Good or bad? General Chat

Discussion in 'Crossbreeds Forum' started by Malka, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Good or bad?

    I do not remember what I did with my Griffon girls and puppies as it was so long ago, but if someone came to the door they were either shut in the kitchen or the living room - or were outside in the back garden [6' fences being just perfect!]

    LO was an escape artist and would go run run at the slightest chance. She was a mutt, beautiful but a mutt. Pereg? Also a mutt but rarely got loose unless either her trigger clip broke or her rope tether had. But I would not open the door until first LO and then Pereg were firmly on their tethers.

    And now I have Tikva. Who is the most evil mini monster ever, but she will let me open the door, let people in [people that I know] or will follow me out if I go and sit on the patio wall or, as just happened, some children turned up with some fruit from the trees in their garden.

    I have no idea who these children are. Maybe around 8 or 9 or 10 years old. About five girls and a couple of boys. They turned up yesterday with a cake made by one of their mothers, a bar of chocolate, and two tomatoes.

    OK, so what has this to do with Tikva? She seems to know that if I open to door [I open it on the chain first so I can see who is there] then they are OK. She will go maybe a couple of metres up the path or ramp if none of the children come down, but if they do she just loves being petted by them although I am always wary as she is still not used children - or people as a whole. But she always comes close to me even if I do not call her. And Lord help me if I go inside and she is not velcro'd to me.

    It is not because I did not socialise her - anyone who thinks that should realise that not only could I not take her out before she had had her rabies shot, but because it is still unbearably hot out. For both her and for me.

    And to cap it all the air-con wall unit in my salon went berserk yesterday and instead of the water going out from the motor outside, it spewed inside down the wall, flooding - well, I guess the books and the carpet will eventually dry.

    And it is hot. Very very hot.
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  3. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Its always hard to know what's correct thing to do when it comes to puppies, with my hooligans I refused children under 12 to pat/touch them until they were at least 24 weeks old (puppy teeth all gone) because I didn't want babies & younger children getting bitten as puppy teeth are needle Sharp, even then I held onto their heads (fingers under jaws) just to stop them from snapping.
  4. Malka

    Malka Member

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    This is the question, Good or Bad. I know she is liable to jump up but I also know that she will not bite anyone else. Only my feet/ankles/hands/forearms. Mini monster is not the word...

    These are not very young/small children, and the only ones that come near enough to pet her crouch down and wait for her to go to them, and to the best of my knowledge she has not snapped at them. She just seems happy to see them, whoever they are.

    But it is rather nice to know that she is not people aggressive, nor is she an escape artist as LO was. Pereg was not really - the only times she ever got loose accidentally she would rush back to me when I called her.

    Tikva? Well she moves far faster than I can so I guess it is a good thing that she keeps close to me!
  5. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    What you need is a happy medium for her to be friendly but wary of strangers too.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tina, I am happy that she is OK with children after all the problems I had with the older kids with Pereg. Luckily none have been around since she went to The Bridge and have not bothered me since, and these children are oh so different.

    Also, because I only open my door unless I know who it is - otherwise it is on the chain, Tikva seems to understand that if I let someone in, they are OK. She is already acting as a hearing dog as she vocally tells me someone has knocked on the door even when I have not heard it, or maybe having a nap.

    As yet she does not seem to be aware of the telephone, but for me as long as she is aware that someone is at the door, that is all I need for the moment.
  7. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    It sounds as if she is acting in a well balanced manner. I would welcome the opportunity to socialise her with what seem to be pleasant, gentle children. You could perhaps attach a leash, just to be on the safe side.
    I was always 'on pins', when my two met children, as most people around here are within ten years or so of our age group, and we rarely see kids. I was so relieved when Merry went to Bakewell show, and was surrounded by a family group who wanted to pet her - she just loved it! Eddie is a little more reserved, and only tolerates attention from strangers.
    How kind of them to bring you these gifts, Malka. Was this because it is your season of goodwill?
  8. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    I put a great deal of effort into socialising Rosie to be friendly to kids for two reasons. One, my grandkids visit a couple of times a year (a week each time) and two because I can't predict what kids will come up to her while we are out (she's a cutie). It's nice to think we are always in control, but some kids are just so quick and unpredictable that I needed to make sure that Rosie could enjoy their fussing
  9. Malka

    Malka Member

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    @CaroleC - I have no idea who these children "belong to" - just that they are from the Moshav. I mean I do not know which family and neither do I know why they have decided to do this. But it obviously gives them pleasure so who am I to deny them that?

    @Chris B - Tikva seem to able to cope with children - and adults that I know. The door is never fully opened for strangers so I do not know how she will react. But then she is not LO - she is not Pereg. She is my little Tikki so I have to follow what she decides. And no, that is not giving in, nor do I think it has anything to do with the fact that she was far too young.

    She is just Tikva - the mini monster who shreds puppy pads. Who sometimes uses them, sometimes not. Who refuses to "go" outside when I can get her out onto that horrid hot path.

    But thankfully she has not had the diabolical behaviour of the older boys who used to throw stones and yell at Pereg. To her, the children who come around are friends and I am sure she would never hurt them.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Dana, one of the daughters of Shulamit across the road who brings of sends her Shabbat couscous on a Friday, has just turned up with Shula's offering as our Festival of Succot starts this evening.

    And Dana turned up with half a dozen of her nieces and nephews, aged from around 3 to 7 years old. All standing outside the front door squealing and squeaking with hands outstretched...

    ...and Tikva went creepy creepy to each one, giving a sniffy kiss to each hand.

    Actually I thought she had vanished this morning as I managed to get through to Oren because of the problem with my salon air-conditioner and left the door open while he got something from his van.

    So I was going round yelling Tikki Tikki boi l'ima when Oren came back in and she shot in. She had been outside watching him, just by the front of the bungalow out of my sight, and no doubt thought she would wait for him to come back in to come in herself.

    This puppy is stark-raving crazy, or maybe I am for have adopted her.
  11. Malka

    Malka Member

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    One of the little girls turned up again this afternoon, with an older girl. Oh, and another cake. Not that I eat cake but the macolet was open today until about 2pm so I stocked up on little packs of crisps and sweets to hand out. My neighbour, who is away during the Holy Days, always keeps these sort of things so I started doing the same. Not that it is handed out all the time, but just when the children are especially nice..

    So they asked if they could come in and sit down - which Tikva was really happy about as they sat on the couch so Tikki could jump all over them! I was not sure what they wanted but it turned out that they wanted to know if they could help me with cleaning. Heck - the little one, a right chatterbox, is a very small 10 year old, and the other, bigger one, is only 13!

    So - the little chatterbox asked me how old I was so I said how old do you think?

    "One hundred?"

  12. manydogz

    manydogz Member

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    manydogz (Debra)
    Sounds like they are nice children. Did you take them up on their offer? Could it be they'd like to play with Tikva, too?
  13. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    :044: :044: your looking good for a 100 year old :044: :044:
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    OK, so I know that to a 10 year-old, especially a very small 10 year-old, I might seem old, but a hundred? :roll::043:

    She turned up earlier and asked if she could take Tikva for a walk, promising to keep tight hold of her leash.

    Tikki refused to go with her unless I went too but no way am I going out in this heat and Tikki does not like the heat and red-hot pavements. Better wait until this l o n g and very h o t summer ends.
  15. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    To a 10 year old, anyone over 40 is a hundred :)
  16. Malka

    Malka Member

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  17. Bulldogs4Life

    Bulldogs4Life Member

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    I'm not sure I really understand? It seems good that she is getting some interaction with them? I also think it well that she is a velcro dog / won't run off. If she is fine with people you know and those children I think that I'm going to say GOOD. Seems like everything is good with her. Though she is a mini monster and stubborn she is also smart to catch on to things from what you describe.

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