So the other night we had heavy rain. Our front porch is missing a corner glass pane so the cats use it as their private door, no problem. This night though there was a large Persian out there who wasn't ours. I've seen her before. Our cats are rather social and have friends that come and visit in the driveway. Unfortunately when I opened the door Sophie tried to chase her. She skittered behind an old stove well out of reach...lucky for her...of course she knocked over my toolbox and everything else on the way. Now the problem is I guess the boys have decided to mark the porch as their territory. Gives me a good excuse to get rid of the gathered junk but in the meantime it REEKS. The smell isn't carrying in the house fortunately but gahhhh. After I get it cleared what is the best battle plan? If they logically got the walls where do I begin? Do I have to do the complete wall basically? It's a mix of stone and stucco on one side and wood on the other with a rubber tiled floor.
Cats are the worse! Yeah you will have to use something on the walls or wherever they marked. There is paw prints on my hood/window shield thanks to someone's cat.
All of my boys are fixed so I don't want to even imagine how much worse it would be if they were'd have to level the porch.
Orange/lemon peel leave where they been marking & spray other areas cats don't like the smell & will stop marking. Failing that lion dug spread around walls area cat will not go near the place where the lion dug is, most zoos sell it for £5 a sack.