Chinese Crested itchy and doing belly rubs Questions

Discussion in 'Chinese Crested' started by Dildonia, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    ,Did she actually state that you would get the papers’ was you aware before you took the dog home that she wasn’t going to give you them.
    I assume by wavering the fee you didn’t pay for the dog, (how strange),its also possible she may have lied about AKC registration. Or dosent want the dog to be shown or used at stud hence with-holding papers. If there is no contract or written agreement then I doubt you have a leg to stand on.
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  3. Malka

    Malka Member

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    One question. Was he microchipped when she gave him to you?

    If he was, in whose name?

    If he was not, why not.

    Something just does not seem right to me. She gives away a dog - does not sell but gives him away for free - a dog supposedly the offspring of two champions.

  4. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    She gave me a copy of the paperwork with some of the number blacked out. His number was easy to find. I thought I would get the papers once she saw he had a permanent home, but it did not turn out that way because she did not contact me to see how he was doing. What I thought was strange[besides a free dog] was hugging and kissing a complete stranger. I was bewildered...I knew at that moment the dog had issues..possible big ones! The treat aggression is horrible! The fears are baby steps. He has been here 6 months and will follow me almost everywhere. He doesn't like men, he's a ladies man. I have no interest in breeding him. I just wanted the plaque and a few other thing from akc site for bragging rights. My boyfriend wants to do a DNA to see if he's the dog she claims he is[akc registered]. I'm dragging my feet about it...maybe he's right.
  5. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    No not microchipped. He has LOTS of issues!! I[we] are working through them. He gets stiff when I get near a treat. ? I call him "mommie's little butthead" and go sit down and he joins me and we talk about how his snacks are his and no one will take them. About a month ago he tried to bite my nose when I gave him a snack...that is the only time his snack was taken.. I do not reward bad behavior Oswald. Now he just gets stiff instead of anything more. My boyfriend was to do the akc dna to see....I thought I would get the papers once she saw he was happy in a permanent home. that didn't happen. I got a copy with numbers blacked out. the paper says silver with white markings...He is a gray and white dog with a little black. I guess it's time to quit dragging my feet and do the dna he wants.
  6. Malka

    Malka Member

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    Cheryl - those DNA tests are not 100% accurate and no way can they prove that Oswald is actually the dog the "breeder" [or whatever she said she was] said he was.

    If Oswald was my dog and I was happy with him just being my pet, I would forget all that she said, not wast my money on DNA testing - just accept him as he is.

    In all reality, what good would it do you to have papers?

    And if he is a pet, why would you want papers and a plaque [? never heard of a plaque acknowledging a dog as registered with any Kennel Club in any part of the world] - and why feel the need to brag? He is your pet - enjoy him as such and for what he is now, not what he was supposed to be.
  7. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    I agree with Malka !
    As money didn’t change hands and presumably you have no receipt is it really worth going down the DNA route,(which as previously stated are not that reliable)
    You have your dog now, you love and care for him and that's all that matters’ you got him for free is the papers really that important.
  8. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    At the akc site you can buy plaques and different things. I would like to have the plaque hanging on my wall[like a proud parent]. I want his papers it's only right. I do enjoy him as a pet. I wish he would play but.... Lots of people have akc registered pets that are not bred or shown and those people are entitled to their paperwork. I do not understand why Oz isn't worth fighting for,? when I believe he is worth fighting for. I apologize... I won't bring up the papers anymore. If I'm not good enough to be entitled to the papers then why am I good enough to care for the dog?!
  9. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    I printed everything! Craigslist ad, every email...everything!! If dna is so unreliable when registered dogs are in kennels how do they tell what sire impregnanted what dam? If I am such a degenerate I cannot be trusted with paperwork why was the dog given to me and not checked on...I don't do social media I don't have friends[Oswald] I apologize I did not mean to offend so many people here. I was only looking for advice.
  10. GsdSlave

    GsdSlave Member

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    You haven’t offended anyone, and it certainly wasn’t my intention to offend you, just not sure why your so obsessed with getting his papers, if hes only a pet, but that’s entirely your prerogative.
    . DNA Proof of Parentage testing is to provide certification between a pup, dam, and sire for that you would need DNA from both sire & dam.
    DNA tests to determine breed of dog depends on the number of breeds available on the database for comparison which makes them unreliable.
  11. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    I guess I'm looking at it wrong... I do not drive[never]. I have a state ID paperwork if you will no one hangs on to my paperwork but me. When I got divorced my ex didn't hang on to my paperwork it went with me. Does this mean she can use Oswald's paperwork for another silver and white dog since dna is inaccurate? If she would've asked me to sign an agreement stating no breeding as long as I got a copy, no problem. It's his papers and he should have them not someone else. I won't talk about the papers anymore it's too upsetting. I didn't know someone else is supposed to hang on to your paperwork.
  12. Dildonia

    Dildonia New Member

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    I noticed 2 pimples on the side of his pee-pee this morning. He was taken to Banfield animal hospital on 8/31/2014. My concern, my hands started itching badly when I would pet the dog.. white spots then little circles. The itch is terrible! the more you scratch the more it itches. I had a pimple on the side of my fingertip[Odd! I have never had a pimple on my fingertip before I just turned 50yrs] Banfield in Gainesville VA said it was a reaction to flea bites. SERIOUSLY!!?? I have more cats than dogs but have never reacted this way to flea bites before. Should I put lotrimin on the pimples the dog has? Can anyone recommend a vet who will listen and ignore my concerns? Also I am on disability so I have limited income.
  13. DoggieLover2

    DoggieLover2 New Member

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    I realize this is an older post, but I found this via google and I would like to touch on using Benadryl for dogs. One of my two boxers get very itchy, so I took her to the veterinarian and the doctor said to either give her a special medicine, which would cost a lot of money, or just give Benadryl. So I looked into it and according to this chart I give her the appropriate amount, and keep this chart printed on my refrigerator. It's could to have it ready because spring and summer are coming up, which means more allergies, itchiness and bee stings!
  14. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    This post is from 2014. Its not just an "older post".
  15. Jackie

    Jackie Member

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    i think you are getting a little over dramatic about the papers......unless the breeder said in her advert or to you at the time she would hand them over, then I suggest you forget bout them and get on enjoying your dog.

    After all, you got him for free (dont know what she would do that) but maybe she withheld papers because she does not want you to breed from her dog. I would be grateful that you have him and let the other go,

    It has nothing to do with you being good enough to have him but not good enough to have his papers.....

    CC can suffer skin problems, many of them do, and many of the owners I know spend a lifetime trying to find solutions on how to deal with it, although the PP usually is better, it could be down to food intolerance, or fleas, but if you have de-flead him then that should be that, you say he scrapes his bum along the floor, then he may need his anal glands looking at, sometimes they can redirect the itching to other parts of their body when they have blocked anal glands ..i.e chewing feet, or constant grooming themselves or rubbing themselves along the floor.

    He sounds like he is suffering from fear aggression and food guarding , you might need professional help to sort this,

    if hes been a kennel dog you dont know if he has had to fight for his food, hence the going stiff and biting at you when you are near his food. when you feed him feed him in a safe place and "leave him alone" do not go near him, he needs to learn he does not have to protect his food, once he gets that you can them make his feeding time rewarding for him, by throwing more food on the ground as he eats , some dogs just don`t like anyone around them while they eat , would you like it if someone kept standing over you when you ate your food , you would end up on edge.

    Same with the fear aggression do not put him in situations where he feels uncomfortable give him a nice safe place to retreat to , don`t force yourself on him, let him come to you, offer him some tasty treats, throw them on the floor, not up around your face, as this got you bitten.

    He sounds like he has not had much socialization and this breed can be iffy if they don`t get it , they can become nervous , and a nervous dog can do one of two things, fight or flight, if he cant flight he will fight.

    So I would for now change the what you keep him, a nice warn space to call his own, ( a little open cage with a blanket over the top ) to retreat to, feed his meals and treats and toys in there, allow him to chill on his own terms.

    Eventually he should get better once he feels safe , he may never like men, so you may have to just live with that, not let people just enforce themselves on him, always let him set the pace he is comfortable with.
  16. mjfromga

    mjfromga Member

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    Again. Necro thread from 2014. The OP is long gone.

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