Oh blimey, it does sound like a reaction to the cream. Hopefully your lovely vet will be able to sort her out quick sharp. Poor little Tikki, she doesn't do things by halves does she? Try not to worry too much Malka. I'm sure a different cream will see her clear of the nasty sore in no time xx
They were originally two tiny spots, like miniature pimples. Just pink and dry, One is now red and weeping. It is coming up to 8am now and I hope Michal got the message to call in on her way to the surgery - she is on duty this morning and not yesterday afternoon so I could not speak to her then, but whoever it was I spoke with said she would call Michal and pass on the message. I have already washed her tummy, as much as she will let me - it does not seem to bother her as she is rushing around as usual, leaping everywhere as usual, dancing on her hind feet as usual - but that cream... ...sure it's compounded but I think it is a trial product given by the compounding pharmacy to vets to try. IF I find that the cream has not only helped the original little pimples but now caused this bad one, I will have a word or three with Ram about it. He was, after all, the one who spayed her and the incision and staples were perfect. The wound was also perfectly clean and dry when Michal removed the staples. I am sure that neither Ram nor Michal will be happy with this cream. Nothing else could have caused this after well over a month, not with a puppy who had been back to normal the day after the spay.
Not yet - I had thought Michal was on duty yesterday afternoon which is why I telephoned when I did. That was when they told me she was on duty this morning but they would get the message through for her to call in on her way to open up. She did not get the message but I did spoke with her later and she said not to put any more of that cream on - which I had no intention of doing so, and as long as Tikva was galloping like the loony she is, not to worry as if she was in pain or distress she would just keep still. Anyhow, Michal said she would be here in the morning and if the worst comes to the worse I will get David - if I can find him - to get her in her carry bag and we will take her to the surgery. In the meantime I am not even washing it with it will saline solution let alone poisoned it with more of that cream. Had I known it was a compound and not regular stuff, I would not have touched it with a barge pole. Whatever happened, Michal needs to see it - I think Ram also needs to see it, and I think the top layer of skin will need some minor surgery, which I will not be paying for. Something will have to be done as the tiny pimples that were are now red and weeping,
Oh heck. I was hoping they would have started her on something today to help her heal more quickly. Still got everything crossed for her that they can clear this up quickly x
Michal could not call in on her way to the surgery this morning and they have been ultra busy all day so even had I been able to get hold of David I am not sure if she would have had time to see Tikva. But she will be here tomorrowl I am not over worried, as in OVER worried, I am just W O R R I E D. And yet the mini booger is now outside on her tether for hours each morning, dances around on her hind legs, eats, pees and poos as normal, and it does not seem to bother her at all. But I know something is wrong and what was a tiny pale pink pimple is now a red leaking one. Michal asked me what antibiotic creams I have which are still in date - well I never keep such things out of date, and she said she wants to see what I have as I might have something better. Nothing can be worse than a non-registered compounded cream though, can it.
Michal will be here on the way to the surgery in the morning. She has told me to starve Tikva from the evening in case some tidying up needs to be done under a GA, although she said it sounds like an allergic reaction to the cream, as the original tiny pink spots were the reason she gave her the cream in the first place. Those tiny spots probably being from where the staples were removed. But if it is a matter of using different cream, I do not know what I will do, as she might be a rather small puppy but she is extremely strong and has very strong teeth and jaws. She is much too strong for me and she knows it.
Michal came round after she closed up the surgery at 8pm. And Tikva went bonkers as she adores Michal [it is mutual]. She says the wound is not so bad and has left me a different cream, so hopefully... But, although there is no Heartworm in this country, there is something called Parkworm which appeared in the middle of the country a few years ago and has now moved south. No pills for it [Tikva has Drontal Plus - needs it every three months until she is a year old, then yearly] but she will now also need this Parkworm protection. It is an injection, not a pill and she will still need the Drontal, and will also need the Parkworm injection every three months. And it is all because so many people do not bother to even give puppy shots or even basic worm treatment, I dread to think about rabies. It is mandatory for all dogs to have yearly rabies shots but does everyone bother? It it mandatory for all dogs to wear collars with tags, but does everyone bother? It is illegal to let dogs out to roam loose, but does everyone bother? So because too many people do not bother, for me it is even more important that I have always had my girls spayed, always been treated with Drontal Plus for internal nasties, and Frontline Spot-on for external nasties. And now I have to have Tikva an injection every three months on top of all that for Parkworm?
I have just had to Google Parkworm, as I had never heard of it. It seems to have originated in a National Park in Israel, and the host appears to be the dung beetle. It sounds a really nasty little blighter, I don't know whether I'd fancy having to give regular injections, but suppose that if it had to be ..... Who knows why all these new conditions are becoming so problematic? Nobody seems to have learned very much more about Alabama Rot, which now also seems to lurk in British forests. Lungworm has only crossed from mainland Europe within the last decade. Thank you for the heads up, Malka, this may not be very sympathetic, but I hope it stays in Israel!
@CaroleC - I do not think it is that long since I first read about Parkworm as it was more or less ignored, so queried it with Ram. At that time it was mainly contained to the centre of Israel, in the Ramat Gan area - at least that is what people thought, so he told me not to worry as there had been no cases here, about 50-60 km South. You know what I think about many dog "owners" in this Country - dogs are a throwaway commodity and "oh well, you can always get another one", so it is doubtful if many people with a sick dog would bother take it to a vet. The number of times people told me that about my beloved Pereg because of her epilepsy - that I should "get rid of her because I can always get another dog".. So, poor little Tikva is going to need injections every three months, just because people did not bother and Parkworm is now in this area. I forgot to ask Michal if it would be permanently every three months or maybe, like Drontal, just until she is a year old and then maybe every six months. Actually she said Drontal yearly after the first year but both Little One and Pereg had six-monthy so I have to check on this. And if Tikki needs three-monthy injections, so what. At least she will have her primary vet keeping a close watch on het. A lot more than most people care about
I worm six monthly. Most vets seem to recommend three monthly in the UK, but I think this is to minimise the risk for children, which mine only see occasionally, and at a distance. I alternate Drontal, (or a generic formula like Cestem), with Panacur suspension, which doesn't appear to have any taste, and can be mixed with their food. The advantage of the Panacur is that the dosage can be adjusted and extended to cover the giardia protozoa, and even lungworm, in addition to the more common parasites. Very useful if you have scavenging snail eaters!
Belated update. The second cream [boxed and leafleted properly] that Michal brought round did the trick within a couple of days B"H although I carried on for seven days BID. Michal showed me a two second way of putting the cream on. Put a tiny bit on the middle finger of my right hand - get Tikva to stand on the couch on her hind legs leaning on me - and chickchack, finger under her and anoint the wound. I did not get bitten either! Incidentally, I am the only person Tikki bites [and she is easing off now thankfully]. I have no idea why she bites me but as long as she is 100% fine with everyone else, especially with the small children, I suppose my hands are fun for her. As she is easing off now, and wants to get on my lap for a cuddle, hopefully she will soon keep her teeth for her food and not my hands!
I am glad that Tikva has healed now, and is getting a little gentler on your hands. My hands are also covered in bruises, but with Merry it is her front nails that do the damage to my elderly thin skin. The first part of her KC Good Citizen Silver test is motivational play. Merry can play quite happily at home, but ask her to do it in a different place, in front of an examiner, and she says, 'No thanks, I think I'll leave it till later'. I have therefore been encouraging her to do lots of twirlies, tuggies, and teasing, but she has discovered that she can generate much more catching and pulling power if she uses her Thai boxing feet as well. Our next test is not till March, so if I want to keep the play activities going, I'm afraid it will either have to be black hands, (or gloves), until then.
So glad that 'iccle Tikki's sores have now healed. Must be a relief for you, Malka. Carole, does Merry like you to chase her? A chase game is still motivational play ask is using a scent infused rag or toy on the end of a longer line. Does she like you to get down on the floor with her to play? Again, it's still motivational play. One of the problems with a second dog coming in is that they tend to play with their adopted sibling so see no need to include you in outdoor play. Watch how she interacts with your other dog to see what turns her on then try to adapt that to get her playing with you.
For her last test, I took her Tail Teaser toy, which she loves at home, but she blanked it on the day. She also blanked her favourite tuggy. I did get her to play catch with a little Kong ball, (as retrieves are not required), but this was not motivational enough. The trouble is that she is six and a half y.o., and has lived in a pack until she came to us. She doesn't play very well with Eddie, he likes to play chase, but it worries her, and she will pin him after a couple of laps. She loves cuddles best of all, and that is what she tends to do when I get down to her level. I'm trying to raise her interest and excitement in play, make sessions last a little longer, and work in a few leg weaves into a h/w position as a backup. I have also started to teach an elementary property search lately - which means that she is also learning the retrieve - albeit with a standing present followed by a sit! Bless her, she has had so many new things to learn over the last six months. She still suffers from sep. anxiety if we go out, but she has been clean for a while now, - touch wood. Thanks for your suggestions, Chris. I'll certainly try scenting a cotton rope with meat juices or cheese, and try it out in class next week. One trainer did suggest one of those tuggies with a food pocket, but M would know that it was empty for the test. I think your idea might be better.
I did not get back to the chief pharmacist about the compounded cream - which I am certain was given out to vets as a trial. And Michal decided to try it on Tikva. Not her fault as I am sure that she had no idea it was a trial cream as the contents were regular ones, but it just made things worse. The boxed/leafleted second cream, which cleared up the weeping sore [caused, I am sure by the compounded "mixture" as it was just a tiny pimple before] is Dermacombin but whatever it is supposed to be for it stopped the weeping sore [only one of the two pimples turned "nasty"] and everything is perfectly neat and tidy now, but if I could prove the compounded cream was not registered - well I could but it might rebound on Michal having given it to me for Tikva, then I would sue the pants off them. @CaroleC - it sounds like Merry is doing well after having been living in a pack, presumably in kennels, until she found her forever home with you. It must have been very difficult to house-train her after never having lived in a proper home. Tikki is a few days off eight months old and she will still sometimes "forget" what puppy pads are for when she wants to pee, although she is usually fine with pooing on them. Ickle poos at that! Playing with her does not work - she is not interested - she plays with her toys by herself. As for getting down on the ground to try to get her to play with me... do not even think about it! But she loves being outside on her tether although she does the expected winding herself round the scaffolding poles that the solar panels and boiler are on. There are three but one is close to the wall so I blocked it off, so just two for to do roundy roundy round. With LO I used to have to go out to unwind her. Pereg learned "back", "this way", "that way" so she could unwind herself - mostly. As Tikva has only recently been out on her tether by herself, it is back to LO again - going out to unwind her. She has also "been" outside although she has no idea about asking to go out to "go" at any other time, and I cannot stay outside with her all the time.