Thinking about new puppy/Dog General Chat

Discussion in 'Alaskan Malamute' started by dogdays, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    Thinking about new puppy/Dog

    I have a 10yr old female malamute X and have been thinking for some time about a second dog, I know that the girls can be a bit aggressive towards other girls so I was leaning more towards a male. However in saying that I do luv my girl and was wondering if a female puppy would be an option, or perhaps rehoming an older boy?
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    When I decided on a second dog I just wanted a very young puppy bitch - a small rescue mutt puppy. My then current dog was a small mutt bitch, also having been a rescue as a tiny pup.

    So when I found about Pereg I just went to get her and bring her home, without even wondering what Little One would think.

    I had always only had bitches in the past - I used to breed Griffons - and never had any aggression amongst them so I was not aware that other people find that there might be.

    Sometimes I think it is better to go by your own instincts and not listen to the "might-be-happenings" of others.

    Because in the end you are the one who has to live with the dog/s - whatever sex they are.
  4. Pork1epe1

    Pork1epe1 Member

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    Three months ago I became the proud owner of Gwylim, a 9 month old male Miniature Schnauzer. He's the first male dog I've ever owned and it's the first time I've bought an older dog. I settled for him because I have a 16 month old Shar-Pei girl who due to having severe eye problems as a puppy, tends to be anxious. Before I made the decision I discussed everything with both my vet and Georgie's trainer who both were of the opinion that an older, male dog would be more suitable than a young female puppy. I was also very fortunate in having a breeder who understood the worries I had, and picked Gwylim as being a suitable match for Georgie. The two dogs hit it off at the first meeting and during the time I've had him there's never been any problems between them.
  5. Jcarpentier

    Jcarpentier Member

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    How is the energy level of your 10 year old dog? Is she more like a pup or does she lay around most of the day? People on this forum have told me when looking to add another dog to look first at the energy level of the current resident dog. If a pup would be too much energy for her then an older dog would be better. Not sure about gender though as that depends on how the dog will take it.
  6. LMost

    LMost Member

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    Every female Malamute I know, which has been several. Is either highly same sex aggressive or zero same sex. Have never met one that was slightly.

    I would advise you go with your gut and get a male.
  7. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    Thanks for the advice never had thought about the energy level of my dog. I know that she never really liked jumpy dogs, not aggressive towards them just let them know the rules. I thought maybe with a malamute pup the good behavior and dog rules would be easier to teach. She is great around the bigger dogs as long as they're of the more relaxed (Aloof) variety.
  8. Malka

    Malka Member

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    You can research forever, "test" your dog with countless possible companions, but you really will not know until the two are actually living together.

    And you also have to think about what you would do if your first dog took a sudden dislike to the newcomer after a while, especially if the newcomer was an older dog.

    I think you will just have to play it by ear and hope that you find the perfect companion for your girl.
  9. dogdays

    dogdays New Member

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    She already had has the perfect companion (Me), Thought a doggy friend might be nice for her.
  10. Malka

    Malka Member

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    What a lovely thing to say!

    I have to admit that I did have an ulterior motive in wanting another puppy when I had my Little One. And that was because I knew that LO would not live forever and I then thought I would be able to cope with a new puppy - but I did not know that my darling Little One would just die in her sleep only 11 months later, nor did I have any idea that my beloved Pereg would develop epilepsy... I guess I am probably the wrong person to even try to give you advice.

    Because I know that Pereg will be the last dog to ever share my life and I cannot bear to think of life without her.

    The only thing I am sure about is that adopting Pereg had no connection to LO going to sleep and not waking up when she did. She never resented Pereg although she did get a bit fed up at times and would go into the bedroom and get on the bed to get away from her when she had had enough.
  11. zoe29

    zoe29 New Member

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    Hi. I am trying to find a new home for my male mal. He is 16 mth old and loves females he likes males but can be dominant with them. He is a lovely boy who needs space to run around and a garden unfortunatly i lost my buisness and home and now live in a caravan and its just not big enough for him. I live in kent if any one would like to giv my gorgeous mal a lovely home. X

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  12. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    What a handsome lad, i hope he finds his forever home x

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