Any tips for a new Bullmastiff puppy? Questions

Discussion in 'Bullmastiff' started by salben05, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    Great post Vee.
    I do have my outside water dish off the ground, in the hope that it might deter any unwanted visitors from drinking, or even worse. If he gets the chance, Eddie has a preference for drinking from the water feature. I'm thinking that this will have to go, as it can't be cleaned properly, and must be a substantial risk factor for lepto infections.
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  3. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    Thanks Carole, having lost a young dog to bloat I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  4. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I thought that too Vee until one of my Rottweiler's started to bring his dinner back up every time he ate his food with his head bent down to the ground, I talked to my vets & he told me that there are high risers to help dogs digest their food more easier, I invested in just one for my Rottweiler & once he started eating his dinner from it, he was never sick again, so I invested in more for the rest of my large dogs.
    Zeus, Kobi & Ziva 3 of my JRT's also started bringing up their food when they had their heads bent downwards, so I bought 6 lower high riser & since then none of my JRT'S has ever bought up their food.
  5. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    That would have been a different condition to bloat Tina. Not that regurgitation can't be a problem too.
    I lost my first Lowchen with a severe case of megaesophagus. Poor Harry regurgitated his food so badly that he couldn't get enough benefit from it to stay healthy. Six different vets were consulted, but they couldn't help him. If only we had had the internet in those days - these cases are now fed sitting upright in specially built chairs. Not an ideal way of reading a puppy, but certainly better than my experience.
  6. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I was willing to try anything Carole as my lovely Boss (Rottweiler) was just skin & bones, 6 months later after eating from a high riser, he was filling out and had doubled in weight (was still 15kg underweight) so when my little JRT's started bringing up their dinner I didn't hesitate to buy some lower high risers, they are only 4inches high & like Boss my JRT's stopped bringing up their dinner after I started putting their dinners into the lower high risers.

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