floors, leaving dull but lighter coloured clean spots which expose my less than thorough floor cleaning to any visitors.
Neither of mine are "slobberers! thank goodness. but Gwylim like to snuggle up next to me in bed and I'll often end up with a greasy or wet beard in my face Georgina always has drippy chops after she's drunk water and if I don't catch her and wipe her mouth she'll walk around dripping water everywhere. She often wakes up on the night to have a drink and then will dry her mouth on her mattress. Last week it took me two days of watching her closely to decide which end of her was leaking and causing a damp patch on her blanket! It was only after she woke at 3 in the morning wanting to have a pee I finally decided she had a UTI and took her to the vets!
She finishes her antibiotic (Tsefalen) tomorrow morning and so far we've only had one damp blanket since she started on them. Unfortunately, when I tried to take a urine sample to take to the vet, she only manged one tiny drop, so the vet had to take my word for it that she had a UTI. She's fine in herself and eating well, maybe drinking more then usual but that's possibly because the weather is hot. I've decided rather than take her back to the vet tomorrow or Friday, I'll keep a close eye on her until the weekend and if necessary take her to the vet after training on Sunday as they're open till noon. And as the vet also thought she might be a bit "run down" she's now on DMGuard vitamin drops to boost her immune system .... she's costing me a fortune (but worth it bless her)!
I stuck a plastic container under her bum but unfortunately the poor girl only managed to squeeze out one solitary drop, which wasn't enough!