Tikva Photos

Discussion in 'General Dog Chat' started by Malka, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Momma was a standard Doxie supposedly caught by a minpin across the road but I do not believe anything I was told now.

    Tikva weighs about 600g - she is content as long as she is close to me unless she wants to go exploring, then she shrieks "come get me" as she gets lost.

    Yes she was too young to have been taken but there was some sort of situation going on, with the girlfriend piddling off - nobody is going to say exactly what happened but I think the "girlfriend" and momma dog Sonia were able to come as a prospective wife.

    But something is very wrong. Sonia is a standard Dachshund who was apparently accidentally mated with a local minpin.

    Tikva is tiny and that is not because of her age or her being a runt. Tikva looks like a Daxie/Doxie whatever you call it. And I think that the "girlfriend" who came over from Russia with her Sonia, had probably mated her with a mini Dax and she was already pregnant.

    I do not know. And I doubt I will ever know.

    All I do know is that I have saved one puppy and you can see from the dates on the photographs which I took a few hours ago, is happy, healthy, and so far thriving.
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  3. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    She's adorable. So glad she is doing well x
  4. CaroleC

    CaroleC Member

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    She is a sweetie. I do hope they are able to find homes for the other puppies too, and that the mother dog is safe where she is. Is there an SPCA in Israel?
  5. Malka

    Malka Member

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    There is no rescue like SPCA anywhere near and the rescue place from where Pereg
    came has closed. Ziva was a private rescue who the woman who bred her apparently dumped her. And I rescued Lexi from somewhere on this Moshav.

    So I now have this tiny shrimp Tikva, and believe me she is tiny. I do not know whether momma Sonia is safe but is probably somewhere on that Moshav with their other dogs, but I have no idea about the other puppies. Sonia did not want to cope with her puppies again. She did not just leave them to go out, she left them and refused to go back.

    And if anyone thinks that hand-rearing a 3-week-old puppy is easy well they should think again.

    Tikva is still alive, she is active, she is as noisy as Hades - what else could I do?

    There was no way I could save all eight puppies, is it not enough that I am trying to keep one alive?
  6. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    But your not hand rearing her , you stated yourself that she is eating raw food , with a milk supplement, and sleeping through the night.......that is no different that any 8 week old pup you bring home,

    IF she is 3 weeks old, you should be feeding her throughout the night as her dam would be doing, this pup did not need to be hand reared because her dam was doing the job perfectly well on her own.

    Its funny how this story has gone from a nice family with a healthy well looked after litter , to someone who has abandoned her dog and pups to their own fate ,and unless you took a 3 week old they would all have died or be thrown out onto the streets, all in a matter of a few days.............

    Id have a little more respect for you if you simply told the truth that you decided to take a pup from the litter because you wanted to..........(you said that in your first post) instead of the story being embroidered with each post you put up.

    Things can change when we go to see litters , but not in 2 days........... the pups looked healthy and well cared for, I really cant understand why you could not have waited a few more weeks, and lets be honest , we only have your word that the rest of the litter is going to be dumped............... you never mentioned any of this when you picked up the pup,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I wish you and your pup good luck and a happy life, but I don`t agree with what you did.
  7. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Jackie - I am bottle feeding Tikva every three hours. Throughout the day and night. She eats tiny bits of food at other times.

    I did NOT want to bring her home on Friday.

    And if you had the sense to read what I had said, the OWNER/BREDER of the momma dog came from Russia to be the "girlfriend" of the man who owns the house and all the land - and she has boogered off. And Momma dog has left all the pups and there is nobody to rear them.

    I rescued one puppy. Do you honestly thing I should have taken them all?

    Yes, last Tuesday everything seemed wonderful. But by Friday it had turned into sh!t.

    NOW tell me again that I was selfish to have brought Tikva home.

    At least she is still alive and has a chance, unlike the others.

    And unlike Ziva who was no doubt thrown into the nearest field when I was in hospital.
  8. Dogloverlou

    Dogloverlou Member

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    Can I just ask how many times you visited the family/litter Malka? From what I gather it was just the once...and then you was waiting on someone to run you there a second time? Is that correct?

    So, how are you so aware of what the mum was/wasn't doing in regards to her pups? The first time you visited mum was obviously doing a good job as you posted the pics here.

    And to be honest, while I've been told not to keep going on about the rest of the litter, then surely the same should apply to yourself and not keep speculating. What's done is done and whatever happens to them, happens. Like you said you have your pup and that's all that matters in your situation.
  9. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    I am in looooooooove Tikva is yummy xxxxxx :007: :007: :007: :007:
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Can I ask YOU how many times you have been to Israel and how
  11. Azz

    Azz Adminstrator

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  12. Malka

    Malka Member

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    I apologise - I have computer problems and lost what I had intended to say in my last post.

    But for the last time I would like to say that I knew exactly what I was doing and why I brought Tikva home. This way she has a chance of surviving. Had I not brought her home her chance of surviving was nil. She still might not survive but she is a fighter
    and I am doing everything possible for her that I can do.

    Oh, and that includes chewing up raw meat and raw fish for her for the tiny amounts she eats.
  13. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    Great idea, Azz. It's getting way too personal on here.

    What's done is done for whatever reason which, of course, on Malka and the owner of the dam knows.

    Keep the up-dates coming Malka. It will be lovely to watch little Tikva grow
  14. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva is still alive and thriving. Sleeps in her crate during the day when I need to rest, or in her bed in the salon.

    At night she screams her head off as she does not want to be in her crate but sleeps beside my pillow and the one next to it, and she is sleeping maybe six or seven hours before she wakes for food, and does not pee until I put her on a puppy pad.

    She is not missing her dam or litter mates which apparently are trying to be gotten rid of but that is not my problem.

    Tikva is thriving so far. She is a right noisy booger when she goes walkabout in the bungalow, which is a darn sight larger than either the box she was squashed in or the tiny room they were in.

    She is fed on puppy substitute milk supplement every 3 hours. She also eats very small bits of chewed up raw meat or fish, and loves cottage cheese and bio yoghurt from a plastic teaspoon.

    She is alive and she is thriving.

    What more can I ask?
  15. Mr.Bulldog

    Mr.Bulldog New Member

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    Well that escalated.

    I dont think you'll find much contention on the point that three weeks is distinctly less than ideal, its at least worth remembering that everyone only has someone elses word or judgement for what happened with this. The situation may have been ok for the puppies or it may have been anything but ok, a judgement call was made that may or may not have been right but whatever the case perhaps we should at least begin on the assumption that it was well intentioned, breeding and raising animals can be more art than science at times and anybody in the hobby that claims they have never made a bad call is lying through their teeth.

    Irrespective of whether it was a good choice whats done is done and I'm sure Malka will now do her utmost in the situation as it is.

    I must day some people turn escalating a situation into an Olympic sport :)
  16. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Tikva will be cutting her teeth soon Malka, then she be yapping that's when the real fun starts xxxx
  17. Chris B

    Chris B Member

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    The single biggest problem I had with Rosie when she was little was trying not to tread on her. Bless her, she was so tiny that we walked round on tiptoes for weeks :)
  18. Malka

    Malka Member

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    She already is. And she has discovered soft cheese triangles thanks to my neighbour. Ram says to give her whatever she will eat as she will probably know what is OK and what is not.

    I do not know the exact family circumstances but have a rough idea which I do not think I should mention. I also know that none of the other puppies would be have been looked after after momma dog vanished, along with her "owner" the "girlfriend". And as far as I know that is what has happened.

    I do not know for sure. I just know that I have a tiny babe who I am feeding almost nonstop, well it seems like it, who appears to be flourishing and is happy wandering around the bungalow.

    She has been out, in a bag round my neck, seen people and places, heard trucks and tractors and school buses so she is definitely being socialised although I will not let anyone touch her.

    And so far B"H she has survived. I am not sure how I will though.
  19. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    Tikva must be 4 weeks old maybe 4 & 1/2 weeks old ?
    I remember putting cheese spread on dogs chew toy when my hooligans were cutting through their teeth, saved my fingers from being chewed.
    Can't wait to see more photo of Tikva xxx
  20. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Tikva woke me up this morning at 4.30am by squeaking. She still refuses to sleep in her crate at night because it is dark, so has ended up in my bed next to my head between two pillows, because both she and I need to sleep.

    Only somehow she managed to fall off a very high bed and came squeaking round to find me, knowing that my chair was the other side. She did not mess in the bed or on the floor but waited until I put her on a puppy pad. She has had 5ml of milk substitute, had a run around [if you can imaging a shrimp running around] and is now sleeping in the small bag slung round my neck.

    She is slowly being weaned onto raw - seems to be thriving - waddles around inside the bungalow until she is lost and then screams to be found - and once rescued goes to sleep.

    So far she is thriving and has gained a bit of weight. Probably only 10g but think my scales are not working properly.
  21. 6JRT's

    6JRT's Member

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    She calling you mum Malka puppies squeak for their mum when they can't find them :007: :049: :007: xxx

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