Miss Pei Face is about as athletic as a baby hippopotamus, so imagine my surprise when THIS happened at training this morning! What's Georgie doing mum? C'mon Gwylim, it's easy peasy once you get going! The world looks different from up here.... one giant step for Pei kind! Did I do good mum? Now I'm down from dizzy heights, I need a drink!
Well done to the Princess! What a long way she has come since all those eye operations. Got to keep up with her brother though. Coincidentally, Merry starts a short agility induction course tomorrow - her Birthday - bet she was hoping for a party!
Thanks everyone! She's such a trooper! Despite all she went though as a puppy she never once complained and allowed the vet to do whatever was necessary even though most of the time she was absolutely petrified. I'm very proud of her!. Gwylim usually loves agility, but for some reason he was nervous going up the ramp. My brave little coward! He's looking very scruffy at the moment and needs to go to the groomers .. hopefully next Sunday after training. He and I are going off on a short holiday the first week in July so I need him to look smart. Gerogina will be staying with Kinga, our trainer because if the weather is like last year, it'll be too hot for her to travel in comfort. She adores Kinga, so I doubt whether she'll miss us too much and all being well, I'll take both dogs on holiday in September when the weather's cooler I'm hoping the little black devil will be on his best behaviour as we're staying in a nice hotel and it's his first time I've taken him away with me. (Imagine my embarrassment if he decided to cock his leg and pee on the hotel furniture)! The village is in the middle of the Bukk Hills so I'm hoping we'll do a lot of walking and get to see the Lippizaner horses at the nearby stud farm. There's also a trout farm. a forest railway, wild park and lakes and waterfall, so we should be well occupied! Poor Merry, making her work on her birthday! I hope to compensate she had a yummy birthday cake and a party. How did she do at agility? H.ope she enjoyed it as much as Gwylim does.
She was very good, and took on the role of demo dog while we learned about the necessity for warm up exercises, and how to s-t-r-e-t-c-h the various muscle groups. We then had a session of accustoming our dogs to using a variety of surfaces - Merry was a bit iffy about the wobble board, but as long as I added some weight while she mounted it, she was OK with it rocking once she was on board. The third part was about using contacts. I teach hand targets from the start, and I had found a nice little rubber mat to use for teaching a foot target. However, I think M is going to need something more substantial for this, as she seems to think that the idea is to try to grab hold of it and run off. By then our time was up, - maybe next week we will start to do something a little more active! I hope you enjoy your holiday, it sounds wonderful. I do envy you seeing all those beautiful Lippizaners in the flesh. Do take some photos.